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Showing posts with label Government job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government job. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2023

किन लोगों को मिल सकती है सरकारी नौकरी


किन लोगों को मिल सकती है सरकारी नौकरी? जान सकते हैं जन्म कुंडली के इन योगों से

आज के दौर में हर व्यक्ति नौकरी की तलाश में रहता है ताकि उसके जीवन में किसी प्रकार की परेशानी न हो। इनमें से अधिकांश लोग चाहते हैं कि उन्हें सरकारी नौकरी मिले। इसके लिए वे तैयारी भी करते हैं, लेकिन बहुत कम लोगों का ये सपना पूरा हो पाता है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार, कुंडली में ग्रह-नक्षत्र की कुछ विशेष परिस्थितियां सरकारी नौकरी के योग का निर्माण करती हैं।

आज के दौर में हर व्यक्ति नौकरी की तलाश में रहता है ताकि उसके जीवन में किसी प्रकार की परेशानी न हो। इनमें से अधिकांश लोग चाहते हैं कि उन्हें सरकारी नौकरी मिले। इसके लिए वे तैयारी भी करते हैं, लेकिन बहुत कम लोगों का ये सपना पूरा हो पाता है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार, कुंडली में ग्रह-नक्षत्र की कुछ विशेष परिस्थितियां सरकारी नौकरी के योग का निर्माण करती हैं। आगे जानिए जन्म कुंडली में कब बनते हैं सरकारी नौकरी के योग…

1. गुरु का प्रभाव यश एवं कीर्ति तथा शुभ कर्म करने वाले लोगों पर देखा जाता है। अधिकतर उच्च पदों पर कार्यरत लोगों की कुंडली में बुध आदित्य योग जरूर होता है।

2. जब किसी व्यक्ति की कुंडली में दशम स्थान में सूर्य, मंगल या गुरु की दृष्टि पड़ रही होती है तो सरकारी नौकरी का प्रबल योग बन जाता है।
3. अगर किसी का लग्न मेष, मिथुन, सिंह, वृश्चिक, वृष या तुला है तो सरकारी नौकरी के लिए अच्छा योग बनते हैं।
4. जब कुंडली में सूर्य, गुरु या चन्द्रमा एक साथ हो तो सरकारी नौकरी के लिए अच्छे योग बन जाते हैं।
5. जन्म कुंडली में लग्न का स्वामी बलवान होकर दशम भाव में बैठे या दशम भाव में सभी शुभ ग्रह हों और दशम भाव का स्वामी बली होकर अपनी या अपनी मित्र राशि में होकर केंद्र या त्रिकोण में हो तो व्यक्ति दीर्घायु होता है और उसका भाग्य राजा के समान होता है। ऐसा व्यक्ति प्रशासनिक सेवा में जाता है।

6. यदि जन्मकुंडली के लग्न व दशम भाव में सूर्य का प्रभुत्व हो तो व्यक्ति राजनेता या राजपत्रित अधिकारी और मंगल का प्रभुत्व हो तो व्यक्ति के पुलिस या सेना के उच्च पद पर आसीन होने के संकेत मिलते हैं।
7. हस्तरेखा विज्ञान के अनुसार, हाथ में सूर्य की दोहरी रेखा हो और बृहस्पति के पर्वत पर क्रास हो तो व्यक्ति को सरकारी नौकरी करने का अवसर मिलता है।

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Astrological Remedies for Getting a Job Based on Your Zodiac Sign


Astrological Remedies for Getting a Job Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Every zodiac sign has certain traits and characteristics that make them successful in their professional life. Read to know about the characteristics and astrological remedies or mantra for getting job for them. 

1. Aries

People born under this sign are ambitious, creative, enthusiastic and adventure-seeking. They are born leaders and are very active. They are never scared of taking risks and believe in chasing their dreams. 

Vedic remedies to get job immediately:

Face the west direction and recite the following mantras. It is advisable to recite these mantras in a temple or open corner of the house such as a terrace or balcony.

  • “Om Aing Kleeng Sauh”- Chant this mantra 108 times 
  • “Om Shri Shanaishcharaya Namah”
  • “Om Sarvabhishtapradayine Namah”
  • “Om Shantaya Namah”

Lucky Gemstone: Red Coral

2. Taurus

Taurus is a flexible, firm, and hard-working person. They are excellent earner and smart leaders. They possess reliable nature and have a strong sense of responsibility. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Face the west direction while reciting the following mantras.

  • “Om Shri Shanaishcharaya Namah”
  • “Om Sarvabhishtapradayine Namah”
  • “Om Shantaya Namah”
  • “Om Hreeng Kleeng Shreeng” (Chant 108 times)

Make sure you recite the above mantras in a Shiv temple or open places such as a terrace or balcony.

Lucky Gemstone: Diamond

3. Gemini

Gemini is blessed with high intellectual abilities. They are open-minded, social, creative and very career-oriented. They are great orators and have excellent communication skills. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Light Diya in front of the Lord and recite the following mantras while facing the east direction.

  • “Om Vishwasmai Namah”
  • “Om Vashtakaraya Namah”
  • “Om Vishnave Namah”
  • “Om Shreeng Aing Sauh” (Chant 108 times)

Make sure you recite the above mantras in a Shiv temple or open places such as a terrace or balcony.

Lucky Gemstone: Emerald

4. Cancer

Cancerians are creative and very good observers. They are intellectual natives who can read other people’s minds and use them for their benefit. Their determination towards work is exemplary and they keep their head over their heart. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Light Diya in front of the Lord and recite the following mantras while facing the east direction.

  • “Om Mahisutaya Namah ”
  • “Om Mahabhagaya Namah”
  • “Om Mangalaya Namah”
  • “Om Aing Kleeng Shreeng” (Chant 108 times)

The above mantras should be chanted daily for success and wealth.

Lucky Gemstone: Pearl

5. Leo

Leo natives are blessed with leadership skills, friendly nature and great performing abilities. They are full f enthusiasm and believe in putting their 100% effort into wherever they do. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Face the east direction and light up Diyas while chanting the following mantras. 

  • “Om Manadaya Namah”
  • “Om Aparvanaya Namah”
  • “Om Kruraya Namah”
  • “Om Hreeng Shreeng Sauh” (Chant 108 times)

While chanting the mantras keep your concentration on God and seek their blessings.

Lucky Gemstone: Ruby

6. Virgo

Virgos are highly intelligent. They are blessed with excellent analytical skills and usually show great clarity in matters. Virgo natives are multitasking and are very pragmatic. They are known as perfectionists in their work. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Light up Diyas in the temple and chant these mantras in front of your deity. 

  • “Om Shreeng Aing Sauh” (Chant 108 times)
  • “Om Vishwasmai Namah”
  • “Om Vishnave Namah”
  • “Om Vashtakaraya Namah”

Lucky Gemstone: Emerald

7. Libra

Natives born under Libra zodiac sign are very creative. They strive to create harmony and balance in everything they do. These people are peaceful and fun-loving in nature.

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Chant the following mantras in front of the Lord. Lighting up Diyas during the chant will enhance the benefits and will help you focus. 

  • “Om Shrimate Namah”
  • “Om Shashadharaya Namah”
  • “Om Chandraya Namah”
  • “Om Hreeng Kleeng Shreeng” (Chant 108 times)

Lucky Gemstone: Diamond

8. Scorpio

Scorpio is known for their determination and good concentration level. They are competitive in nature and chase their goals until they achieve success. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Recite the following mantras and meditate daily for removing obstacles and attaining success in your goals. 

  • “Om Karunarasasindhve Namah”
  • “Om Arunaya Namah”
  • “Om Sharanyaya Namah”
  • “Om Aing Kleeng Sauh” (Chant 108 times)

Make sure you recite the above mantras while facing the east direction. Lighting up Diyas while reciting mantras may prove beneficial. 

Lucky Gemstone: Red Coral

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are hardworking natives that always strive hard to reach higher. They are flexible in their approach and desires a job that could excite them and allow them to work freely. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Chanting mantras helps in increasing concentration and with the below mantras you may enhance your possibilities to crack interviews and get desired success in your career.

  • “Om Indraya Namah”
  • “Om Inaya Namah”
  • “Om Vishvarupaya Namah”
  • “ Om Hreeng Kleeng Sauh” (Chant 108 times)

Lucky Gemstone: Yellow Sapphire

10. Capricorn

Capricorn natives work hard for their goals. They believe in performing exceptionally well at work. These zodiac sign natives are very determined and inspire others to work hard at the workplace. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Recite and meditate on the following mantras for removing obstacles and achieving your targets. 

