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Showing posts with label Inter Cast Love Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inter Cast Love Marriage. Show all posts

Thursday, October 28, 2021

विवाह संस्कार नहीं करना चाहिए।

 विवाह संस्कार नहीं करना चाहिए।

1- विवाह संस्कार इस माह मेंनिषेध: ज्योतिषशास्त्र के मुताबिक, जिस माह मेंजातक के माता-पिता का विवाह हुआ हो या जिस माह मेंस्वयं उस जातक का जन्म हुआ हो उस माह मेंविवाह संस्कार नहीं करना चाहिए। 

2- यह नक्षत्र नहीं हैशुभ: पुष्य और पूर्वाफाल्गुनी गु नक्षत्रों मेंविवाह संस्कार करना शुभ नहीं माना जाता है इसलिए इस दौरान विवाह संस्कार वर्जित है। 

3- कब हो प्रथम संतान का विवाह: ज्योतिषशास्त्र के जानकारों के अनुसार किसी व्यक्ति को अपनी प्रथम यानि ज्येष्ठ संतान का विवाह कभी भी ज्येष्ठ माह मेंनहीं करना चाहिए। इसका कारण यह हैकि ज्येष्ठ माह भी होता हैऔर संतान भी ज्येष्ठ जो कि शुभ संयोग नहीं होता है। इसलिए अपनी पहली संतान का ज्येष्ठ माह मेंविवाह करना अशुभ माना गया है। 

4- ग्रहण मेंन करेंवि वाह: सूर्यअथवा चंद्र ग्रहण के तीन दिन पूर्वऔर ग्रहण के तीन दिन बाद तक विवाह कार्य करना वर्जित माना जाता है। 

5- इस योग मेंन करेंविवह: जिस समय गुरुगु, शुक्र गोचर मेंहों और तारा अस्त हो तो इस योग मेंभी विवाह कार्य नही करना चाहिए। चतुर्मास मेंजब भगवान विष्णुशयन करतेहैंउस समय सेलेकर देवउठनी एकादशी के दौरान भी विवाह संस्कार नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Astrological Remedies for Extramarital Problems


Astrological Remedies for Extramarital Problems

  • Take kumkum and spread it on the side of the bed where your husband sleeps. On the next day in the morning, collect the kumkum and apply it to your Maang (partition of hair) where you apply it usually. While applying kumkum on your head, recite the name of Goddess Parvathi and seek her blessings. This is the simplest astrological remedy for an extramarital problem. It is advisable to do follow this totkas to remove extramarital affair on Sunday night.

  • Another astrological remedy for a husband’s extramarital affair is also simple and easy to follow. For this, you need to light a cube of camphor in the bedroom area. There is no specific day to perform this totka. You can perform this on any night of the week. The only thing you ought to do is to carry this astrological remedy with utmost faith and devotion. This totka is also helpful in ending the secret love affair of the husband. 

  • Another powerful remedy to get rid of the extramarital affair of the husband is to take the name of the person you think has an affair with your spouse. To follow this totka, you should take some lotus seeds (makhana) and write the name of that person on those seeds. Once you have written the letters of the name of that person, burn those seeds until it turns into ashes. This astrological remedy will help you to disassociate your spouse from that person and come out of the extra marital relationship.

How to Stop Extra Marital Affair of Wife Astrology?

Chanting the following Vashikaran Mantra is an effective remedy to stop your wife from cheating. 

|| Om Namah Kamakshi Devi (Name of Woman or Girl)
Naari Me Vasham Kuru Kuru Swaha ||

This Vashikaran mantra can attract the girl or woman towards you and help you win her again. It is one of the effective Totka or remedies to remove extra marital affair of wife. You may also Ask an Marriage Astrologer at JYOTISHGHER to know more astro remedies to stop your wife from cheating on you.

What are The Astro Remedies to Stop Extra Marital Affairs of Husband?

There are some infallible astro remedies for how to end the husband's illegal affairs quickly. The first and foremost remedy is to visit the temple of Goddess Durga thrice a week. This bestows longevity to marriage and makes your husband leave extramarital affairs. Another effective remedy is to recite the following mantra to stop a husband from cheating.

|| Namaskaromi namai shatam tuhe
Shanai cha sur de kum
Namo vidhmahe sharade sute
Sharomi kahe suda anshu dhum ||

Certain planetary combinations indicate the possibility of extramarital affairs in astrology.

