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Monday, May 30, 2022

Opportunity of Videsh Yatra


Opportunity of Videsh Yatra

मेष (Mesha) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातकों के लिए बुध या गुरु की दशा अथवा अंतरदशा में विदेश जाने के योग बनते हैं। ऐसे जातकों की कुण्‍डली में अगर शनि बेहतर स्थिति में हो तो विदेश में अच्‍छी सफलताएं भी अर्जित कर पाते हैं। शनि भगवान की आराधना विदेश में अच्‍छा लाभ अर्जित करा सकती है। बुध की दशा में जहां छोटी यात्राएं होती हैं वहीं गुरु की दशा में लंबी विदेश यात्राओं के योग भी बनते हैं।

वृष (Vrish) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातकों के लिए चंद्रमा या मंगल की दशा अथवा अंतरदशा में विदेश जाने के योग बनते हैं। इन जातकों की कुण्‍डली में गुरु बेहतर स्थिति में होने पर विदेश में सफलताएं अर्जित करना आसान हो जाता है। गुरु का लाभ लेने के लिए विदेश में जातक को नियमित रूप से मंदिर जाना चाहिए। इस राशि में शनि की बेहतर स्थिति धार्मिक यात्राएं कराती हैं।

मिथुन (Mithun) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातक सूर्य की दशा या अंतरदशा में छोटी यात्राएं करते हैं और शुक्र की दशा या अंतरदशा में लंबी दूरी या अधिक समय तक घर से दूर रहने वाली यात्राएं करते हैं। इन जातकों को शनि की शुभ स्थिति धार्मिक यात्राएं कराती हैं। विदेश में अच्‍छा लाभ अर्जित करने के लिए इन जातकों को हनुमान अथवा मुरुगन देवता की आराधना करनी चाहिए।

कर्क (Kark) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातक बुध की दशा अथवा अंतरदशा में विदेश यात्रा का सुख लेते हैं। कुण्‍डली में शुक्र मजबूत स्थिति में होने पर ये जातक यात्रा भी विलासितापूर्ण अंदाज में करते हैं। ऐसे जातकों को यात्रा के दौरान थोड़ी भी असुविधा परेशान कर देती है। आमतौर पर ये लोग यात्राओं को तब तक टालने का प्रयास करते हैं जब तक कि इन्‍हें पूरा भरोसा न हो जाए कि यात्रा की सभी व्‍यवस्‍थाएं पूर्ण हो चुकी हैं।

सिंह (Singh) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातक शुक्र की दशा अथवा अंतरदशा में छोटी यात्राएं करते हैं और चंद्रमा की दशा अथवा अंतरदशा में विदेश प्रस्‍थान करते हैं। परदेस की इनकी सफलता का आधार बुध की स्थिति है। अगर इनकी कुण्‍डली में बुध बेहतर स्थिति में भी है तो बुध के वक्री, मार्गी, अस्‍त और उदय होने से इनका लाभ या आय प्रभावित होते रहते हैं।

कन्‍या (Kanya) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातकों को मंगल की दशा अथवा अंतरदशा में घर से कुछ समय के लिए बाहर रहने का मौका मिलता है। सूर्य की दशा में ये लोग विदेश यात्राएं भी कर पाते हैं। शुक्र की बेहतर स्थिति इन जातकों को धार्मिक यात्राएं कराती हैं। विदेश में कितने सफल होंगे, यह इन जातकों की चंद्रमा की स्थिति पर निर्भर करता है। शिव आराधना इन जातकों को विदेश में भी बेहतर सफलता दिला सकती है।

तुला (Tula) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातकों को गुरु की दशा अथवा अंतरदशा में यात्रा करने का मौका मिलता है। बुध की अंतरदशा में ये जातक घर से अधिक दूरी की यात्राएं कर पाते हैं। विदेश में अच्‍छा लाभ हासिल करने के लिए ऐसे जातकों की कुण्‍डली में सूर्य बेहतर स्थिति में होना चाहिए।

