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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Year of the Ox


Year of the Ox

Oxen are the hard workers in the background, intelligent and reliable, but never demanding praise.

Personality and Characteristics

Oxen are honest and earnest. They are low key and never look for praise or to be the center of attention. This often hides their talent, but they’ll gain recognition through their hard work.

They believe that everyone should do what’s asked for them and stay within their bounds. Though they are kind, it’s difficult for them to understand persuasion using pathos. Rarely losing your temper, they think logically and make great leaders.

Men born in the Ox year are reliable and trustworthy. They put their entire heart into everything they do. They feel great responsibility towards their family as well. However, due to their confidence (almost arrogance), they don’t allow anyone to go against their rules. They hold your children to high expectations, even though it might be unrealistic.

Women born in the Ox year are calm and gentle. They will never surrender to fate and rarely think of choosing an alternative. This no doubt leads to a life of struggles. But no matter what, they will walk down the road they choose until the end. Despite this stubbornness, they think and react quickly.


Most compatible with Ox: RatSnakeRooster

Rat’s fixed Earthly Branch is water, while Ox is earth. They have complementing personalities and hold the same goals in life.

Snake and Rooster fit Ox nicely as well. Not only will Snakes give warmth and romance, they offer help and support in work too. Honest and loyal, they can also be attracted to the Rooster’s soft and loving heart.

Least compatible with Ox: Goat, Horse, Dog

The Earthly Branches of Goat and Ox clash strongly. They can tolerate each other’s differences, but there will always be tension.

Horses have a free and wild spirit, and may not have a serious attitude toward life. This is the opposite of an Ox’s personality. With Dogs, it’s hard to find common ground.

Lucky things for Oxen

  • Colors: blue, yellow, green
  • Numbers: 1, 4
  • Flowers: lily of the valley and lucky bamboo
  • Directions of auspiciousness: East, Southeast
  • Directions of wealth: Northwest
  • Directions of love: South

Unlucky things

  • Colors: red, brown
  • Numbers: 3, 6

Careers Fit for Oxen

Oxen often group family and work together. They look for long-term and steady work. Because of this, they are studious in school and perform well in every subject. This helps build a strong support for any future career path.

Because of their low-key personality, a stable job is the best for Oxen. Their strong sense of responsibility also makes them the perfect candidate for professional and stressful jobs. These include doctors, lawyers, businessmen and teachers. With their technical skills and effort, they can receive society’s recognition and reach their own standards.

No matter what career they choose, it must something they are really interested in. Though they may be okay with any job that fits their skills, they should take the time to find something they love. Only in a stable environment that matches their passions, are they able to find their true calling.

Health and Lifestyle

Like the wild oxen that run freely in the fields, people of the Ox year are healthy and fit. Hospital visits are rare, but this sometimes leads to overconfidence. Neglect during youth will result in problems in the later years.

As workaholics, Oxen will sometimes go days with minimal food and rest, then binge on both. Irregular diets will lead to indigestion and problems with the digestive system. Irregular exercise is what causes you to fall ill with “random” ailments.

Once they reach the middle ages, there is high risk of heart disease. Strokes are another risk. In addition, they commonly suffer from joint pain.

Most of these issues stem from irregular exercise. For a healthy life, they need to remember to take breaks from work, stretch and relax.

Year of the Rat


Year of the Rat

The Rat is the first of all zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. The Rat tricked the Ox into giving him a ride. Then, just as they arrived at the finish line, Rat jumped down and landed ahead of Ox, becoming first.

Rats are clever, quick thinkers; successful, but content with living a quiet and peaceful life.

Personality and Characteristics

Optimistic and energetic, people born in the Rat year are likable by all. They are sensitive to other’s emotions but are stubborn with your opinion. Their personality is kind, but due to weak communication skills, their words may seem impolite and rude.

On the financial side, they like saving and can be stingy. However, their love for hoarding will sometimes cause them to waste money on unnecessary things.

Men born in the Rat year are clever and adapt quickly to new environments. They are creative great at taking advantage of opportunities. However, they sometimes lack the courage to do so. Although they have great ideas, they might not be suitable for leadership positions.

