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Showing posts with label Do Narcissists Have Bad Karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Do Narcissists Have Bad Karma. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2023

What exactly is karma?

What exactly is karma?

 In Sanskrit, karma literally means “action.” According to experts, there are often misconceptions about what karma really is and how it applies to our lives.

This article will help shed light on what karma is, the philosophy behind it, and its core principles, known as the 12 laws of karma.

What exactly is karma?

The true definition of karma can vary depending on who you ask. Some people adhere to the traditional meaning grounded in Eastern religions, while others interpret it from more of a Western view of good and bad. As a result, this can lead to different views on how karma applies to life.

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Reincarnation, or rebirth, is a phenomenon shrouded in mystery and speculation. Those of us who have given it some thought may have wondered about its purpose or the personal lessons we are supposed to master in our present-day life. As little as we know about reincarnation, we intuitively recognize that reincarnation and karma are somehow intertwined. Understanding a little bit about karma can help illuminate this most unfathomable of topics.

What is the karma that I have to focus on in this life? What is the general result of such karma (if possible)

Type of Karma as per your analysis













1) Practice self-awareness

Awareness of a particular tendency is the first step in eliminating negative tendencies in ourselves and helps us to overcome undesirable thoughts and behaviors. When you increase the sense of awareness or knowingness in you, karma gets reduced.

2) Act without any feverishness or attachment to the fruits of your actions

One karma (or action) seems to lead to another karma (or action)! That is why karma is seen as a cycle. What is that karma by which we can be liberated from karma? jyotishgher says that liberation is attained by Nishkama Karma or action which is done without any feverishness or attachment to the fruits of the action. For example, giving our very best effort in any situation at hand without linking our happiness to the outcome of that effort or action is Nishkama Karma.

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3) Nurture a healthy perception of people

Our thoughts and feelings also determine our karma. The more stuck we are to negative thoughts and feelings about our perceived enemies or people who’ve wronged us, the more we imbibe those qualities in ourselves. Whatever we cannot let go of creates deep impressions in our consciousness and these tend to re-live themselves in repeated experiences in this lifetime and next. For our own sake, we must forgive people and give them the benefit of the doubt. As we perceive the world and the people around us, so is our reality. Our perception needs to be expanded to accommodate a healthy acceptance of people and their behaviors.

Will You have a complete change of career during the later half of my life?:YES

Have a Guru in your life

Guru is a Sanskrit term for teacher, guide, expert, or master. In Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, other religions of the world, it is a widely held belief that one cannot progress and find liberation without the Guru. It is said that a Guru can relieve you of your mistakes and certain karmas.

Don’t get stuck in cravings and aversions

Karma Bandhan (bondage due to actions) is a state where there is some craving or aversion for an action. Broadening our vision helps us understand that even when a craving or desire is fulfilled it leaves us in the same place we were in before we had the desire. Desires don’t take us any further. In fact, they bind us in the cycle of karma.

Serve others

Seva , the Sanskrit word for selfless service or volunteerism, is an act that is done without wishing for something in return. Gurudev, states, “Seva purifies our karma." In other words, serving others purifies our actions.

A final word of wisdom is to stop analyzing your karma and worrying about if there will be a ‘next life’ for you, and come to the present knowing that life is new and fresh in every moment! Just relax. To help you relax, manage your stress, and even optimize your karma

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Do Narcissists Have Bad Karma


Do Narcissists Have Bad Karma

Do Narcissists Have Bad Karma? When Do You Get Justice or Revenge | What karma do narcissists experience?

Narcissism is a symptom of bad karma. Narcissists fill their life with drama, victimhood, and oppression. While they have an external aura of success and happiness, this is a falsehood that they propagate, and it does not represent who they are inside.

Unfortunately, many narcissists grew up in troubled households. If you have a religious belief in karma, you may assert that this is because of bad karma from previous lives or spiritual existences.

In any case, the narcissist suffers from a lack of self-worth and self-esteem which drives them to be the perpetrator of narcissistic manipulating in order to get their “narcissistic supply.” These are psychological wins which soother their internal hurts.

This destroys their family, relationships, friendships, professional relations, and negatively affects their entire lives. They have created a hell on Earth in order to act out their dominance obsession.

Why Don’t Narcissists Pay for Their Abuse?

