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Thursday, February 29, 2024

What is a Ramashalaka Prashna Prashnavali question in Astrology?

GET ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION FROM SHRI RAM SHALAKA | Ramacharitamanas Prashna / Ramashalaka Prashna, रामचरितमानस प्रश्न, प्रश्नावली, श्रीराम शलाका, प्रश्न, प्रश्नावली

The "Ram Shalaka Prashnavali" is a divination tool that originated from the Ramcharitmanas, an epic poem written by the Indian saint Tulsidas. It is often used for seeking guidance and answers to specific questions. The Ram Shalaka Prashnavali consists of verses from the Ramcharitmanas, and a seeker can use it to receive a randomly chosen verse as an answer to their question.

रामशलाका प्रश्नावली तुलसीदास द्वारा रचित रामचरितमानस में आई है. तुलसीदास कहते हैं कि यदि किसी प्रश्न को लेकर अनिर्णय की स्थिति है तो उसपर प्रभु से संकेत मांगें. आप कोई काम करना चाह रहे हैं लेकिन तय नहीं कर पा रहे कि क्या किया जाए, किया जाए भी या नहीं किया जाए, तो अपने मन की दुविधा भगवान श्रीराम को सौंप दें. तुलसी कहते हैं श्रीराम का मन से स्मरण करते हुए उनसे राह सुझाने की प्रार्थना करनी चाहिए. रामशलाका प्रश्नावली प्रभु के संकेत दर्शाती है. मन में प्रश्न सोच लें. फिर आंखें मूंदकर श्रद्धा से श्रीराम का नाम लेकर अपनी अंगुली (कंप्यूटर पर माउस/cursor) शलाका के किसी एक खाने पर रख दें. उससे एक चौपाई बन जाएगी. उस चौपाई में ही आपके प्रश्न का उत्तर छिपा है. राम शलाका की हर चौपाई में एक संकेत छुपा है.

Offer a prayer to Lord Ram, ask your single question and click on any one of the numbers on the squares and the answer to your question will appear.
मन में प्रश्न सोच लें. फिर आंखें मूंदकर श्रद्धा से श्रीराम का नाम लेकर अपनी अंगुली (कंप्यूटर पर माउस/cursor) शलाका के किसी एक खाने पर रख दें.TRY HERE

Here's a simplified explanation of how to use the Ram Shalaka Prashnavali:

  1. Concentration:

    • Before using the Ram Shalaka, it's recommended to calm the mind and focus on the question or issue for which you seek guidance.
  2. Prayer:

    • Offer a prayer to Lord Rama, seeking His guidance and blessings.
  3. Asking the Question:

    • Formulate your question in a clear and concise manner. It's important to ask a specific question rather than a vague one for a more accurate response.
  4. Random Verse Selection:

    • While keeping the question in mind, close your eyes and touch any one of the 1 to 108 squares (shlokas) on the Ram Shalaka chart. The number you touch corresponds to a specific verse from the Ramcharitmanas.
  5. Verse Interpretation:

    • Open the Ramcharitmanas to the page corresponding to the selected number. Read the verse on that page to find guidance and insights related to your question.
  6. Contemplation:

    • Reflect on the meaning of the chosen verse and consider how it relates to your question. The guidance may come in the form of advice, encouragement, or insights.

It's important to approach the Ram Shalaka Prashnavali with sincerity and an open heart. While the verses are from a sacred text, interpretation and understanding may vary based on individual perspectives.

Remember that the Ram Shalaka Prashnavali is a form of divination rooted in religious and cultural traditions. If you have specific questions about your life or seek guidance, you may also consider consulting with a qualified astrologer or spiritual guide who can provide personalized insights based on your birth chart and circumstances.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

What's the effect of seventh aspect of Saturn?

 What's the effect of seventh aspect of Saturn?

Responsibilities and patience: In Vedic astrology, the concept of aspects is slightly different from Western astrology. The aspect of a planet is the influence it casts on other planets or houses in the chart. Saturn has a 7th aspect, which means it influences the planets and houses that are 7 places away from its position.

The aspects of Saturn, also known as drishti in Vedic astrology, are particularly significant. The 3rd, 7th, and 10th aspects of Saturn are considered special and are said to have specific implications:

  1. 3rd Aspect of Saturn: Saturn’s 3rd aspect influences the houses counted third from its position in the natal chart. For example, if Saturn is placed in the 1st house, its 3rd aspect will affect the 3rd house. This aspect is associated with communication, siblings, courage, and self-effort. It may indicate challenges or responsibilities in these areas. However, it can also bring discipline, determination, and a practical approach to handling these matters.
  1. 7th Aspect of Saturn: Saturn’s 7th aspect influences the houses counted seventh from its position in the natal chart. If Saturn is in the 1st house, its 7th aspect affects the 7th house. The 7th aspect is particularly significant for relationships, partnerships, and marriage. It may bring a sense of responsibility, commitment, and structure to these areas of life. It can also indicate challenges or delays in marriage, emphasizing the need for patience and maturity.
  2. 10th Aspect of Saturn: Saturn’s 10th aspect influences the houses counted tenth from its position in the natal chart. If Saturn is in the 1st house, its 10th aspect affects the 10th house. The 10th aspect is associated with career, reputation, and public life. It can indicate a strong sense of duty, responsibility, and ambition in career matters. Challenges or delays in career advancement may be present, but with perseverance, individuals can achieve long-term success.