वृश्चिक (Vrishchik) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातकों को शनि की दशा या अंतरदशा में छोटी यात्राएं करनी पड़ती हैं। शनि की दशा में ये जातक कई बार यात्राएं कर वापस घर लौटते हैं। शुक्र की दशा या अंतरदशा में इन्‍हें घर से दूर रहने का मौका मिलता है। ऐसे जातकों की कुण्‍डली में बुध की स्थिति बेहतर होने पर विदेश में सफल होने की स्थिति बनती है।

धनु (Dhanu) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातक शनि की दशा या अंतरदशा में घर से बाहर निकलते हैं। इस दशा में जातक छोटी यात्राएं करता है और लंबी यात्राएं करने अथवा अधिक समय तक विदेश में टिकने के लिए इन जातकों को मंगल का सहयोग लेना पड़ता है। अगर कुण्‍डली में शुक्र बेहतर स्थिति में हो तो जातक विदेश जाकर अच्‍छा धन कमा पाता है और सफलताएं अर्जित करता है।

मकर (Makar) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातक गुरु की दशा में विदेश यात्रा करते हैं। गुरु की दशा या अंतरदशा में ये जातक छोटी अथवा लंबी दूरी दोनों तरह की यात्राएं कर पाते हैं। ऐसे जातकों की कुण्‍डली में मंगल की बेहतर स्थिति विदेश में लाभ का वादा करती है। हनुमानजी की आराधना करना इन जातकों के लिए विदेश में सफलता दिलाने वाली सिद्ध हो सकती है।

कुंभ (Kumbh) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातक मंगल की दशा अथवा अंतरदशा आने पर छोटी यात्राएं करते हैं। वहीं शनि की दशा या अंतरदशा इन जातकों को लंबी दूरी की यात्राएं कराती है। विदेश में इन जातकों को कितना लाभ होगा, यह गुरु की स्थिति पर निर्भर करता है। विष्‍णु की आराधना इन जातकों को विदेश में अच्‍छा लाभ दिला सकती है।

मीन (Meen) राशि वालों के लिए विदेश यात्रा योग

इस लग्‍न के जातक शुक्र की दशा अथवा अंतरदशा में छोटी यात्राएं करते हैं और शनि की दशा या अंतरदशा में विदेश यात्रा करते हैं। अगर शनि बेहतर स्थिति में बैठा हो और शुभ हो तो जातक न केवल लंबी विदेश यात्रा करता है बल्कि अच्‍छी सफलताएं भी अर्जित करता है।

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Distance & Direction of your would be spouse


Distance & Direction of your would be spouse

Jupiter and Venus being the significator of marriage for man and woman respectively, the 7th house from the placement of Jupiter in man’s chart and from the Venus in woman’s chart are taken into consideration. The same rules as mentioned in the section ‘A’ are applied in determining the direction.
b)   Finally we have draw inferences from the data and the direction of the house of the spouse (to be) is ascertained.  This method is found to give more than 95% accurate result. 
Distance of the spouse house: - in this case the following formula is very important:-
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (Mobile Signs) denote very long distance.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius (Fixed Signs) denote short distance (commutable within the day) and
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces (Common Signs) denote the distance that is neither very far nor very short.
The rules:-
a)    Here too the 7th house from the ascendant, the Moon chart and the Navamsha chart, and the lords of the 7th houses in the above charts; the placement of the significators of marriage the Venus and Jupiter in those charts play their roles in deciding the distance.
b)   The points to examine here are to see the signs of the 7th houses from the ascendant, Moon and Jupiter and Venus and accordingly find out the distance denoted by those signs. 
c)    The 7th house sign in the Navamsha Chart and from the placement of Jupiter and Venus also need to be examined and inferences drawn out. 
i.            If any how the 7th house lord is linked with the 3rd house or/and 3rd house lord then the distance ascertained through the above rules is considerably reduced.
ii.            If the 7th house is a fixed sign and its lord is found establishing links with the 3rd house or its lord, then the distance of the spouse to be is very near, within 20 kilometre.
iii.            If the sign of the 7th house falls in a mobile sign and the lord of the 7th house also posited in a mobile sign, the marriage will be with one of very distance place.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What is Nadi Dosha in Kundli Matching? Find and Remove It


What is Nadi Dosha in Kundli Matching? Find and Remove It

Kundali Matching or Horoscope Matching is the rigorous process in which the Kundali or Birth chart of the bride and groom are matched based on the Ashtakoota method. In this method, astrologers check eight Gunas and predict the compatibility between the couples. 

Nadi Guna or Nadi Koota is one of the eight and important Gunas that are analyzed while matching the Kundali of the bride and groom. It comprises maximum points and if a couple has low Nadi Guna Points, then they suffer from Nadi Dosha in Kundali. It is believed that couples with Nadi Dosha in their Kundali should not marry as it may lead to health issues, marital conflicts and various sufferings. 

What is Nadi Dosh in Kundali Matching?

Nadi Dosha occurs when the Nadi or Naadi of two proposed partners is the same. As per Vedic astrology, Naadi Guna ensures compatibility between couples 

psychologically and genetically. 

Thus, out of 36 Points in an Ashtakoot Janam Kundali Matching, Nadi Koota is assigned with 8 points that are the maximum points assigned to any other Kootas or Guna. Nadi Dosha is a very serious flaw or Dosha in Kundali and hence, it leads to various problems in the marital life of couples. 

Nakshatras Nadi Astrology

The 27 Nakshatras of Astrology are divided into three Naadis. Read to know about the Nakshatras that fall under each Nadi. 



Adi (Vata)

Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Moola, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada

Madhya (Pitta)

Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Poorvaashadha, Dhanistha, Uttara Bhadrapada

Antya (Kapha)

Kritika, Rohini, Aaslesha, Magha, Swati, Vishakha, Uttaraashadha, Shravani, Revati

Malefic Effects of Nadi Dosha On Marriage

The impact of Nadi Dosha depends upon its intensity in the horoscope. Here are the bad effects of Nadi Dosha on the marriage. 

  1. Couples will have a troubled and problematic marital relationship.
  2. There will be Health-related issues to husband or wife or both. 
  3. Weak health of progeny. Children could be born physically or mentally disabled. 
  4. Possibilities of infertility may occur. Females may not bear any child.
  5. Couples may experience a major accident or may suffer various hurdles in their marital life. 
  6. Same or Eka Nadi Dosha in Kundali may cause rifts and lack of attraction between couples.

How to Find Nadi Dosha in Kundli?

Nadi Dosha can be identified through Horoscope Matching or Kundali Matching of two prospective partners. Here is how Nadi Dosha is calculated in Kundali Matching.

Nadi Dosha

Nadi of Bride

Nadi of Groom
















Nadi Dosha Cancellation in Kundali Matching

There are certain astrological combinations that result in the cancellation of Nadi Dosha. Here are the Nadi Dosha Cancellation rules as per Vedic astrology.

  • If the boy and girl have the same Nakshatras and Rashi (zodiac sign), then Nadi Dosha is said to be canceled. 
  • If the Lord of the zodiac is Mercury or Venus, or Jupiter, then Nadi Dosha is said to be canceled or eliminated despite having Eka Nadi Dosh.
  • If the bride and groom share the same Nakshatra but have different Rashi in their Janam Kundali, it is an Eka Nadi Dosha exemption. However, it should be noted that the bride’s Birth Rashi and Birth Charan should not be before the Nakshatra of the groom.
  • Same Birth Rashi and different Nakshatra of bride and groom lead to Nadi Dosha Cancellation. But it should be ensured that the Nakshatra of the bride is not before the Nakshatra of the groom. 

Types of Nadi Dosha

According to Vedic Astrology, three types of Nadi Dosha can be found in a horoscope. Each Nadi Dosha represents the primary qualities or Prakritis- Vaat, Pita and Kapha (Wind, Bile and Phlegm) respectively.

  1. Aadi Nadi (First Nadi)
  2. Madhya Nadi (Middle Nadi)
  3. Antar Nadi or Antya Nadi (Last Nadi)

How to Remove Nadi dosh?

Nadi Dosha can be alleviated, canceled or eliminated before or after marriage with Vedic astrological measures. With effective astrological remedies for Nadi Dosha, one may easily nullify this Kundali Dosha and bring happiness and marital bliss in your life.

Nadi Dosha Remedies

Nadi Dosha Nivaran: Here are the effective remedies for Nadi Dosha that are effective to nullify and alleviate the malefic effects of Nadi Dosha in the horoscope.