  • Mercury or Venus: If your prospective groom or bride’s Moon is in trine to Mercury, it could indicate chances of infidelity. Another planet to look for is Venus. It also has a significant role to play in extramarital affairs and astrology
  • Mars and Venus in conjunction with Scorpio sun sign in the 9th house: This is a potent indication of extramarital affairs. Mercury and Moon conjunction in Gemini is also an astrological indicator of infidelity in both men and women
  • Moon in conjunction with Mars: This situation can lead to clouding of the mind, and a person can become inclined toward illicit relationships. They are more prone to cheating on their partners with extramarital relationships
  • A badly afflicted Moon and Sun in the fourth house: This can also indicate the person’s tendency toward having secrets. They can also have illicit relationships with older or aged women.
  • Moon conjunct with Venus: A scenario like this gives rise to extreme and sensuous thoughts in the mind of the native, which can hint at tendencies towards extramarital relationships
  • Moon conjuct with Rahu: A person may be inclined to have an extramarital relationship if the Moon in his or her kundali is conjunct with Rahu. This combination makes one’s mind clouded and prevents rational decisions.
  • Venus conjunct with Rahu or Mars: Venus is the planet of love and romance. Venus, when conjunct with Rahu or Mars, boosts passion and lust in one’s life. And this conjunction in signs like Scorpio, Aries, Libra and Gemini can increase the chances of an extramarital affair
  • Moon and Mercury conjunct with Gemini: Moon and Mercury, in conjunction with the sun sign Gemini (the sign of love and romance) also indicate a strong possibility of adultery. The person may also get exposed for his extramarital affair if the combination is aspected by the planet Saturn
  • Check for Punarbhu Dosha: Vedic astrology also believes that before marriage the horoscopes should be checked for Punarbhu Dosha – which is basically the conjunction of Moon and Saturn. This combination is believed to make a partner cheat and create a lot of havoc in unrest in a marriage
  • The nature of specific horoscopes: Certain horoscopes also have some effect on inclination for extramarital relationships. Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs book claims that Capricorn men are prone to straying later on in their lives. Scorpio men and women are also prone to being lusty and getting into extramarital affairs


Monday, October 5, 2020

Simple and easy way to understand D-9


Simple and easy way understand D-9

In Vedic Astrology, D-9 Chart is said to be essential to consult for accurate predictions.
A planet in same sign in both Rashi and Navamsha chart is said to be ‘Vargottama’ and gives excellent results during its Dasha/Bhukti/ Antara periods and also in Transit. Planets become Vargottama in following cases:
  • Movable signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) and in first Navamsha (0°- 3°20′)
  • Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and in 5th Navamsha (13°20′ – 16°40′)
  • Dual signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) and in last Navamsha (26°40 -30°)

Timing of Marriage
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord in Kendra – early marriage
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord in Trikona –slight delay but will get married in time.
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord in Dusthana, spoilt by malefics like Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu – Marriage beyond 30 years.
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord is extremely spoilt – Denial of marriage.
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord in 7th House, 7th Lord in 12th House – marriage in 23rd or 26th years of age.
  • 8th House of Rashi chart is 7th House of Navamsha, Venus in Navamsha Lagna, marriage in 25th or 33rd years of age.
  • If Venus in seventh House or the Seventh Lord or the Lagna Lord of Navamsha is all afflicted then one can say that it amounts to no marriage. It would rather be better if such a person’s does not marry.

Nature of Spouse
  • The native will get beautiful, cultured, intelligent wife and will be prosperous and wealthy in his life if Navamsha Lagna Lord is
    • Exalted, in Moola Trikona or in Own house.
    • In other Vargas posited in Kendra / Trikona
    • Do not have any aspect / association with malefics.
  • If Navamsha Lagna Lord is in Dusthana, debilitatated and has aspects of malefics, the native will get mediocre / bad natured wife.

Married Life
If in Navamsha chart
  • 7th House and 7th Lord are aspected by benefics or Venus is in good House, the married life will be smooth and happy.
  • If 7th Lord is Sun or Mars the husband and wife will be mutually honest and trustworthy.
  • If Sun, Mercury is posited in 7th House, there will be extra marital affairs.
  • If Venus is 7th Lord and is exalted or posited in Lagna or 7th House, the native will have associations with many women.
If in Navamsha chart
  • 5th House has benefics, 5th Lord is in associated with benefics, the native will have good progeny
  • 5th Lord of Rashi chart is posited in Kendra /Trikona of Navamsha chart, the native will have good progeny.
  • 5th House and 5th Lord are spoilt by malefics, the native will not have happiness from his children

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Inter Cast Love Marriage

Inter Cast Love Marriage

When Navmansha lord is affected by malefic planets, marriage happen with the lower caste person.

 If Navmansha lord relates to a benefic planet, it means marriage will happen with upper caste person.

 If Navmansha lord is same as your ascendant lord, marriage happens in same caste.

responsible for Love Marriage and Inter Caste Marriage. That is Rahu.
When Rahu affect the 5th house with positive aspects the relationship goes long and end up with marriage. If Rahu is not positive, relationship ends unexpectedly. If Rahu is good, you will have everything visible about your partner. If Rahu is negative you will come to know the hidden secrets of your partner after the relationship break up or after a long time.

The other thing is Navmansha Chart of horoscope. This is like real horoscope of your life partner. This tells everything about your life partner. Whether you will have love marriage or arranged. Your love affair and relationships. Your relationship fulfillment or break up could be analyzed by your Navmansha Horoscope.

Feel free to ask about your horoscope by sending your details in comment box below. Like us and share your date of birth in the comment box below to know how will be your marriage, inter caste or arranged marriage:
