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Showing posts with label CA Horoscopes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CA Horoscopes. Show all posts

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Career Horoscope | This year


Career Horoscope

Career and financial life are two of the most noticeable, vital, and essential aspects of our lives. Without a promising career and an excellent financial situation, the other facets of life will suffer, and the smooth running of our daily lives will be jeopardized. If our career strength and consistency are insufficient, our personal life will suffer. The Career is the very foundation and spine on which our life is reliant, for it ensures an unending stream of funds from which our day by day life is kept going without interruptions. This segment will look at the Career prospects in this year

Aries: Your self-assurance might be put to the test today. At work, you will encounter individuals who will say or do things that will put you in risk of losing your equilibrium. You shouldn't let other people's actions affect you. Do not for a single second have any self-doubt since you are proceeding in the correct direction. Your emotional self-assurance is unparalleled in its strength and scope so trust yourself. The months from May to mid-October are the preferable time, and you may take some important decisions related to your profession. The planet Jupiter is your supportive planet. It helps you in bringing good luck in your career.

Taurus: it's important to give your full focus to both work and personal matters. It will be intense, and you'll have to work hard to balance the two sides' unreasonable expectations. But if you're realistic, make a plan, and stick to it, you should be able to avoid most issues. The most pressing problems will undoubtedly consume your focus, but they will wither away as the day draws to a close.
This New Year is all about every single happening which might change your near future for betterment. The planetary movement for the zodiac sign Taurus is connected with every single change in their life. 

Gemini: Maintain your stance when it comes to make a decision about any of the office's tasks. There are those who will accuse you of having an excessively conservative viewpoint, while others will argue that you have a progressive worldview. This merely demonstrates that one's perception on anything can change. Everyone has an opinion on everything. Maintain a firm stance and do not waver. Hence, next year would be considered fruitful for artisans, designers, and creators.

Cancer: The year has an immense vibe about it, and whatever idea you have will be duplicated or magnified in some way, regardless of how you express it. It's perfectly good to do this, but before you start recklessly going forward, you should check with other people to make sure they know what your intentions are. It will help to be transparent about your thoughts and keep your team mates in loop.

You may face problems in business and your career. So, you should be poised, self-confident, and hard working. These three qualities of yours may help you survive tough times.

Leo: Instead of just sitting back, you should reorganize and priorities the goals you have for your career. You should take a step back right now and look at the circumstance you're in with a less stressed-out mindset. You are going to have a realization that you can unquestionably put to excellent use later on. Investigate the employment possibilities that you had previously disregarded.

Virgo: At this juncture in your professional life, you should make a concerted effort to maintain an optimistic attitude towards both your current circumstances and your future plans. Figure out a technique to change your mindset from one that is pessimistic to one that is more optimistic. Your frame of mind determines everything, therefore use it to work for you to find solutions to challenging issues. 

Libra: Year will help you feel more in tune with the world around you. The comments spoken by others in the workplace will be supportive, motivating, and beneficial. It won't be hard to locate someone in your team who agrees with you and understands what you're going through, which will make it much simpler for you to move toward your goals with a lot of confidence.

Scorpio: You could end up procrastinating if you aren't paying attention at work. Because of this, your productivity may suffer and your deadlines may have to be realigned. You need to take it easy on yourself and not push yourself too hard. Don't rush. Be extremely cautious as you make choices. There will soon be a great responsibility placed onto your shoulders. Take each problem at hand as it comes.

Sagittarius: year is likely to be a each day in which you stay quite active. You can expect to be given some substantial responsibilities. In some cases, as a team leader, you may need to provide moral support to your subordinates. You may get frustrated while dealing with matters that are too complicated. If you want to advance in your career, you need to take everyone along and not work solo. 

Capricorn: You will make an effort to make progress in whatever you set out to do today and will remain calm and collected regardless of the twists and turns your life may take. You are capable of thriving even while under intense amounts of pressure since you have a level mind and strong shoulders. This is where you are ahead of others. So, take it in your stride and keep moving forward.