  1. Chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is very effective in Nadi Dosh Nivaran after marriage. Reciting this powerful Mantra of Lord Shiva a number of times with great devotion during worship is very beneficial. 
  2. Perform Nadi Dosha Nivaran Puja. This is a special and most effective Puja to nullify the Nadi Dosha effects after marriage. One should perform this Puja with their spouse as per the guidance of an experienced astrologer or priest. 
  3. Kundali Dosha mostly occurs due to the wrong deeds and sins of past lives. Thus, to alleviate their effects or nullify them, one should always indulge in good deeds. Donating gold, clothes, food, and grains to poor or needy people is an effective Nadi Dosha solution. A cow and Swarna-Nadi should be donated to one or more Brahmin families. One may also donate food equal to one’s weight on the birthday to alleviate the bad effects of Nadi Dosha on marriage.
  4. Performing Marriage to Lord Vishnu is a powerful astrological remedy for Nadi Dosha before marriage. As per Hindu scriptures, if couples have Nadi Dosha in Kundali Matching, then the bride should be married to Lord Vishnu first. This astrological measure for Nadi Dosha is very significant in removing Nadi Dosha to a great extent.

5 ways to the cancellation of Nadi Dosha

1. If the Bride and the Groom have the same Rashi but different Nakshatra, the effects of Nadi Dosha are said to be nullified.

Whenever a boy and a girl have the same moon sign or a Rashi it is so important for the Nakshatra to be different so as to have supporting similarities in nature and accommodating differences deep inside their relationship given by Nakshatras.

Astrologer Basistha Tiwari add to this exception (which we find worthy of attention): He says, “Nakshatra of the Boy must be one which comes first and that of a Girl must be the latter one”. For example, if Gemini is the birth Rashi and, the Boy has Ardra Nakshatra and Girl is having Punarvasu Nakshatra. The Nadi dosha stands nullified.

2. If the Bride and the Groom have the same Nakshatra but different Rashi, this also can lead to the nullification of Nadi dosha.

This Nadi dosha exception is the inverse of the first one. It applies to the cases of those Nakshatras which are at the junction of two zodiac signs. For example, if the Boy and the Girl both have Krittika Nakshatra, but one has Aries Rashi as moon sign and the other has Taurus Rashi as moon sign.

We again want to add the addition to this rule by Astrology Basistha Tiwari. The Moon sign of the Boy must be following that of the Girl. From the example above, the Boy must have Aries Rashi and the girl must have Taurus Rashi.

3. This one is of moderate effectiveness as per our view. When a Bride and a Groom have the same Nakshatra but different Charan or different quarter in that Nakshatra, the Nadi dosha is said to be cancelled.

4. Exempted Nakshatra from Nadi dosha

Whenever the bride and the groom both have any of the following Nakshatra, Nadi dosha is said to be cancelled or nullified to some extent.

Exempted Nakshatra form Nadi dosha: Rohini, Ardra, Magha, Hasta, Vishakha, Shravana, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati, Ashwini, Krittika, Mrigashirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Purva Ashadha and Uttara Ashadha.

Again, these Nakshatras must not have the same Charan or the same Quarter of the Nakshatra

5. Exempted pairs of Nakshatras from Nadi dosha

The following pairs of Nakshatra are exempted from Nadi dosha.

  1. Rohini and Magha
  2. Rohini and Purva Bhadrapada
  3. Ashwini and Punarvasu
  4. Swati and Uttara Ashadha

Astrological Tips To Conceive A Child | Child astrology


Astrological Tips To Conceive A Child

The fifth house of astrology is the one that astrologers look at to answer all the pregnancy related questions. The fifth house in the horoscope represents the child and its related causative elements. If the fifth house of a person has a positive combination of planets, it helps in ensuring a positive scenario for childbirth. Also, the fifth house lord needs to be placed positively in the chart of the native to enjoy pregnancy and related aspects of it.

Alongside the fifth house, other houses that need to be looked at to predict the birth of the child are 

the 2nd house (house for family) 

and the 11th house (house for gains and fulfilment of desires through children). 

We also see the 9th house as it works only as a facilitator.