  • “Om Shuchaye Namah”
  • “Om Shubhagunaya Namah”
  • “Om Shukraya Namah”
  • “Om Aing Kleeng Hreeng Shreeng Sauh” (Chant 108 times)

Lucky Gemstone: Blue Sapphire

11. Aquarius

Aquarius natives possess high intellectual abilities. They are flexible in nature and have innovative approach towards things. These people are very ambitious and supportive. They desire knowledge and love independence and creative exposure. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Chanting below mantras are very beneficial for growth, success and career advancement. Recite them daily and make sure your enunciation is clear. 

  • “Om Vayuputraya Namah”
  • “Om Shripradaya Namah”
  • “Om Hanumate Namah”
  • “Om Hreeng Aing Kleeng Shreeng” (Chant 108 times)

Lucky Gemstone: Blue Sapphire

12. Pisces

Pisces natives are sensitive, gentle and affectionate. They are very creative, and imaginative in nature. These natives are blessed with good intuitive abilities which helps them in their career. 

Vedic remedies for getting a job:

Recite the following mantras while facing the east direction. You should chant these mantras in the peaceful place such as temple. 

  • “Om Goptre Namah”
  • “Om Gurave Namah”
  • “Om Gunakaraya Namah”
  • “Om Hreeng Kleeng Sauh” (Chant 108 times)

Lucky Gemstone: Yellow Sapphire

Friday, April 1, 2022

Astrological Remedies for Government Job | Astrological reasons for government job


Astrological Remedies for Government Job

Which planets specially prefers Government Jobs?

Only the Sun and Moon are the two planets that take the person especially towards government jobs. For this reason, it becomes important to see the position of the Sun in the horoscope. The maximum amount of government jobs is acquired only by the predominance of the planet Sun. However, even if the planet Sun is weak in Horoscope but the Moon is strong, the sum of government jobs forms. Along with this, sometimes even the strong position of Saturn can reflect the hope of government jobs.

Astrological Remedies to accomplish the dream of a government job

If you have a strong desire to get a government job, then do perform the following remedies regularly. Your efforts will not fail.

For Administrative Sector

If you want to go to the administrative area and get a government job there, then worship Lord Sun. Wake up every morning and offer Arghya to the Sun. After you have offered water to the Sun, then either stand or sit there for a while. Then, recite Hanuman Chalisa of Sankatmochan Hanuman. It will definitely grant benefits. Also, Ruby is the gemstone to please Lord Sun. After consulting an expert astrologer you can wear Ruby stone.

If you want a government job in the field of education, then take some water and add turmeric to it. Further, offer it to Lord Sun. After offering Arghya, chant 108 times with ॐAditya Namah Mantra. Doing this remedy regularly every morning will definitely benefit you.

If you want a government job related to finance or banking sector, then you have to mix roli in water and offer this water to Lord Sun every morning. After offering water, you should chant the Gayatri Mantra. By chanting it 108 times, the chances of getting a government job increases.

For Medical and Technical fields

People are competing for jobs in the medical and technical fields. Those who wish to get jobs by the government in these areas, besides their hard work they can ask for a little celestial support. You can simply offer water to the Sun every morning and pray earnestly to get their jobs or get government services.

If you do not divide the astrological remedies on the basis of regions, then there is a remedy, by which you can become an employee of the government service. For this, chant read Aditya Hridaya Stotra. Reading Aditya Hridaya Stotra is very auspicious. It provides job, happiness, desire, desire in every subject. There is a mention in the Valmiki Ramayana about the Aditya Hridaya Stotra, which was given by Rishi Agastya to Lord Rama’s victory over Ravana.

Another way to acquire a job in the government sector is to regularly offer jaggery to the temple of Lord Hanuman every Sunday. It provides government service in any area.

So, these were some easy Astrological Remedies for Government Job.


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Monday, August 17, 2020





 Planets heavily influence a person’s life and hence it is 

Important to check the position of planets for deciding whether a person should move towards a government job. I have provided some details, stating the role of planets regarding predicting the probability of securing a Government Job in astrology.

 The Sun and the Moon play a very vital role while deciding whether an individual will get a Government Job or not. Sun and the Moon are the two royal planets in astrology. The Sun takes the lead in the Planetary Kingdom and represents the Government. Hence to know whether an individual will get Government Job or not, it is necessary to check the position of the Sun in one’s birth chart. 

If Sun is the Amatyakaraka planet then it very strongly points towards Government Job.

Saturn also plays a very important role in choosing a career. Though Saturn does not represent government Jobs specifically it is an overall significator or Karaka for a career.  No matter what a person’s career choice is, if Saturn is not favorable then a person cannot progress in a career.

Moon is the third planets that play an important role while deciding whether an individual is destined to get a government job in astrology. Moon assists the sun, in the charts of Bureaucrats, Moon is very prominent. The presence of a strong Moon and Sun in horoscope increases the chances of getting a government job.

For getting a government job in police or Military service, the position of Mars should be favorable in one’s birth chart.

Strong Jupiter influencing the house of career is important for getting a job in the education field.


The 10th house represents achievement and recognition. IAS and IPS service aspirants must have a strong 10th house and 10th Lord for gaining success. If the Sun is in the 10th house then the government job is assured. Sun gets Directional strength in the 10th house which makes it more powerful. A weak 10th house represents weak chances of getting the job.

6th house represents Service or Job.  Strong 6th house points towards success in competitive examinations.

11th house should also be checked while predicting chances for Government Job in astrology, It is the house of  Success. According to Bhagat Bhavam Principles, it is the second house of competition.

5th house and 9th house should also be checked for deciding government job prediction in astrology. The moon and the Sun should occupy these houses. The 8th house should also be checked as it is the 11th house from the 10th house. Hence it Symbolises gain in profession.

Individuals with strong Aries- Leo, and Sagittarius in their chart have more chances of getting a Government Job. These three signs form the Natural Dharma Trikon and the strong presence of these signs in one’s birth chart makes one energetic and capable. Leadership qualities are possessed by the people who are strongly influenced by these three signs and also can handle government jobs well.

Government Job Astrological Combination

Planetary details

  • The sun, the moon should be connected with the 10th, 9th, 8th or 1st house or else the individual might face difficulty while getting a government job.

  • Lagna lord should be strong and favorable. If the Lagna lord is placed in 1,10,9 or 11th house then it is a good sign of a prosperous career.  Lagna Lord when connected with Sun, Saturn Jupiter and Mars, it forms a good astrological combination for a government job.

  • The conjunction of 10th lord with planets like Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn and it’s placement in houses like 1st,6th,7th,10th or 11th house forms a very good combination for a government job. Checking the position of 10th Lord in one’s chart, the individual can predict which sector will give maximum benefits.

  • Lagna lord and moon indicate likes and dislikes and interests. Certain yogas like Gajakeshari Yoga (moon and Jupiter are placed in mutual Kendra), Adhi Yoga (Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter placed in 6th, 7th and 8th house from the Moon) and Panch Mahapurusha yoga forms good combination for a government job.

  • The 6th house should overpower the 7th house in attack Varga, Shabdbala, etc. The association of 10th house with 6th Lord or the association of 10th lord with a strong 6th house, highly influencing Saturn in the 10th house and a prominent Sun, forms the yoga for government job in astrology.

  • The 10th and 9th houses must be connected. This means the individual’s profession is supported by luck.

  • The position of Jupiter should be extremely favorable for any form of government service.

  • Conjunction of Saturn with Sun increases the chances of government jobs.



The position of Jupiter, Sun and Saturn should be checked while predicting whether an individual is capable of securing IAS or IPS service. The technique of calculating the probability of IAS or IPS is different from other government jobs.  The technique is as follows.


  • The value of Ashtak Varga for 6th house and 11th house should exceed 25.
  • Sun should be present in Dharma Trikona (1-5-9) or Mokshak Trikona (4-8-12 ).
  • The Sun’s Vimsopkal Bal should exceed 10.
  • In the individual’s Dasamsha chart, the Sun should be present in Indra AMSA, Agni AMSA, Kubera AMSA or Anant AMSA.
  • For securing a position in Civil service, one needs a very strong D-10 chart.


 The planets Saturn and Mars are symbolic of professions where machines are involved and Moon symbolizes Travelling. Hence, Saturn Mars and Moon are vital planets for Railway Government jobs in astrology. Along with other combinations, the position of the above three planets should be checked for an individual with an intent to secure a position in railways.

Jupiter and Mercury represent Wealth and accounts and hence play a very important role for an individual who desires to secure a position in the Department of Audit and Revenue service. Along with Jupiter and Mercury Venus should also be checked. All the previously mentioned combinations for government job yoga in astrology should be checked with a special focus on Jupiter Venus and Mercury.


I will now provide some tips that will help to increase your chances of getting a government job.

1. Try fill-up the form of Government job in the Hora of the Sun

2. Always check the transit. If your 10th house is influenced by the transit of Jupiter then it is a good sign of success.

3. Check the running Mahadasha and Antardasha as presented in your birth chart. The      Mahadasha/Antardasha of the Sun or Moon heightens the rate of success.  



  If the birth chart of an individual promises Government Job then he/she should get it in their favourable Dasha period. If the person does not have the favourable Dasha in perfect age then it is difficult to get a Government Job. The Dasha of Sun, Moon or Mars promises Government but a person can get a job in any dasha if the dasha lord is strong. Dasha of 9th Lord, 10th Lord, and 6th Lord is important to decide the exact time when a person will get a government job. Checking the transit is equally important for checking the probability of getting a government job in astrology. 

Sometimes the Vimsottari Dasha stretches to 2-3 years and at this point, 

Jamini Chara Dasha can be checked for more precise knowledge.


Friday, June 5, 2020

Yoga & planets for profits from government

Yoga and  planets for profits from government

1. First is direct government job Yoga: – When Sun along with Mars is placed in 2nd, 10th or 11th house or the lord of these houses (2nd, 10th or 11th house) & are placed in any of these houses and also if it aspects these houses (2nd, 10th or 11th house) when placed in 4th or 5th house but not in 8th house. From 4th & 5th house it aspects 10th or 11th houses respectively which is considered good but not from 8th house when it aspects 2nd house which is not considered good. Hence for direct job of government means their officers are having power of government. The degree of Sun & Mars are further responsible for how much power that officer would be having during service i.e. an IAS/IPS/Foreign Services or any other post both are in this category. It means the strength/degree & placements of Sun & Mars give powers to the officer working as IAS, IPS OR EVEN a CLEACK/PEON in a Direct Government job.

2. Second is Semi Government/Teaching jobs:
– In this case Sun remains the main planet along with Jupiter. If Sun is placed in 2nd, 10th or 11th house or is the lord of these houses (2nd, 10th or 11th house) & Jupiter is placed with Sun or aspects 2nd, 1oth or 11th house then the job is indirectly government i.e. it may be government undertaking University/college/ school or any organization which is running with the total or partial help of the government funds.

3. Third is government contract: In this case when someone gets work/job by way of contract from government like an ancillary unit/Job work is given in the form of contracts by Government/Public Sector, Ministries like railway/health/social welfare/education. In this case yoga again Sun & Mercury are main planets. When Sun along with Mercury is placed in 2nd, 10th or 11th house or been the lord of these houses (2nd,10th or 11th house) are placed in any of these or even if it aspects these houses. This combination of Sun, Mercury & Jupiter help to setup a industrial unit with the help of government loan / or subsidy. Under this yoga professionals like C.A, CS and Tax consultant are considered even employees working in government undertaking banks. Beneficiaries from Government under self employments schemes, rozgaar yojna are results of this yoga.

4. Forth is MLA, MP or representative of local bodies:- In this yoga Sun is in Lagna and combination of Jupiter & Moon in lagan or Sun placed in 2nd, 10th or 11th house or lord of these houses along with Jupiter & Moon with Sun or placed in these house with or aspects these houses. Here Sun play the role of a leader from 1st house.

5. Fifth is PM or President: – These are the post which is real Government means Head of Government. here Sun, Moon & Jupiter play most important roll i.e. Sun in lagan along with Jupiter & Moon with sun in lagan or aspects lagan or Sun When Sun in is lagna and Jupiter & Moon are in trine /Trikon

6. Sixth is Jail yog: – There is combination of plants Sun & Rahu. In this yoga if Sun is in sixth house with Rahu or Rahu is in 12th house & aspects Sun. When Sun is placed in 12th house than either with Rahu in 12th house or aspects Sun from 6th house. This yoga makes a person to have food & shelter from government funds.