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Showing posts with label numberology. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Your Life Path Number | You Find Your Dream Career

 Your Life Path Number Can Help You Find Your Dream Career

Found your Life Path Number? Here’s what it means:


Keywords: Independent, unique, self-motivated, proactive, courageous

You carve out your own path in life, and you’re especially drawn to careers that involve innovation, management, entrepreneurial ventures, life coaching, property development, leadership, and/or business.


Keywords: Peaceful, intuitive, wise, compassionate, collaborative

You’re an understanding individual who values harmonious relationship in life and helps others willingly. Careers involving therapy, healing, teaching, esoteric practices, administration, accountancy, and mediation appeal to you.


Keywords: Funny, creative, charismatic, expressive, social

You’re a confident individual who thrives on being with others and having an ~audience~. You’re drawn to careers involving acting, writing, teaching, travel, therapy, hospitality, personal care, and sales.


Keywords: Conscientious, grounded, pragmatic, reliable, determined

You’re a dedicated and responsible individual who works hard to achieve a goal and never gives up. You’re drawn to careers in accountancy, auditing, editing, property, law enforcement, engineering, and analysis.


Keywords: Versatile, charismatic, restless, resourceful, communicative

You’re a multitalented individual who craves freedom, adventure, and excitement. You’re drawn to careers in and around events, PR, journalism, teaching, travel, consulting, and sales.


Keywords: Nurturing, compassionate, supportive, helpful, perceptive

You’re a perfection-seeking individual who wants to help make their corner of the world a nicer place. You’re drawn to careers involving therapy, healing, nutrition, beauty, fashion, interior decorating, teaching, counseling, and hospitality.


Keywords: Analytical, questioning, intellectual, intuitive, problem-solving

You’re a truth-seeking individual who has a natural instinct for untangling big problems and seeking answers to life’s big questions. You’re drawn to careers involving innovation, engineering, technology, digital communications, strategy, esoteric practices, and journalism.


Keywords: Driven, ambitious, strong, materialistic, proud, organized, conscientious

You’re dedicated to achieving the goals you set for yourself early on in life. You’re drawn to careers in business, property development, leadership, the law, project management, banking, finance, and property.


Keywords: Generous, kind, helpful, (very) creative, patient, passionate

You’re a just and caring individual who wants to help the planet and other people. You’re drawn to careers in teaching, counseling, social work, law, the creative arts, HR, government work, and fitness.


Keywords: Intuitive, inspiring, perceptive, open-minded

You have all the qualities of a number 2 with the added benefits of 11. Meaning that you’re an uplifting individual who seeks to help others improve their lives and be the best version of themselves. You’re drawn to careers in life coaching, therapy, film and TV, writing, healing, esoteric practices, sports, politics, and invention.


Keywords: Idealistic, focused, visionary, imaginative, practical, perfection-seeking

You have all the qualities of a number 4 with the added benefits of 22. You’re a ~manifesting~ individual who has both the imagination and the drive to bring any idea to life. You’re drawn to careers involving environmentalism, engineering, technology, architecture, health care, innovation, and politics.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Personal Year Numbers

 Personal Year

Personal Year

Personal Year number is based on your date of birth and the year you want to know about. It is helpful in evaluating the trend of the coming year. The effects of each Personal Year vibration last twelve months.

There are two different methods of calculation Personal Year number:

A) First method - Personal Year from one birthday to the next birthday.
Each birthday brings a vibration change and these vibrations take place in nine-year cycles.

B) Second method - Personal Year from the start of the calendar year.
The personal year number represents energy that is present during a calendar year.

Personal Year - 1
A New Beginning In Your Life
In Personal Year 1 people can feel very lonely. In this year they have trouble finding friends and problems may arise in existing relationships. Personal Year 1 represents independence, new beginnings and opportunities, and in this year people tend to do things in their own way. For their partners who are used to doing everything "together" it can be difficult to find out that their counterparts begin to do things on their own and want to be more independent in some respects. Their partners may begin to have suspensions and demand an explanation, or may start to feel left out and wonder where they had made a mistake. 

