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vastu doshas

vastu doshas

effects of vastu doshas on health

  • If you have a restroom or septic tank, kitchen, heavy construction or a big tree in the North East zone, the eldest son of the family is likely to suffer from various health issues. He may also suffer from TB or cancer.
  • Vastu dosha in the South East zone could lead to people suffering from kidney diseases.
  • Females may suffer from various diseases if there is a basement, water tank, main door or low height construction in the South zone.
  • Vastu dosha in the North West zone can lead to various infectious diseases and seasonal change illnesses for the family members of a house.
  • If there is some vastu dosha in the South West zone of the house, the owner may be prone to heart attack. Similarly, if the North East and South West zones have vastu dosha, it may lead to paralytic attacks or brain hemorrhage. The children of the house may also fall sick and pregnant ladies may even lose their child.
  • Never sleep facing the North direction because this may lead to digestion issues and headache, mental sickness, uneasiness and even heart problems.
  • People sleeping in the North West zone may be prone to mental illness rather than physical sickness. If the vastu for these individual’s room is not corrected on time, they will end up being dependant on medicines, become short-tempered and experience stressful situations.

vastu remedies to get rid of debts

  • The person under dept should always sleep in a room in the South West direction.
  • Always keep all the money, jewelry and expensive items in the South West zone of the bedroom in a cupboard which is facing in the north or east direction. This helps growth in income and there will be less difficulty in the life of the debtor.
  • Ensure that there are no doors or windows in the North West or South West direction of the bedroom. If there are any windows or a gate in that direction, keep it closed.
  • Inflow of money is always directed towards the North direction of the house. Hence you can always get an underground water tank in this direction and get your debt paid.
  • To avoid getting into a situation in which you need to sell your house to clear the debt, construct the South West zone higher or create an iron angle/brick construction in that area. This will help you secure the house from debt.
  • Never keep heavy objects North or East direction of the house. This may lead to debt or some kind of loss. If the North direction of the house has high boundary walls, reduce their height and make the walls in the South zone a bit higher, with an inclination towards the North, East or North East zone.

where not to place toilets

1.North: Being the zone of career, if we have a toilet here, we often find sluggishness in career prospects, career growth and obstruction in wealth.  There are always obstacles that keep coming in our professional lives.

2. South: A toilet here prevents us from moving forward and despite the efforts and hard work we put in, into our work, we always find appreciation lacking.

3. East: A toilet here always acts as an obstacle in the way of growth and prosperity. It may even lead to poor health.

4. North East: A toilet here is a complete no-no. Not only does it impart bad health and causes a lot of health issues related to the head and the brain, it also causes unnecessary stress. The residents find it difficult to be peaceful in such a scenario.

5. South West: A toilet here often causes a rift between couples and family members and interferes with the relationships. It also leads to instability in life and residents may find support lacking.

6. South East: With a toilet being here, it brings bad health to the residents.

vastu tips for a healthy life

  • Never keep medicines on the side table in the bedroom. If keeping any kind of medicine near the bed is important at night, remove it in the morning. The medicines should always be kept in the Northern direction.
  • Do not keep a refrigerator, invertor, gas cylinder or a dustbin in your bedroom.
  • Keep the washroom and bathroom doors closed. Washrooms in the South and West directions should always have a door step.
  • Do not keep thorny plants or plants secreting fluids which may be poisonous. These plants may pose risk to your health.
  • Never keep any medicine in the kitchen. This may lead to negative health effects.
  • Ensure you sleep facing the South. This will keep your digestive system intact, eradicate headache issues and prevent infectious illness.
  • Pregnant ladies should sleep in the South West region of the house. This would keep the mother and child healthy. If no such room is available in the South West direction, the bed should be placed in this direction of the bedroom.
  • Open the windows and doors of the North and East directions in the morning. The morning sunshine would bring in loads of positivity and kill the germs entering the house.
  • Try not to open the West and South direction windows and doors, especially the ones in the South West direction. This will prevent unwanted expenses and keep you healthy.
  • Always have proper cleaning and ventilation in your place. The curtains, furniture and walls should be light coloured.