Along with these houses and their respective lords, the planet Jupiter too is considered to be the main factor when trying to have children. Jupiter in astrology is concerned as the giver planet, and its blessing on the native is hence necessary for childbirth.

Apart from this, the position of the lord of the ninth house and the ninth house itself is analysed through the ascendant horoscope to check the possibilities of childbirth for the couple. So if in your chart these houses or Jupiter are affected by the malefic combinations, then chances of delay in childbirth and pregnancy may arise.

Apart from these planets, the role of the sixth, eighth and dwadash is also prominent. In such a situation, if the guru, i.e. Jupiter is debilitated or weak, then it becomes almost impossible for the couple to have a child for themselves. Because the fifth house also represents the accumulated karmas, in such a situation, happy or painful information related to children can be obtained by looking at this house.

Having mentioned the reasons for disappointment in having a child, we have also got you solutions to fight the negatives or hurdles that may come in the way of childbirth for you. Here are some astrological remedies for childbirth that can help the couple conceive.

First Remedy

Observe a fast on Thursday and consume only fruits throughout the day. Worship Lord Vishnu and do not take salt and food. However, Rock salt can be used. By doing this, the planet Jupiter is pleased and thus, its position strengthens.

Increase the effect of Panchmesh

Panchmesh in astrology means the fifth house Lord. If Panchmesh is afflicted in the Lagna Kundli, then worshipping the Lord can help you get rid of its negative effects. But who is the lord of the fifth house in astrology, you may ask? Well, for each individual or kundli, the lord of the fifth house or any house is different. To find who is the Lord of your fifth house, you can either talk to an astrologer or read THIS blog, which will help you find the lords of different houses in your kundli.

Apart from the fifth house lord, worshipping Guru or Jupiter is also important to get a favourable childbirth outcome. Weak Guru in kundli not only hinders child birth but also brings woes during pregnancy. So in such a situation, to strengthen the planet Jupiter, it is important that you worship it. The best way to please Jupiter is to donate jaggery on Thursday. Apart from this, you can also narrate any of the below-given mantras to make planet Jupiter stronger and favourable in your Kundli.

  • देवानां च ऋषिणां च गुरुं काञ्चनसन्निभम्। बुद्धिभूतं त्रिलोकेशं तं नमामि बृहस्पतिम्।।
  • ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरवे नमः। ह्रीं गुरवे नमः। बृं बृहस्पतये नमः।

Second Remedy

Wash a banyan leaf in the Shukla Paksha of any month and make a Swastika sign with Kumkum on it. After this, place rice and betel nut on it, and offer it to God in a temple before sunset. Pray to God and tell your problem. Your problem will definitely be resolved.

Navagraha Puja

The second remedy for childbirth is to worship Navagrahas or nine planets in astrology. The nine planets in astrology represent our life and various aspects of it, including childbirth. So if you are able to keep all the nine planets in astrology content, they can not only help you conceive but also better various other prospects of your life. To ensure the planets are in peace, you can start with Havan and Abhishek at home or temple.

By performing a havan, the negative effects of planets can be countered, so as to bring them in lieu with positivity, which will give auspicious results to you. This worship will also remove the obstacles coming in the birth of children.

Apart from everything else, the placement of the Rahu and Ketu in the kundli is one of the major indicator obstacles in getting children. Rahu and Ketu represent your karma and reward you based on the same. However, the fact that your past can’t be changed, hence, you can only rectify it by performing certain poojas to please Rahu and Ketu. And if you are able to please Rahu and Ketu, then even these malefic planets can deliver positive results.

Chant the below mentioned mantra to get rid of the bad effects of Rahu:
  • ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः
  • अर्धकायं महावीर्यं चन्द्रादित्यविमर्दनम्। सिंहिकागर्भसम्भूतं तं राहुं प्रणमाम्यहम्।।
Chant the below mentioned mantra to get rid of the bad effects of Ketu:
  • ॐ स्त्रां स्त्रीं स्त्रौं सः केतवे नमः
  • पलाशपुष्पसंकाशं तारकाग्रहमस्तकम्। रौद्रं रौद्रात्मकं घोरं तं केतुं प्रणमाम्यहम्।।

Third Remedy

Sometimes, some rituals are not performed properly during the Shradh of ancestors. This creates Pitra Dosh, due to which there is also a problem in conceiving a child. In such a situation, one should perform the Shradh rituals to please forefathers. This will end your problem.