Here's a breakdown of Saturn's 7th aspect:

  1. Direct Aspect on the 7th House: Saturn's 7th aspect directly influences the house where Saturn is placed. For example, if Saturn is in the 1st house, its 7th aspect will affect the 7th house. This can bring a sense of discipline, responsibility, and seriousness to matters related to partnerships, marriage, and significant relationships.
  2. Indirect Aspect on the 2nd and 10th Houses: Saturn's 7th aspect also indirectly influences the 2nd and 10th houses from its position. This can have an impact on matters related to family, speech, finances, career, and social status. The influence tends to be more disciplined and cautious, and there may be a sense of responsibility in these areas of life.
  3. Influence on the 4th and 8th Houses: Saturn's 7th aspect also indirectly affects the 4th and 8th houses. This may bring a sense of stability, seriousness, and responsibility to matters related to home, family, emotional security, and shared resources. There may be a cautious approach to issues related to emotional bonds and joint finances.
  4. Balancing Act: Saturn's influence tends to bring a sense of structure and discipline. In the context of relationships, this aspect may lead to a more serious and committed approach. It encourages a balance between personal desires and the responsibilities and commitments that come with partnerships.
  5. Delay and Maturity: Saturn is associated with delay and maturity. Its 7th aspect can indicate a slower, more deliberate approach to relationship matters. People with this aspect may take time to commit, but when they do, it is often with a sense of long-term responsibility and maturity.
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Friday, February 9, 2024

Sun in Taurus is an Earth sign in astrology


Sun in Taurus is an Earth sign in astrology

According to Vedic astrology, the sun in Taurus is an Earth sign. This means that people with the sun in Taurus are rooted, confident, and enjoy making others happy. 

When the Sun is found in Taurus, the drive to establish and maintain a sense of security is important. Taureans are learning about security, and what it means to be able to maintain a stable sense of self. With the Sun in Taurus, this is a journey to the centre of what it means to be well-grounded.
Some say that people with the sun in Taurus may have the following traits:
Some say that people with the sun in Taurus may also face the following challenges:

Sun in Taurus in Astrology

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Individuals born between April 20th and May 20th have the Sun in Taurus, which imparts distinct qualities to their personality and influences various aspects of their lives.

Key Traits of Sun in Taurus:

Challenges for Sun in Taurus:

  • Stubbornness: Taurus individuals may exhibit stubbornness, particularly when it comes to changing their opinions or routines.
  • Materialistic Tendencies: Due to their connection to the material world, Taurus individuals may sometimes place excessive emphasis on material possessions.

Compatibility with Other Signs:

Taurus individuals may find compatibility with Virgo and Capricorn, forming strong connections with fellow earth signs that share similar values and practical outlooks.Taurus is a fixed earth sign and its lord is Venus. Venus is a feminine watery planet while Sun is a masculine fiery planet. Both are inimical to each other so the placement of Sun in Taurus is not considered positive in Vedic Astrology, especially if it is under malefic influence.

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Is Sun good in Taurus?
Both are inimical to each other so the placement of Sun in Taurus is not considered positive in Vedic Astrology, especially if it is under malefic influence. Natives born with Sun in Taurus face a lot of difficulties and challenges in life.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Sun in Aries sign in astrology


Sun in Aries sign in astrology

Sun shares a friendly relationship with Mars, the position of Sun in Aries is held to bring positive results to the native as per Vedic Astrology principles. Such a person is a leader. He has the ability to show the way and influence the masses.

There is a strong sense of duty and honesty in such people. These are some of the most passionate and courageous people who never hesitate from taking a challenge. They are intelligent and sharp minded too. And their physical stature is as strong as their inner character is. Such people have the qualities of a warrior, and do well in areas such as police, military, leadership and Government sector. They can also get acclaim in the field of art. They usually have a strong heritage and live a prosperous life.

Element: Fire

Ruling Planet: Mars

Keywords: Independent, energetic, pioneering, courageous, impulsive, direct, competitive

Sun in Aries Meaning

In Aries, which Mars rules , the fiery planet of the Sun is exalted. According to Vedic Astrology principles, the position of the Sun in Aries will bring positive results for the native. This is a great leader. He has the capability to open doors and affect society’s general views. They seem genuinely dedicated and trustworthy. They are among the most fearless people eager to take on new projects.

Additionally, they are intelligent and possess an acute ability to think critically. Physically, their build is just as sturdy as their character. People who possess warrior qualities have a propensity for performance in government positions such as law enforcement, military, and high-level political positions. They have the ability to gain critical acclaim in the field of art. Their traditional ways of life usually lead to a comfortable and financially successful existence.

Possible strengths:

  • Confident and assertive: They know what they want and aren't afraid to go after it.
  • Independent and self-reliant: They value their freedom and take pride in doing things their own way.
  • Energetic and enthusiastic: They bring a spark of life to any situation and motivate others with their positivity.
  • Honest and direct: They say what they mean and appreciate transparency in others.
  • Courageous and bold: They're not afraid to take risks and stand up for what they believe in.

Sun in Aries according to Saravali: One, who has the Sun in Aries will comment on the meanings of Shastras, be famous in arts, fond of war, fierce, attached to his duty, fond of roaming, will have strong bones, be good in deeds, will do valorous acts, will be subjected to bilious and bloody disorders, be splendourous and strong. The native will also become a king.

Possible challenges:

  • Impulsive and impatient: They can sometimes act before thinking, leading to rash decisions.
  • Competitive and aggressive: Their desire to win can sometimes overshadow cooperation.
  • Stubborn and inflexible: They can be resistant to change and have difficulty seeing other perspectives.
  • Blunt and insensitive: Their directness can sometimes come across as harsh or hurtful.
  • Restless and easily bored: They crave constant stimulation and can struggle with focus on long-term goals.

Remember, these are just general interpretations and may not apply to everyone with Sun in Aries. Your unique birth chart, including the positions of other planets and aspects, will have a significant influence on your personality and life experiences.