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Showing posts with label twin flame journey. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The twin flame journey: Stages, signs, and how to find your twin flame

The twin flame journey: Stages, signs, and how to find your twin flame

Well, to put it in a nutshell, the twin flame journey is a spiritual path in which you will start to discover your perfect counterpart, the one person who embodies all of your depths.
When this spiritual meeting occurs, it ignites a deep desire that gets you moving.
This post will explore the stages and signs that you may be catching on, with pointers on how to find your twin flame. So, let’s get this love train running!

The twin flame journey is a beautiful and magical experience, but it can also be difficult and challenging, especially in the early stages.
In fact, you might have noticed that your possible twin flame is becoming a major part of your life. Or, you may have felt the pull of your twin flame but weren’t able to connect into their vibrational frequency.
And even though the twin flame journey is different for everyone, there are a few stages that everyone seems to have in common.

This is the first stage, and it can last for a very long time, depending on your own personal situation. The longing in your life can feel like a void and you’ll be tempted to fill that void with all kinds of junk (insert your poison of choice).
The waiting process can be incredibly frustrating, so it’s important that you don’t go straight into the next steps.
During this phase, you may feel as if something is missing from your life, but you won’t know what. It’s a time of preparation and longing, where you may be on your couch eating leftovers alone, suffering through emotional pain and confusion.
As the stages progress, this longing will turn into something a little more beautiful. And you’ll begin to learn. Hang in there, champ!
Now, when you’re spending most of your time alone – waiting for someone who just doesn’t show up – this can become quite tiring.
You may have found yourself staring at the wall for hours. You may even begin to doubt the existence of twin flames and whether this is even real.
This will confuse you and make you frustrated, but this feeling will slowly start to shift as you open the gates in your mind. Simply allow the troublesome doubt to go on a little vacation.
After some time, the restless waiting will fill up with a new sense of optimism and happiness.
This stage doesn’t occur before the previous one is completed, so if you find yourself there, then you’re heading in the right direction. You may also experience a new energy flooding your body.
There is a way to use this energy wisely. I want to suggest that you hang on for just a moment here.
When you finally start to understand how important this stage is, you will look back and realize how long it took for you to really grasp what was happening – at least, on a conscious level.
If you decide to look for help during this stage of your twin flame journey, you may sooner feel as if something has shifted and that your heart feels more open to love.
This is THE moment that you’ve been waiting for, and I mean, this is the moment where you’ll finally meet your twin flame.
This stage begins once you feel an energy shift within yourself or around another person when they are nearby or close to you.
At this time, you may first feel that there is a connection to the other person, or that they are familiar somehow, whether it’s a physical resemblance, some kind of spiritual likeness, or simply an inexplicable energy.
When you have this first initial connection, it’s important to understand that the other person may not feel anything.
This stage can last for days to weeks, but then suddenly and inexplicably things will start to change.
You might start to feel confused about what’s happening because you aren’t sure if you like the person or not.
Here’s why: when the twin flame journey begins, there is often an initial attraction that feels good, but we aren’t sure if it’s just lust or something deeper.
Then we start to unconsciously push the other person away without knowing why.
You will feel like there was something about that person you just weren’t feeling before. However, there could be a lot of reasons for that, such as:
1) fear of intimacy,
2) the fact that the person was unavailable before.
3) you just weren’t ready or comfortable with opening up your heart.
This stage happens when you come into contact with the twin flame again or are in their presence.
This attraction is something different than what it was in the past and it’s more powerful.
Every time you feel this energy, you’ll want to be around them more and more.
The energy in your body will start to really become alive and you’ll feel more joy and happiness. This is a type of attraction that people often confuse with lust.
However, you’re seeing this person in a more realistic way now and you’re beginning to learn to trust them.
You have noticed a shift within yourself, which means that your life is changing in an amazing way!
It’s a big change, and it’s important that you remember that this is still a journey.
During this phase, you may become so enamored with someone that your whole life revolves around them.
You’ll be so in love that you would do anything for them, and you might even feel that they can read your mind and know exactly what you need.
It’s a type of connection that is very powerful, so sometimes you’ll find yourself making excuses to be near that person, and you could develop an inexplicably strong longing to be near them.
You will feel such a strong attraction that you may feel as if there is no one else in the world that could make you feel like this.
While in this stage, you’ll probably make a conscious effort to keep in contact with one another and express your true feelings to each other.
By now, it could be very difficult to deny that you feel something so strong towards this person. You may know them for years before the initial attraction manifests itself and this is totally fine!
  • You’ll begin to share your thoughts and feelings easily and you will feel a deep truth, trust, and security with this person.
  • The passion you feel is something that can be hard to describe, and you could even find yourself feeling highly protective of that person.
It’s important at this point to be aware of how strongly you might feel things for the other person because it can change very suddenly.
This is where the twin flame journey sometimes starts to get emotionally intense!
Even though you are both feeling deeply in love, it’s very common that you will still have a difficult time ironing out all your differences.
During this time, you can find yourself being very hurt, but also very unkind towards the other person. You may feel confused or angry with them because something doesn’t seem right.
The only thing to do during this crisis stage is to be compassionate and kind towards each other. This stage can last for days and even weeks if it’s not resolved soon enough.
You’ll still feel drawn towards them, but something might start to hold you back.
This is the most intense stage because you’re both feeling so strongly about your own opinions and also about each other.
You might feel as if you are either being chased or running away, and it’s very possible that you won’t know why this person has become so important to you.
There will be a strong pull to be close to one another, but there will also be an equally strong push from your own inner voice saying “Wait! Wait! Wait!”
Now it’s important to remember that your guides and higher self are a part of this journey, so it’s vital that you work together as a team in order to be successful.
You will also feel closer to your guides at this time.
It’s very important that you open up to your guides now because you could be going through the next stage, which is the most powerful one of all!
This is a very powerful stage because it will feel like everything in life has come together for you at once.
You won’t need any more guidance or help from anyone else because everything is literally falling into place for you.
You may feel as if you are walking on air.
It’s a time when you will be able to see where those negative feelings come from, and you will begin to see yourself for who you really are. It takes a lot of courage to let this happen but once it does, you will have the strength and power to move on.
You will find that you no longer need to be afraid of being yourself. You will let go of those ego restrictions and embrace the true potential in your souls.
In doing so, you’ll also begin to understand a lot more about each other. You’ll both be allowing yourselves to be vulnerable in front of your partner, which is why it’s so important not to allow fear and doubt to get the best of you.
This can be difficult because you will likely be going through a lot of hard lessons as well.
It’s also very important that you don’t get stuck in this stage.
The inner work you are doing is how you will regain your strength and find that sense of trust in each other that you have always wanted. Once it all settles down, you will be able to see each other as whole and complete individuals.
Your life will change completely, and you’ll finally realize what you’ve both been looking for all along.
In a sense, you will have come home to yourself.
This is the point that you’ll reach only when you have learned to let go of your fears and become open to accepting what’s happening.
Your life will feel much less complicated now and you’ll probably be a little more relaxed at this point.
You might be able to see that there is a deeper spiritual meaning behind this whole experience, and this may come as a surprise to you.