Women born in the Rat year are the traditional women. They love keeping things organized and place great value on the family. Everything is taken care of by them and there is no need for their husband to worry. Outside of home, they’re also someone with a sense of responsibility and ability.


Most compatible with Rat: Ox, Dragon, Monkey

Rat’s fixed Earthly Branch is water, while Ox is earth. They complement and help one another in both work and life.

Couples that are formed from Rat and Dragon will be able to understand each other well, and enjoy success together.

Similar to Dragons, Monkeys get along great with Rats, and tend to live happily ever after like a fairytale.

Least compatible with Rat: Horse, Goat and Rabbit

The Earthly Branches of Rat and Horse clash strongly. No matter what a Rat does, it won’t be enough for the Horse.

Goats are attracted to Rat’s wealth and hope to control it, making it a rocky relationship.

The Rabbit will either purposely or unintentionally go against the Rat’s wishes, while the Rat can only keep silent.

Lucky things for Rats

  • Colors: blue, gold, green
  • Numbers: 2, 3
  • Flowers: lily, African violet, valley lily
  • Directions of auspiciousness: southeast, northeast
  • Directions of wealth: southeast, east
  • Directions of love: west

Unlucky things

  • Colors: yellow, brown
  • Numbers: 5, 9

Careers Fit for Rats

Because of their independence and imagination, they are suitable for creative jobs. These include authors, editors and artists. However, if they join a team, their creative outlet may be blocked.

Rats also pay attention to fine detail. They are fit for technical work, such as engineering and architecture.

They are alert, but have a lack of courage. This makes them unsuitable as police officers, entrepreneurs or other leadership and political positions. Although Rats make good financial decisions, they should be careful not to invest with a close friend. It will not only cause money problems, but also affect the friendship.

Health and Lifestyle

Since childhood, Rats have frail health. They have energetic personalities, but tire quickly. They catch colds often, but thankfully do not have serious illnesses.

They are sensitive to change in temperature. Not only is cold weather unbearable for them, they also can’t stand hot weather. But despite seeming weak and not being able to perform hard physical work, they enjoy longevity.

Rats can eat anything, whether they are delicacies or plain food. However, they should pay attention to their diet. Many times, they will get too into work and forget to eat. Going long periods without food and suddenly bingeing cause problems in their digestive system. Enemies of their health also include smoking and drinking habits.

For a healthy life, Rats must remember to eat breakfast, do moderate exercise and remain cheerful.

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility


Chinese Zodiac Compatibility

This compatibility is sometimes taken quite seriously in Chinese culture, more so than in western astrology. For example, when considering marriage, many Chinese people will still give consideration to how compatible their zodiac animal is with their partner’s.

How Does Zodiac Compatibility Work?

As you can see from the chart above, there are various degrees of compatibility between the zodiac animals. These are determined through several groupings known as the Three Harmonies, Six Harmonies, Six Conflicts, and Six Damages.

Three Harmonies: Best Matches

The 12 zodiac animals can be divided into four groups of three that get along especially well—the Three Harmonies. The three signs in each group make the best romantic matches, as they tend to think similarly and value the same things in life. They also bring luck to each other with plenty of mutual understanding. As colleagues and friends, they will work well together to reach the best outcome.

The Three Harmonies consists of four groups of three zodiac signs, with each sign spaced four years apart:

  • Rat, Dragon and Monkey

  • Ox, Snake and Rooster

  • Tiger, Horse and Dog

  • Rabbit, Goat and Pig

Six Harmonies: Most Supportive Matches

Unlike the Three Harmonies who are more outrightly compatible, these are six pairs of zodiac animals who can be mutually supportive. They tend to lend a helping hand at pivotal moments in each other’s life and make the best parents, colleagues and friends. The Six Harmonies pairs are

  • Rat and Ox

  • Tiger and Pig

  • Rabbit and Dog

  • Dragon and Rooster

  • Snake and Monkey

  • Horse and Goat

Six Conflicts: Opposites Attract

These are six pairings, just like the Six Harmonies. But these pairs have opposite personalities and tend to view the world in opposing ways. Precisely because of this, however, these pairs can share strong attractions and find the other person very intriguing from the start. Even so, with such different views on life, they may come together in a passionate relationship for a while before ultimately separating. The Six Conflict’s pairs are spaced six years apart, and include:

  • Rat and Horse

  • Ox and Goat

  • Tiger and Monkey

  • Rabbit and Rooster

  • Dragon and Dog

  • Snake and Pig

Six Damages: Worst Matches

The Six Damages take the Six Conflicts one step further. These pairs are so different that they are unlikely to ever see eye to eye. If they somehow end up in a marriage or important partnership, these pairs will be prone to catastrophic fights and damage their partner’s luck. The Six Damages are:

  • Rat and Goat

  • Ox and Horse

  • Tiger and Snake

  • Rabbit and Dragon

  • Monkey and Pig

  • Rooster and Dog

Compatibility Beyond Chinese Zodiac Signs

Zodiac signs are just one facet of compatibility in Chinese zodiacs, which can almost be considered an entire discipline. This is because, aside from calculating compatibility based on zodiac animals, you must also think about other factors, including the Five Elements Theory. As shown on the chart below, each zodiac animal belongs to one of the five elements, which will make them either “generating” or “overcoming” together.

Chinese Zodiac Sign: पशु चिह्नों पर आधारित है चीनी ज्योतिष, जानें चीनी राशि के आधार पर अपना व्यक्तित्व


Chinese Zodiac Sign: पशु चिह्नों पर आधारित है चीनी ज्योतिष, जानें चीनी राशि के आधार पर अपना व्यक्तित्व

जिस प्रकार भारतीय ज्योतिष शास्त्र में 12राशियों के आधार पर राशिफल की गणना की जाती हैठीक उसी प्रकार चीन के ज्योतिष शास्त्र में भी 12 राशियां होती हैं जो आकाश, पृथ्वी और जल तीनों के सामंजस्य के सिद्धांत पर आधारित हैं। चीन ज्योतिषशास्त्र की राशियां पशु चिह्नों पर आधारित हैं। ये पशु चिह्न चूहा, बैल, बाघ, खरगोश, ड्रेगन, सांप, घोड़ा, बकरी, बंदर, मुर्गा, कुत्ता और सुअर हैं।  इतना ही नहीं प्रत्येक साल का प्रतिनिधित्व एक पशु द्वारा किया जाता है।  उस वर्ष में जन्मे लोगों की राशि संबंधित पशु चिह्न होती है।  आइए जानते हैं की चीनी राशिफल के आधार पर आपकी कौन सी राशि है और इसके आधार पर आपका व्यक्तित्व कैसा है। 

ऐसे लोग जिनका जन्म साल 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 में हुआ है, उनकी राशि चूहा है। इस राशि के लोग बेहद बुद्धिमान, चालाक और कल्पनाशील होते हैं।  हालांकि ये लोग एक जगह टिककर बैठ नहीं पाते और कुछ न कुछ नया, बेहतर करने के बारे में सोचते रहते हैं।  इनकी बैल, बंदर और ड्रैगन राशि वाले लोगों के साथ अच्छी बनती है।  

चीनी ज्योतिष के मुताबिक जो लोग 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 में जन्मे हैं, उनकी राशि सुअर है।  इस राशि के लोग खुश मिजाज और जिंदादिल होते हैं।  वे भविष्य के बारे में सोचने की बजाय वर्तमान में जीते हैं और हमेशा दूसरों की भलाई के लिए काम करते हैं।  

चीन के ज्योतिष के अनुसार 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 और 2012 में पैदा हुए लोगों की राशि ड्रेगन है।  इसे सबसे शुभ राशि माना जाता है। ऐसे लोग बेहद चालाक, अपने लक्ष्य के लिए समर्पित होते हैं।  वे हमेशा अपने काम से काम रखते हैं और पूरा फोकस अपने सफल होने पर रखते हैं और जल्दी सफल भी हो जाते हैं।  