Fourth Remedy

Women who are deprived of child happiness should wear Garbh Gauri Rudraksha. This Rudraksha has two parts, out of which the first part is bigger than the second part. The first part of this Rudraksha is a symbol of Mother Parvati, while the second part is of her son, Lord Ganesha. By wearing this Rudraksha, you will be blessed with a child soon. Installing this Rudraksha in the house of worship and chanting ‘ॐ नमः शिवाय’ ”oṃ namaḥ śivāya’ 108 times also solves the problems related to children.

Fifth Remedy

On Thursday, wearing a banana root in a yellow thread around the neck also helps in getting rid of child-related problems. If the banana root is not available then you can also wear papaya root.

Sixth Remedy

Ekadashi has great importance in Sanatan Dharma. There are a total of 24 Ekadashis in a year, out of which, by observing a fast on Putrada Ekadashi, the desire of the natives to be blessed with a child is fulfilled. Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this fast. Be sure that the rituals are to be performed right from the evening of Dashami till the end of Parana Muhurat of Dwadashi. 

Seventh Remedy

Wear yellow clothes on Thursday. Along with this, donate yellow colour items to the poor and needy people on this day. Wake up in the morning and take the blessings of the elders of the family. This will improve the position of Jupiter in the horoscope.

Eighth Remedy

The child form of Lord Krishna is known as Bal Gopal. Such people who want to get the happiness of children should definitely worship Bal Gopal. Establish the idol of Bal Gopal at the place of worship and revere him daily.

Ninth Remedy

Those women who face the problem of abortion should take measures to strengthen Venus in the horoscope. To please Venus, keep fast on Friday. Also, wearing white or pink clothes on this very day pleases Lord Venus. Perform Kanya Pujan. Also, after feeding them, see them off by donating something. By performing this act, the position of Venus will be better in the horoscope.

Tenth Remedy

Skandamata, one of the incarnations of Maa Durga, rides on a lion, and Lord Kartikeya is seated in her lap. The happiness of motherhood is attained by worshipping Maa Skandmata. To have the blessings of Skandmata, chant this Mantra-

सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माश्रित करद्वया।

शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी।। 

siṃhāsanagatā nityaṃ padmāśrita karadvayā।

śubhadāstu sadā devī skandamātā yaśasvinī।।

Crystal/gemstone to wear for childbirth

Although we are recommending you auspicious gemstones to wear for childbirth, but you must not wear them without proper guidance from an astrologer. These crystals surely do help in resolving any kind of infertility problem but may bring many more side-effects based on you based on your kundli. Thus proper guidance is necessary before wearing them. The gemstone for pregnant mothers or someone trying to conceive are:

  • Rose Quartz - It helps in removing fear, resentment and anger problems in couples, especially in women.
  • Aventurine - The stone is used to encourage pregnancy and enhance fertility. It is considered the stone of love, which can boost all feelings and emotions and also promotes optimism and self-confidence.
Garbh Gauri Rudraksha

Garbh Gauri Rudraksha represents mother Gauri and her son Shri Ganesh. Like Gauri Shankar Rudraksha, Garbh Gauri Rudraksha also has two parts. The first part is smaller than the second. Large-sized Rudraksha denotes Mata Gaura i.e. Parvati while small-sized Rudraksha indicates Lord Ganesha. It is very beneficial for those women who are afraid of miscarriage and who are restless to get the happiness of motherhood.

To get the happiness of a child in life, you must wear Garbh Gauri Rudraksha around her neck. According to ancient texts, Garbh Gauri Rudraksha is very pure and reeks of positive energies. Those women who are unable to conceive or who are afraid of miscarriage can wear Garbh Gauri Rudraksha.

The same Rudraksha is also useful in enhancing the bond between the mother and the child. Once you are done installing the Garbh Gauri Rudraksha at your place, chant Om Namah Shivaya 108 times to get the best of it.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Astrology Houses & Their Significance


Astrology Houses & Their Significance

Vedic Astrology has divided the natal chart into 12 houses. Each house has its own significance. How we are meeting and dealing with the people in our daily life. All has been ruled by the vedic houses. Houses are basically the “Home” and how we are giving space to everyone in our homes. That all depend upon our perception towards others, ruled by the different houses in astrology.

Let’s understand about all twelve houses of Astrology but before that first understand about the configuration of houses

Configuration of Houses and Zodiac

The Zodiac is 360 degree and it is distributed among all the 12 houses equally. By that mean, every house is of 30 degree each. The ascendant comes first and other 11 houses are following in succession. Houses are measured from cusp to cusp, hence Lagna Bhava or first house starts from when first beginning star rises at the time of birth.

12 houses in Astrology

      • First House: It is a house of “Self”.
      • Second House: It is a house of “Wealth” and “Family”
      • Third house: It is a house of “Siblings”, “Courage” and “Valour”.
      • Fourth House: It is a house of “Mother” and “Happiness”
      • Fifth House: It is a house of “Children” and “Knowledge’
      • Sixth House: It is a house of “Enemies”, “Debts” and “Diseases”
      • Seventh House: It is a house of “Marriage” and “Partnership”
      • Eighth House: It is a house of “Longevity” or “Ayu Bhava”
      • Ninth House: It is a house of “Luck”, “Father” and “Religion”
      • Tenth House: It is a house of “Career or Profession”.
      • Eleventh House: It is a house of “Income & Gains”.
      • Twelfth House: It is a house of “Expenditure & Losses”.

Types of Houses

      • Kendra Houses: These are the best houses in Vedic Astrology and also known as Lakshmi Sthana. 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses are considered as auspicious houses and they also deal with the major part of our life. They are very strong houses of Kundali. Tenth house, being one of the strongest house, represents the career or profession and image into the outer world or society. The ascending order for the strongness of these houses are 10th, 7th, 4th and 1st. If you have strong Kendra, then you would have the potential to accomplish your all goals in current birth.
      • Trine Houses: These are the second best houses in Vedic Astrology and also known as Dharma Houses. 1st, 5th and 9th houses are known as Trine houses. It can be signified as 1st-Personal, 5th- Creative and 9th- Collective. They basically strengthen the birth chart and provide the benefic points in life. It is not as much beneficial as Kendra houses but you can say it is a supportive houses for Kendra houses. These houses belong to spirituality as 5th and 9th house considered as Vishnu Sthana.
      • Upachaya Houses: These houses are 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th. They are increasing houses. Any planet, placed in these houses, gives more over time. Any malefic planet like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Sun do very well in these houses as they will try to reduce the negative influence of these houses.
      • Moksha Houses: 4th-8th-12th houses are known as Moksha Houses. These houses are related to spirituality. These are the houses which play significant role while attaining enlightenment or Salvation in one’s life.
      • Artha Houses: 2nd-6th-10th houses are considered as Artha Houses. Artha deals with the material and physical support of life.
      • Kama Houses: 3rd-7th-11th houses are considered as Kama Houses. They deal with basically your ambitions and motivations.
      • Dusthana Houses: 6th-8th-12th houses are considered as Dusthana Houses. They are responsible for struggle and source of pain in your life.
      • Maraka Houses: 2nd-7th-8th houses are considered as Maraka Houses in Astrology. They are considered as bad due to its killing nature. You lose your energy for accumulating wealth, helping to your partner and longevity.

Lord of each House

According to Vedic Astrology, Kaal Purush Kundali starts with Aries Ascendant and it is also considered as a Natural Vedic Birth Chart. Mentioned below is the names of rulers for particular houses:

      • Mars: rules over first and eighth house in Kaal Purush Kundali
      • Venus: rules over second and seventh house in Kaal Purush Kundali
      • Mercury: rules over third and sixth house in Kaal Purush Kundali
      • Moon: rules over fourth house in Kaal Purush Kundali
      • Sun: rules over fifth house in Kaal Purush Kundali
      • Jupiter: rules over ninth and twelfth house  in Kaal Purush Kundali
      • Saturn: rules over tenth and eleventh house in Kaal Purush Kundali

Therefore, Houses in Astrology are responsible for the formation of your entire circle of life.  it is essential for you to get analysed your birth chart for every aspect of life through the astrology houses. It may provide you the better understanding of your struggling areas to overcome accordingly.