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Showing posts with label younger-looking spouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label younger-looking spouse. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2022

Predict Spouse Appearance with Astrology


Predict Spouse Appearance with Astrology and Spouse Indicator

Facial beauty of Spouse

1. Eye type - The eye of a person contributes to facial beauty. A benefic planet like Jupiter and Venus can indicate good looking eye. Bright white eyeball, where the eyes are neither too small to too big in appearance. A strong Moon can also contribute to good looking eyes. Planets like Mars, Rahu and Saturn can contribute towards dull-looking eyes devoid of beauty and charisma, but this is only true if they are negatively contributing towards your 7th house or 7th lord or any other significator.

2. Skin type and Skin tone - Normally healthy skin is good looking skin irrespective of skin tone or complexion. Sun and Jupiter can give radiant skin type no matter whatever may be the skin tone. Saturn and Ketu rules scarcity so can signify dry skin type. And Venus and Moon rules can denote moist or soft skin type. Moon can also signify a slightly fair skin tone than the general skin tone of the community or the gene line of your partner.

3. Hair type - Planets that are hot and dry like Sun and Mars denotes thin hairs and comparatively weak hair follicle. Saturn signifies messy hair. Venus signifies a good looking person who takes care of their hair. Venus can also signify curly hairs and Mercury can sometimes also denote curls.

4. Face - The overall composition of the face is at last the most important thing which matters in facial beauty. The shape and size of the eyes, nose, lips and checks all in combination depicts if someone is perceived as beautiful or not. Jupiter gives an attractive face with sometimes little bulkiness since Jupiter rules abundance. Venus can give a well-proportioned face with immense charm. Saturn which is not so well placed or in bad condition can give unimpressive looks and more mature looks on the face than the actual age. Sun and Jupiter can sometimes contribute to round looking faces. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu can contribute to a long face. But ultimately this is subject to change based on the overall family genetics of the partner. Mercury denotes youth and therefore can give a younger-looking face when influencing the 7th house or related planets and the 7th lord.

Physical beauty of Spouse

Now we come to physical aspects of the spouse. How the type and size of a woman's body can affect her level of beauty is much dramatic. And males with the muscular body are admired but are not necessarily attractive.

1. Body Shape - Another important factor that determines the overall beauty of your spouse is body shape. Some people are slim and attractive. Some people have some weight put on but still flaunt those attractive body curves. Athletic people on the other hand have a different kind of beauty and attractiveness with them. The influence of Jupiter and Strong Moon contributes towards body fat and a bit chubby looks. Mars may represent athletic body types: both attractive and non-attractive ones. Venus can give a very attractive body type if not in very bad conditions in the chart. Saturn and Ketu contribute to Slim body type. Rahu without any good influence with it can represent unattractive body shape. Sun and Jupiter also represent a strong build and healthy body shape.

2. Height - A proportioned height is a good thing to have in body composition. The influence of the Sun gives average height. The influence of the Moon, Mars or Mercury can cause short height. But Moon can be very easily influenced by other strong planets or other influences. Jupiter can give height between the medium and tall range. Venus also signifies average height. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu can bring tall height as a bodily feature in a person.

3. Weight - Just like height, weight is just another body factor that needs to be in proportion. Too much or too little of which can harm a person in terms of his/her physical beauty. Jupiter can give some bulky builds in body shape. Moon and Venus when with the influence of watery signs can also signify overweighted body type. Saturn and Ketu can denote slim body structure with very chances of fat accumulation. Rahu can signify both extremes when under the respective influences of planets. Rahu along with strong Venus can also denote a very beautiful body and well-proportioned body weight. Strong Mars can signify weight in terms of muscles rather than fat.

How to predict the beauty of Spouse by your horoscope/kundli?

The major hiccups after reading some astrological articles or watching some youtube videos on spouse predictions are that, How to apply it to our kundli chart? And to make sure even if the said details apply to our chart so that we can validate the predictions. For that purpose, we have to make some checks in our kundli. This is the part of horoscope analysis where most mistakes can be made.

To reduce our efforts and properly analyse the important factors (like 7th house, 7th lord and 7th Navasma etc.) in marriage astrology and spouse predictions

Rules for predicting Spouse Appearances from Astrology (using Spouse Indicator):

A person might have a very beautiful wife or charming/attractive husband, if

  1. Jupiter or Venus have 2 points or more than 2 points.
  2. 7th house of Navamsa has 2 points or more than 2 points.
  3. 7th house of Navamsa is either aspected or conjunct by any of two benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Moon). [Extremely important condition]. Note: There should be no conjunction of Venus and Mercury.
  4. 7th house of NTR should have 2 or more than 2 points.

These conditions can not only signify a beautiful spouse, but also a good and fruitful married life.

A person will have a younger spouse or younger-looking spouse, if

  1. Jupiter or Venus have 2 points or more than 2 points.
  2. 7th house of Navamsa has 2 points or more than 2 points.
  3. The 7th house of Navamsa is either aspected or conjunct by Mercury alone or by Mercury and Moon. [Extremely important condition].
  4. 7th house of NTR should have 2 or more than 2 points.

How to predict spouse appearance when the 7th house has no planets?

When the 7th house of Navamsa has no planet in it. The predictions will truly depend on the influencing factors of the 7th navamsa house. Then you can use the 7th Navamsa house conditions, 7th house of NTR conditions and the conditions of Jupiter or Venus in the Spouse Indicator. The conditions of the 7th house of Navamsa will be the key in estimating degrees of the good or bad influence of the 7th navamsa.