Personal Year - 2
Development, cooperation, and waiting
Personal Year 2 is great for starting relationships. It is the year in which people make friends more easily and get along with others better. It's a period during which they need to share their feelings and everyday experiences that they consider important. Stress would hit people very deeply during this vibration, so it is important that they live in a peaceful environment where they can maintain balance of life, otherwise they are at risk of illness.

Personal Year - 3
Social expansion and creative successes
Vibrations of numbers three bring mental activity and generate the need to release energy through social contacts, studying and various hobbies. Communication, with an emphasis on self-expression in all areas, becomes more important this year. If mental energy is not correctly directed, people may become irritable and critical, or they may begin to suffer from bad dreams or insomnia. 

Personal Year - 4
Hard work and slow, but steady progress
Personal Year 4 is physically very active period. This year people must learn to maintain a certain rhythm in order to use their energy efficiently, but they should not work too hard because they will eventually get sick. During this period, one has the tendency to work too hard and not paying attention to the warning signs of overwork. During this time there is also tendency to make hasty decisions that lead to different limitations and consequent frustrations. When people decide to do something, they encounter challenges on every step they make and there always seem to be something in their way. 

Personal Year - 5
Feeling Loose and Free
Personal Year 5 brings change and liberation from all constraints that person was subject to during the previous four vibrations. During this twelve-month period things may start to move and necessary changes may occur both within the person and in the external circumstances. It is important that people understand that change is not only the uncertainty of the future, that it also gives us the opportunity to move forward. In general, however, changes will be welcome this year, people will not be able to stand around, they will feel the need to break free from established rules and habits, and see if they are self-sufficient

Personal Year - 6
Love, Family, Home and Responsibility
During Personal Year 6 people are faced with many choices. Responsibility and discipline, which they learned in the previous year, will now be put to the test. They will see their obligations to the family, friends and the wider community as a natural thing, because during this year their awareness will expand beyond limits of a relatively small part of the world to which they were accustomed. During this period it is for example common for people to offer help to the needy, and to receive requests for help with different problems from family and friends

Personal Year - 7
a time for analysis and understanding
Vibrations of number seven trigger changes that can very painfully touch emotions. There will be changes in friendships and romantic relationships, at home and at work, and even in the soul of the person, so it will be a very hard year. The purpose of problems that arise in this period is to get the person to come back to his own internal resources and start to rely on himself instead on others, and to realise what is his strength.

Personal Year - 8
Attainment and capital gains
Personal Year 8 brings time during which the person can, after changes in the past year, regain balance and peace, and capitalize on previously gained experience, understanding and strength. Eight is the number of karma and balance, so the success of this period depends on how successful the person was throughout his life until now. If he puts in a great deal of hard work, deliberation and good will, he will most likely get rewarded; if he was selfish and acted without respect and tolerance for others, he will get what he deserves. Karma is a chain of cause and effect - giving and taking, justice and injustice, action and reaction - which lasts until a natural balance is established and this balance remains unchanged. That's the key to life and its whole meaning. 

Personal Year - 9
Reflection and Reaching Out
Personal Year 9 represents fulfilling and closing cycles and readiness to advance in the coming year to a higher level with the Personal Year 1. During this time a people can feel that their property, situations and people are "getting out of hand," and those who have no desire for change or progress can feel anxious and restless. It is a human nature to stick with what we have, but there are also people whose uncertainty does not let go of things even if there is no hope of success. It is sometimes said that a drowning man will clutch at a straw, and this also applies in this case. As well as vibration of Personal Year 7 may also vibration of Personal Year 9 cause a lot of trouble and confusion, but the difference is that while vibrations of number seven are important for the growth of spiritual awareness, vibrations of number nine are important for growth of personal awareness and responsibility. 

Personal Year - 11
Lessons of this Personal Year can be very spiritual in nature and under its influence people can attract inspirational energy at a higher level, and then they can use this energy to inspire others. These lessons or opportunities to learn usually happen in stormy situations that always occur during the first three months of the period, that is, within three months of your birthday.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

ये पुरुष व महिलाएं love के लिए होते हैं अधिक आकर्षित, एक से अधिक होते हैं प्रेम संबंध, चेक करें पार्टनर की डेट ऑफ बर्थ


ये पुरुष व महिलाएं love के लिए होते हैं अधिक आकर्षित, एक से अधिक होते हैं प्रेम संबंध, चेक करें पार्टनर की डेट ऑफ बर्थ

6 मूलांक शुक्र ग्रह द्वारा संचालित होता है। अत: शुक्र से प्रभावित बुराई भी आपमें पाई जा सकती है। जैसे स्त्री जाति के प्रति आपमें सहज झुकाव होगा। अगर आप स्त्री हैं तो पुरूषों के प्रति आपकी दिलचस्पी होगी। लेकिन आप दिल के बुरे नहीं है।

5 तारीख को जन्म लेने वाले लोग काफी भाग्यशाली व आकर्षक होतें है। इनमें कई खूबियों के साथ साथ कुछ कमियां भी होती हैं। ज्योतिषों की माने तो 15 तारीख को जन्म लेने वाले लोग विपरीत ***** के प्रति अधिक अकर्षित होते हैं।

ये होती हैं योग्यताएं

ज्योतिषों के अनुसार दिनांक 15 को जन्मे व्यक्तियों व महिलाओं का मूलांक 6 होगा। इन लोगों में गजब का आत्मविश्वास होता है। इसी आत्मविश्वास के कारण ये किसी भी परिस्थिति में डगमगाते नहीं है। 15 तारीख को जन्में लोग सुगंध के शौकीन होते हैं। इस अंक से प्रभावित व्यक्ति आकर्षक, विनोदी, कलाप्रेमी होते हैं, साथ ही यह अपनी महत्वाकांक्षा के प्रति काफी गंभीर होते हैं और उन्हें पूरा करने के लिए प्रयास करते हैं।

विपरीत सेक्स के प्रति होते हैं अकर्षित

6 मूलांक शुक्र ग्रह द्वारा संचालित होता है। अत: शुक्र से प्रभावित बुराई भी आपमें पाई जा सकती है। जैसे स्त्री जाति के प्रति आपमें सहज झुकाव होगा। अगर आप स्त्री हैं तो पुरूषों के प्रति आपकी दिलचस्पी होगी। लेकिन आप दिल के बुरे नहीं है।
जानें क्या है शुभ

-शुभ दिनांक : 6, 15, 24

-शुभ अंक : 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 69, 78

- शुभ वर्ष : 2022, 2026

- ईष्टदेव : मां सरस्वती, महालक्ष्मी
- शुभ रंग : क्रीम, सफेद, लाल, बैंगनी

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Friday, April 2, 2021




simple follow step you just find out  --

Example-   12- 5- 1994

here we take first birth date = 12 

now convert date of birth single digit - 1+2= 3 Jupiter 

now we take date of month =  5   =  May 

Now we take birth year = 1994 

Now we find 

Success number =  date of birth + month 

                                                  =  12+5 
                                                  =   17 = 8 Saturn 

its called Saturn planet and its give tradition so this person doing Arrange marriage....

Now we add

date of birth single digit + birth month = 3+5 = 8 saturn 

so we said these person have 100 percent arrange marriage...

1  =   Sun    = arrange marriage 

2=      Moon =   love affair  / arrange marriage 

3=      Jupiter =  Arrange marriage 

4=      Rahu    =  Love Marriage 

5=     Mercury =   love + arrange marriage 

6=      venus      =    Love marriage  

7=     Ketu        =      Love Marriage 

8=    saturn          =   arrange marriage 

9  =  Mars            = Love arrange marriage