Aquarius: Try to steer clear of having a negative state of mind. Put your attention on the things you are doing rather than worrying too much about the results. There are some decisions that might not work out in your favour. On the other hand, in order to accomplish your goals, you will have to put in a lot of effort. Your superiors are keeping a careful eye on how well you do, so you need to keep your game face

Pisces: It's time to give yourself a pat on the back, because you are finally coming closer to your goals. This will allow you to carry out your duties. One thing you should keep in mind, though, is that with success comes even more responsibility. As a result, you might anticipate prospects for personal development. Take advantage of this opportunity for your own growth and success. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Kundli Grah Combination for Chartered Accountant

Kundli Grah Combination for Chartered Accountant 

Chartered Accountant Yoga in Kundli, Horoscope

Given below are a few combinations which are considered very rewarding if a person wants to pursue career in accounts:
  • Positive relationship between Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Moon is an auspicious astrological yoga for Chartered Accountant.
  • When Mercury and Venus are placed with 5th Lord in 5th House and Lord of 10th and 11th house aspect them then the native has a successful career in accounts because relationship of Mercury with 5th house is extremely important.
  • Presence of Mercury as Lord of 10th House and aspects or is in conjunction with 5th house, Venus is Lord of 11th house and connects with Jupiter, this is again an important yoga to become a chartered accountant.

Significant Planets for Chartered Accountant in Horoscope

These planets are very important to keep in mind when it comes to knowing the probability of becoming a CA:
  • Mercury and Jupiter are the prime planets to have career as chartered accountant in Vedic Astrology. Mercury is for accounts and Jupiter for funds.
  • Presence of Mercury with Mars makes account handling excellent.
  • Effect of Saturn on 5th House or Lord is very beneficial.
  • Influence of Marts and Saturn in horoscope makes a person smart as raising revenue and saving tax.

Significant Houses: Chartered Accountant Astrology

The houses given below are most important to consider to know chances of becoming a Chartered Accountant as per astrology:

  • When the 2nd, 6th, 10th, 12th and 15th houses in kundali are put together, they create auspicious yogas to become a chartered accountant.
  • Relation of these houses with 5th House or Lord determine the levels of education.
  • 6th and 10th house influence the native’s horoscope in relation with audits and tax.

आवश्यक भाव: दूसरा, छठा, दशम, द्वादश व पंचम भाव (Second, Sixth, Tenth, Twelfth and Fifth House)
ज्योतिष की दृष्टि से इसमें दूसरा घरजिसे अर्थ व धन का घर ( the second house is the house of money) कहा जाता है. छठा घर जिसे प्रतियोगिता व कानून का घर कहते है. दशम घर कर्म स्थान, द्वादश घर को टैक्स व राजस्व तथा पंचम भाव को सलाह का घर कहा जाता है. ये सभी ग्रह मिलकर चार्टेट अकाउन्टेंट बनने की ओर इशारा करते है. इस क्षेत्र में महारत हासिल करने के लिये शिक्षा का उतम होना आवश्यक है. इसलिये इनका संबध पंचम भाव /पंचमेश से आना चाहिए.

कुण्डली में लग्नेश, दशमेश, पंचमेश, भाग्येश, लाभेश, धनेश ये सभी अत्यन्त महत्व रखते है. क्योंकि इन सब की शुभ स्थिति के कारण ही व्यक्ति को उच्चस्तर का व्यवसाय व उच्चशिक्षा प्राप्त होती है. जिससे व्यक्ति को अधिक लाभ प्राप्त करते हुए यश की प्राप्ति होती है. चार्टेट अकाउण्टेन्ट के मामलें में छठे व बारहवें घरों का बहुत अधिक महत्व होता है.क्योकि इससे टैक्स व आडिट करने वालों का पता लगता है.

आवश्यक ग्रह : बुध, गुरु, मंगल व शनि (Important Planet: Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn for Chartered Accountant Career)
चार्टेट अकाउण्टेण्ट बनने के लिये जिन ग्रहों के योग की आवश्यकता है. उनमें बुध तथा गुरु इसके लिये मुख्य ग्रह है (Jupiter and Mercury are the main planet to consider planetary yogas for chartered accountant.) . गुरु धन तथा परामर्श के कारक है. और बुध अकाउण्टेन्स या हिसाब किताब के कारक है. बुध हिसाब किताब तो रखते है. बुध से ही हिसाब किताब करने की योग्यता आती है. पर प्रतियोगिताओं में मंगल सफलता दिलाते है.