There are several reasons narcissists seem to never pay for what they’ve done, although it all comes down to the fact that they are skilled illusionists with little sense of right and wrong —

  • They had all the bad things, and amplify the good
  • Narcissists are great liars
  • People tend to follow the narcissist’s lead (just easier that way)
  • Narcissists have a lack of empathy or remorse
  • They expect the best of everything, and have no shame for what they take

Really, the narcissist is paying for their abuse every moment of their life, because they completely miss out on healthy and meaningful relationships with other people. A narcissist experiences more loneliness than the majority can even comprehend, because they are alone in their own little world. Yet, they may not be able to admit or even realize that this is the source of their suffering.

When Do Narcissists Get Served with Justice?

Perhaps the narcissistic existential suffering seems like too little recompense for their actions. Is it true that narcissists completely escape justice?

While narcissists are more likely to commit and be convicted of crimes, there is no guarantee that that they will get what is coming to them.

If you are waiting for a narcissist to be served with any form of Earthly justice, then you may be waiting a very long time. This is just a fact of life and a consequence of how society functions.

The best thing you can do is look out for yourself, build the life that you want to have, and let the narcissist take care of them self. If you believe in God or a higher power, let them take care of the punishing the narcissist in their own time. Release any resentment you have, and commit yourself to living your own highest purpose unfettered by the demonic torments of narcissistic rage and suffering.

Are Narcissists Suffering Because of What They Do?

Narcissists in general have little remorse for the lies they tell and abuses they commit. In a psychological point of view, they have a deficiency which makes them lack common empathetic responses found in most humans.

For the majority of us, when someone around us hurts, we hurt also. This makes us feel bad for the wrongs that we do. And, we are naturally inclined to treat people around us rightly and fairly (although we might not do so all the time).

Because narcissists didn’t develop this emotional guide to help them, they don’t feel suffering, or to a much lesser degree, when they hurt others.

However, as I described above, this emotional lack is caused in part by childhood trauma and an ongoing emotional wound which causes them constant suffering. So, while a narcissist doesn’t suffer because of what they do, they do what they do because of their suffering.

How Do You Get Revenge on a Narcissist?

When we are hurt by narcissists, a natural response is to seek revenge. We want to hurt them in the same way that they hurt us.

However, succumbing to this urge in many ways furthers the objectives of the narcissist. Many forms of narcissistic manipulation seek to get under our skin, and make us feel weak, lonely, and scared. The narcissist wants to control the way we think through the way we feel.

To do this, the narcissist build an artificial fantasy world around them full of drama — heros, victims, and oppressors. They entice victims like you to play a role in this world, to make their fantasy a reality.

By the time that we realize what the narcissist is doing, and we come to hate them for it, they are casting us as their oppressor. They are turning the tables on us, and hoping we play along.

Every act of revenge against a narcissist just further cements their hold over our psyche, and forfeits our conscious over to their mad game.

As a victim of a narcissist, the ultimate revenge is to

  • Forgive them for what they have done
  • Build boundaries between us
  • Stop the cycle of abuse, and build a world of love

Forgiveness, compassion, and love are the antidotes to narcissism and abuse.

Am I Attracting Narcissists because of Bad Karma?

You may be wondering if you are part of the problem. Why do you keep dating narcissists?

While there are some theories of karma that seem to indicate that you have to “burn it off” through suffering, I have also read old teachings that indicate karma can be destroyed in an instant through enlightenment.

Spiritual and religious teachers may have different views, but from what I’ve seen, the moment you realize what a narcissist is and how to spot them, you have the potential to be free from them. I don’t believe that you must have so many years in a narcissistic relationships to earn your way out of abuse. But, some people still end up going back.

You will keep going back to narcissists only as you crave that experience.

While no one would consciously sign up for narcissistic abuse, many people unconsciously find themselves attracted to these people. But we can overcome this urge through introspection and self development. The more we work on ourselves, the better partners, friends, and business associates we attract to ourselves.

Do narcissists get karma?

Narcissists attract bad karma in a spiritual sense because they commit abuses which are not righteous, initiating a “cause and effect.” In a practical sense, narcissists build for themselves a living hell and must inhabit a world of lies which is spawned from their own wounded subconsciousness.

Do narcissists reap what they sow?

Narcissists rarely seem to “pay” for what they have done, because they are good at presenting a false image of themselves and are good at getting out of trouble. But, everyone’s actions have effects which they have to answer for. Most narcissists have deep seated emotional issues which torment them constantly and is a form of payback for how they act.