ऐसे लोग जो 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 और 2016 में पैदा हुए हैं, उनका पशु चिह्न बंदर है. ये लोग बेहद शरारती, मजाकिया और उत्साह पूर्वक जिंदगी जीने वाले होते हैं।  हालांकि ये लोग काफी चालाक भी होते हैं और किसी से भी अपना काम निकलवा लेते हैं।  

जो लोग 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 या 2017 में जन्मे हैं उनकी राशि मुर्गा है। ये लोग बहुत मेहनती, बहादुर और शांत स्वभाव के होते हैं।  ये लोग हमेशा अपने परिवार का बहुत ध्यान रखते हैं।  

ऐसे लोग जो 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 में पैदा हुए हैं वे बकरी राशि वाले हैं। ऐसे लोग हमेशा समूह में रहना पसंद करते हैं। इनके अंदर नेतृत्व गुण नहीं होता। हालांकि ये मेहनत करने और अच्छा नतीजा देने में माहिर होते हैं। 

जो लोग 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 में पैदा हुए हैं, उनकी राशि सांप है।  ये लोग होशियार और हुनरमंद होते हैं। हालांकि ये समय आने पर ही अपनी प्रतिभा दिखाते हैं। लेकिन इनके लालची और ईर्ष्यालु स्वभाव के कारण इनसे बचकर ही रहना चाहिए।  

 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, और अब जो लोगे 2022 में जन्मे हैं उनकी राशि बाघ है।  यह बेहद भाग्यशाली होते हैं। और अपने नाम के अनुरूप ही ये साहसी और निडर होते हैं।  लेकिन कई बार अहंकार के कारण अपना नुकसान करा बैठते हैं। 

श्वान (कुत्ता) 
1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 के लोग श्वान राशि के होते हैं।  ऐसे लोग वफादार और सेवाभाव रखने वाले होते हैं।  ये अपने दोस्तों और परिजनों के साथ खुशनुमा जिंदगी बिताते हैं।  

1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 और 2021 में पैदा हुए लोगों की राशि बैल है।  ये लोग अपने राशि चिह्न बैल की तरह मेहनती, सीधे और हमेशा एक ही रास्ते पर चलने वाले होते हैं।  

1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 और 2011 में जन्मे लोगों की राशि खरगोश है।  ये लोग बेहद खूबसूरत, चंचल और आकर्षक होते हैं।  इनकी विनम्रता इनकी पर्सनालिटी में चार चांद लगा देती है। 

1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 और 2014 में जन्मे लोगों की राशि घोड़ा होती है।  ऐसे लोग बहुत मेहनती, हुनरमंद, ऊर्जा से भरे हुए और उदार स्वभाव के होते हैं। 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Hand made Kundali


Hand made Kundali

Handmade Horoscope-Kundli

Delivery Time – 31 Days
Express – Astro Consultation is also included along with this Handmade Horoscope
Prepared By: Jyotishgher You Tube Astrologer.


Handmade Horoscope-Kundli: In ancient time handwritten or manually calculated horoscope was in practice which was considered to be very authentic and accurate since the prediction was very specific as regards to a particular case. At present, with the invention of computers and well-developed software through the horoscope are very easily available, the predictions given are generalized, not very specific as compared to the manually created once.

Our Organization is the only and best known renowned organization who provides Handmade Kundli-Horoscope. This horoscope is well-known throughout the world such as, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Nepal, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, etc.

हस्तनिर्मित कुंडली 


Kundli, or Janam patri plays a vital role in an individual’s life. If prepared by someone professional, it can predict your traits and future with great accuracy. There are umpteen benefits, which a Kundli can provide to an individual. Few are:

  • With precise birth location, date and time of birth, you can get to know about your future.
  • Your Kundli can help you with detail information about your personal traits, career, relationships, finances and other aspects of life.
  • There are many people who take help of a Kundli to find a perfect soul-mate.
  • You can predict your lucky color, lucky gemstone and lucky number with your Kundli.
  • You can get information about your future, and remedies and solutions to decrease the intensity of problems.
  • Your Kundli can provide you information about your favourable and unfavourable time frames of life.
  • Your Kundli provides you information about your weaknesses and strengths, thereby giving you a chance to become a better person.
  • It can warn you about the adversities and diseases that are due in your future.