marital bliss 4 newly-wedded couple 

  • Having a room between the Northern direction and the North West corner will strengthen marital relations and the feeling being in love.
  • If the bedroom is in the South East, one of the partners is bound to turn angry, impatient and irritated for no reason.
  • Refrain from allotting them a room in the North West corner as it may lead to instability and allegations about character. The couple may not be able to take decisions on personal or professional issues. There’s also a chance that the bride may be unhappy with her marital home.
  • However, having the newly-weds’ bedroom in the Southern direction is considered to be lucky. This not only brings happiness in their life but also helps in an upward growth in finances and increased physical comforts.
  • The couple should always sleep with their heads pointing South. This will help them be healthy, positive and get sound sleep.
  • The martial bed (usually a double bed) should not have two different mattresses. Pillow covers and bed sheets in pink, red, yellow or white are preferable.
  • The South West corner of the room should be decorated with things such as flowers or posters which depict love and affection. A photograph of a parrot or crane is also considered lucky.
  • The couple’s photograph can be fixed on the West wall of South West corner. You can also decorate the room with images of dancers or Radha-Krishna, those iconic lovers. The wall in front of the bed should also have romantic elements.
  • The bed shouldn’t be close to the door. It leads to mental stress. Also, the couple should never sleep with their feet towards the door of the bedroom.
  • If the room has a mirror, make sure it is placed in the North or East, and that the couple don’t see themselves in it while sleeping as it may lead to bad dreams and an instability in their relationship.
  • No portion in the room should be pointed. Even sharp-edged furniture is avoidable as it may cause stress and discord.
  • It would be nice if the room gets a good dose of sunlight to promote good health.
  • When it comes to artificial illumination, it shouldn’t fall directly on the bed, but be directed from the back or the left. It is all right to have a tubelight in the South or West.
  • Never keep a bird caged in the bedroom, nor have a photograph of a caged bird. This may lead to negativity and loss of self-confidence.
  • If the house has more than two floors, house this particular bedroom on the top floor. Keep a small table to the right of the bed to accommodate water bottles, a glass of milk, etc but avoid keeping water at night or an image depicting flowing water.

constructing a house

. If you have already bought a plot for your new home and aren’t able to start the construction for any reason, get the central portion of the land cleaned and get a slope created towards the North or East direction.

2. While entering the plot, you should always enter from the direction where you will be constructing your main gate.

3. All the four directions for the plot should be 90 degrees to gain progress and prosperity. If any corner other than the North East is bigger than the normal corners, it is not considered good.

4. While the construction is on, never keep sand, bricks and other construction material in the North East direction. This might hamper the construction and create other problems.

5. Water is a symbol of money and prosperity. According to vastu, the place with water beneath it never runs out of money. Hence right after you decide the place, make sure to get a water tank established in the North or North East direction after the bhoomi-poojan is done.

6. While building the foundation of house, start from the North East, and gradually proceed to the South West. The pillars and walls should be first constructed in the West or South so that these directionsare always higher than the rest of the construction.

7. Ask your contractor to avoid keeping his construction tools in the North West. This may lead to misunderstandings and delay in work coupled with irregularities.

8. When the RCC or the ceiling is being constructed,ensure to get it constructed first in the South or West direction and lastly in the North West. This ensures that the work gets done smoothly within the allocatedbudget.

9. Once the construction is complete and you are moving ahead with sanitary and other implementations, you may keep this material in the room situated in the South West direction, and close that room with a temporary door, using it as a store room. This helps you in saving money.

10. Work related to POP, flooring and false ceiling work should always start from the South West direction. Make sure to have a store roomfacing the South West there irrespective of whether it is required or not. South West-facing construction ensures lesser chances of fights, quarrels, financial crisis, etc.

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