शनि का प्रभाव भी पंचम भाव/पंचमेश पर अच्छा समझा जाता है. सामान्यत: यह देखने में आया है की मंगल का प्रभाव दूसरे घर व दूसरे घर के स्वामी पर अधिक होता है. इस क्षेत्र में वही व्यक्ति कदम रखते है जिनकी गणित विषय में अच्छी पैठ होती है. क्योंकि चार्टेट अकाउन्टेन्ट का सारा काम हिसाब किताब रखने का ही होता है.
मंगल, शनि का संबध इसलिये भी आवश्यक होता है. क्योंकि जो लोग राजस्व बढाने व टैक्स बचाने के चक्कर मे रहते है. उन्हे इन पापी ग्रहों का सहारा लेना ही पडता है. जिन अकाउण्टेन्ट की कुण्डली में मंगल व शनि का प्रभाव होता है. वे राजस्व व टैक्स बचाने का काम अधिक करते है.

अमात्यकारक ग्रह की भूमिका: (Role of Amatyakaraka Planet for Chartered Accountant Career)
अमात्यकारक ग्रहों से व्यवसाय की दिशा पता चलती है. ( The Amatayakaraka planet will have relationship with the second house or its lord in the birth-chart of a chartered accountant) चार्टेट अकाउण्टेन्ट की कुण्डली में अमात्यकारक का संबध दूसरे घर व दूसरे घर के स्वामी से होता है. अमात्यकारक ग्रह का स्वभाव चार्टेट अकाऊन्टेन्ट की विशिष्टता बताता है. जैसे: अमात्यकारक ग्रह बुध होने पर व्यक्ति आडिट तथा अकाऊण्ट्स के क्षेत्र में काम करता है.

मंगल व शनि के होने पर व्यक्ति टैक्स बचाने से जुडा काम करता है. जैसे बिक्री कर, आयकर आदि. सूर्य के होने पर कारपोरेट के कानून इत्यादि. गुरु के अमात्यकारक होने से व्यक्ति को बैक या फाइनेन्स का काम करना अधिक पसन्द होता है.

अमात्यकारक ग्रह के दूसरे, पंचम तथा एकादश भावों से संबध होने से व्यवसाय में उन्नति तो होती ही है. चार्टैट अकाउण्टेन्ट बनने के लिये यह योग जितना अच्छा होगा. व्यक्ति को उतनी ही सफलता मिलती है.

दशाओं की भूमिका: (Role of Dasha of Planets for Chartered Accountant Career)
व्यवसाय के शुरु में दशा स्वामियों का संबध छठे व दशवें घरों व अमात्यकारक से होना उतम होता है . क्योंकी दशाएं ही व्यक्ति की सफलता का मार्ग निर्धारित करती है. व्यवसाय करने के समय पर संबन्धित ग्रहों व भावों के स्वामियों की दशा मिलने से उन्नति प्राप्त करना सरल हो जाता है.

अन्य योग:(Other Yogas for Chartered Accountant Career)
पंचम भाव में पंचमेश के साथ वाणिज्य कारक बुध व शुक्र एक साथ बैठे और उस पर दशमेश या लाभेश की दृ्ष्टि हो रही हो तो व्यक्ति अकाउण्टन्स जुडी शिक्षा प्राप्त करता है. पंचम घर को शिक्षा का घर कहते है. इस घर में बैठे ग्रह व्यक्ति की शिक्षा व शिक्षा का विषय बताते है. बुध जो अकाउण्टस विषय का कारक है उसका पंचम घर से संबध बनाने से इस क्षेत्र में सफलता पाने की संभावना बनती है.
अकाउण्टस विषय का कारक बुध दशमेश होकर पंचमेश से युति या दृ्ष्टि संबध स्थापित करे और शुक्र लग्नेश या लाभेश या शिक्षा के कारक गुरु भी संबध बनाये तो भी व्यक्ति इस क्षेत्र में सफलता प्राप्त करता है.