So, if you are looking forward to get an insight of your future, contact us. Our team of esteemed astrologers will study and analyze your Kundli with Vedic astrology methods.


 Horoscope is an interpretation of lifeline of an individual.

Our service:

  • Once we get the details like DOB, time and place of the baby our team of experts will prepare kundali making.
  • It will be hand made Kundali not from any Kundali software which never tells accurate predictions. 
  • Please mention complete address so that it can be reached the destination. 

What we cover in this Handmade Horoscope:

Life Horoscope includes interpretation of period, sub-period and sub-sub-period of Vimshotri. It covers all the interpretations along with remedies at length. This horoscope is in the form of a booklet consisting of 10+ which cover the calculation of stars and readings in around 6 pages along with solutions. pages in only two languages Hindi or English

What does  kundali will have?

Jyotishgher  is Pioneer and Popular in Vedic Astrology & Vastu. It is recognized institution for rendering quality services in the field of astrology and Vedic sciences.

  • Birth Charts
  • Strengths of Planets In Horoscope
  • Personality Analysis
  • Physique & Health
  • Family & Finance
  • Education & Property
  • Love Life
  • Marriage Life
  • Profession & Career
  • Friendship
  • Favorable Points
  • Favorable Gems
  • Astrological Remedies
  • 10 Years Prediction & Lots More..

Monday, July 4, 2022



Planet which is responsible for past life is Ketu. So any planet in your chart if overlap ketu in another person chart than it indicates past life connection. now what do i mean by this?

Lets say if in your chart moon is in cancer, so look at the chart of the other person whose chart you are concerned about and see if ketu is siting in the sign of cancer in his/her chart also. Then yes we can say that this ketu is overlaping your moon. or vice versa.

if this connection is also showing in the navmansha chart then it is confirmed. now what different types of past life connection may be there which is continuing in this life.

if someone’s moon overlap to another person’s ketu: moon is emotions, if this synastry is there then we can say that the person have past life emotional connection with you which is continuing in this life. and due to that you both are connected in this lifetime also. it can be any kind of emotional bond that you are sharing in this life.

mars overlap ketu: some past life fight or passion you share with that person due to which you both are connected. it may be the case that the person may be your sibling in your past life. and due to certain pending karma you both are sharing this bond in this life.

venus overlap ketu: this is soulmate connection or say past life love connection. you will feel instant connection with this person. due to some reason you are continuing your love in this life also.

jupiter overlap ketu: the person may be your guru from the past life or you are a guru or a guiding angel in his/ her life in your past lives.

saturn overlap ketu: some heavy pending karmas are there between you too. it can be some past life setbacks or loans, pain etc you are sharing with this person. but it is not a good overlap.

mercury overlap ketu: this person may be your child or vice versa or he / she may be sharing some intellectual or friendly journey with you which is continuing in this life.

sun overlap ketu: sun is soul , it is showing may be this person is your father in the past life or have some soul lesson are attached to this person. your souls are connected in this journey of life. its a good connection.

Illusion that someone is connected to you from the past:

Rahu is the main reason for illusion..

If someone Rahu is overlapped by other person moon: the person with moon will be greatly affected by this overlap. Rahu is illusion or say a snake which will bite and spread the poison of illusion in the mind of person whose moon is overlapped by the Rahu of this person. He/ she will not get rid of the thoughts of the person, the person will feel that there is some connection i share with this person but that’s not true. its just an illusion nothing more than that.

If someone Venus overlap other person Rahu: Instanct attraction, physically , mentally and sexually. this combination consider good in case of partnership. as it gives a great attraction towards each other. people will think that ohh! he/ she is my soul mate. but that’s not true its a type of attraction that two people are sharing.

now last point to add is, not every chart you encounter with this overlap is approving that someone have this connection. if the person is very close to you and he/she have this overlapping then we can see by this methods that what can be the possible reason for that.

whenever we come across people synastry works, and planets of other people will affect us in some way. It can be positive or negative, but one thing is fixed that the other person have some influence on you. That’s why you feel different in the company of various people. In some other answer i will cover the topic how and what type of influence we feel in company of different people depending on the planetary positions.