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Showing posts with label Prashnavali question in Astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prashnavali question in Astrology. Show all posts

Thursday, February 29, 2024

What is a Ramashalaka Prashna Prashnavali question in Astrology?

GET ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION FROM SHRI RAM SHALAKA | Ramacharitamanas Prashna / Ramashalaka Prashna, रामचरितमानस प्रश्न, प्रश्नावली, श्रीराम शलाका, प्रश्न, प्रश्नावली

The "Ram Shalaka Prashnavali" is a divination tool that originated from the Ramcharitmanas, an epic poem written by the Indian saint Tulsidas. It is often used for seeking guidance and answers to specific questions. The Ram Shalaka Prashnavali consists of verses from the Ramcharitmanas, and a seeker can use it to receive a randomly chosen verse as an answer to their question.

रामशलाका प्रश्नावली तुलसीदास द्वारा रचित रामचरितमानस में आई है. तुलसीदास कहते हैं कि यदि किसी प्रश्न को लेकर अनिर्णय की स्थिति है तो उसपर प्रभु से संकेत मांगें. आप कोई काम करना चाह रहे हैं लेकिन तय नहीं कर पा रहे कि क्या किया जाए, किया जाए भी या नहीं किया जाए, तो अपने मन की दुविधा भगवान श्रीराम को सौंप दें. तुलसी कहते हैं श्रीराम का मन से स्मरण करते हुए उनसे राह सुझाने की प्रार्थना करनी चाहिए. रामशलाका प्रश्नावली प्रभु के संकेत दर्शाती है. मन में प्रश्न सोच लें. फिर आंखें मूंदकर श्रद्धा से श्रीराम का नाम लेकर अपनी अंगुली (कंप्यूटर पर माउस/cursor) शलाका के किसी एक खाने पर रख दें. उससे एक चौपाई बन जाएगी. उस चौपाई में ही आपके प्रश्न का उत्तर छिपा है. राम शलाका की हर चौपाई में एक संकेत छुपा है.

Offer a prayer to Lord Ram, ask your single question and click on any one of the numbers on the squares and the answer to your question will appear.
मन में प्रश्न सोच लें. फिर आंखें मूंदकर श्रद्धा से श्रीराम का नाम लेकर अपनी अंगुली (कंप्यूटर पर माउस/cursor) शलाका के किसी एक खाने पर रख दें.TRY HERE

Here's a simplified explanation of how to use the Ram Shalaka Prashnavali:

  1. Concentration:

    • Before using the Ram Shalaka, it's recommended to calm the mind and focus on the question or issue for which you seek guidance.
  2. Prayer:

    • Offer a prayer to Lord Rama, seeking His guidance and blessings.
  3. Asking the Question:

    • Formulate your question in a clear and concise manner. It's important to ask a specific question rather than a vague one for a more accurate response.
  4. Random Verse Selection:

    • While keeping the question in mind, close your eyes and touch any one of the 1 to 108 squares (shlokas) on the Ram Shalaka chart. The number you touch corresponds to a specific verse from the Ramcharitmanas.
  5. Verse Interpretation:

    • Open the Ramcharitmanas to the page corresponding to the selected number. Read the verse on that page to find guidance and insights related to your question.
  6. Contemplation:

    • Reflect on the meaning of the chosen verse and consider how it relates to your question. The guidance may come in the form of advice, encouragement, or insights.

It's important to approach the Ram Shalaka Prashnavali with sincerity and an open heart. While the verses are from a sacred text, interpretation and understanding may vary based on individual perspectives.

Remember that the Ram Shalaka Prashnavali is a form of divination rooted in religious and cultural traditions. If you have specific questions about your life or seek guidance, you may also consider consulting with a qualified astrologer or spiritual guide who can provide personalized insights based on your birth chart and circumstances.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

What is a Prashnavali question in Astrology?


What is a Prashnavali question in Astrology?

In Astrology, a **Prashnavali question** refers to a specific type of question asked during divination techniques or astrological readings. The term comes from Sanskrit, where "Prashna" means "question" and "Prashnavali" translates to "series of questions".

Characteristics of Prashnavali questions:

  • Open-ended:** Unlike yes/no questions, Prashnavali questions are designed to encourage detailed and insightful answers.
  • Specific:** They target a particular aspect of life, such as career, relationships, health, or finances.
  • Focused:** They should be clear and concise, avoiding ambiguity or irrelevant details.

Different astrological methods utilize Prashnavali questions, including Sagar Chakra Prashnavali, Garbini Prashnavali, and Horary Astrology.

Examples of Prashnavali questions:

  • "What are the potential obstacles I might face in my new career path?"
  • "Will my upcoming relationship be stable and fulfilling?"
  • "What can I do to improve my overall health and well-being?"
  • "Will I be able to overcome this current financial challenge?"

Introduction- The box of 15 is popularly known as Panchadashi Yantra in which a set of nine boxes is there. On the boxes numbers are mentioned in such a way that total from all sides is fifteen. The following Shloka explains the answer for the box chosen against the query-

Tritiya mitra sanyuktam, Chaturtha cha kalah priyam,

anchame raj sanmanam, Shashte karya nashnam,

Saptame dhan dhanyam cha, Ashtame maranam dhruvam,

Navame raj sanmanam, Hutva kevli bhashitam.

Box of 15 gives very brief answer for your questions and it is used to know the general good luck of a person.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Sagar Chakra-

Introduction- In Sagar Chakra there are 53 boxes and in each box one different letter of Devnagari alphabet has been written including universal vibration OM. Any type of question can be asked and the answer thus obtained comes in short.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.

Garbini Prashnavli

Introduction- In "Garbhini Prashna" a set of nine boxes is there. Name of a planet is mentioned on each of the box. If you have any question related to birth of a child, then use this query method.

Method of Use- For getting an answer for your query, repeat the question in your mind and then click on any one of the box ("Kostak") after closing your eyes. The result to the query will immediately appear on the screen.