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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Year of the Ox


Year of the Ox

Oxen are the hard workers in the background, intelligent and reliable, but never demanding praise.

Personality and Characteristics

Oxen are honest and earnest. They are low key and never look for praise or to be the center of attention. This often hides their talent, but they’ll gain recognition through their hard work.

They believe that everyone should do what’s asked for them and stay within their bounds. Though they are kind, it’s difficult for them to understand persuasion using pathos. Rarely losing your temper, they think logically and make great leaders.

Men born in the Ox year are reliable and trustworthy. They put their entire heart into everything they do. They feel great responsibility towards their family as well. However, due to their confidence (almost arrogance), they don’t allow anyone to go against their rules. They hold your children to high expectations, even though it might be unrealistic.

Women born in the Ox year are calm and gentle. They will never surrender to fate and rarely think of choosing an alternative. This no doubt leads to a life of struggles. But no matter what, they will walk down the road they choose until the end. Despite this stubbornness, they think and react quickly.


Most compatible with Ox: RatSnakeRooster

Rat’s fixed Earthly Branch is water, while Ox is earth. They have complementing personalities and hold the same goals in life.

Snake and Rooster fit Ox nicely as well. Not only will Snakes give warmth and romance, they offer help and support in work too. Honest and loyal, they can also be attracted to the Rooster’s soft and loving heart.

Least compatible with Ox: Goat, Horse, Dog

The Earthly Branches of Goat and Ox clash strongly. They can tolerate each other’s differences, but there will always be tension.

Horses have a free and wild spirit, and may not have a serious attitude toward life. This is the opposite of an Ox’s personality. With Dogs, it’s hard to find common ground.

Lucky things for Oxen

  • Colors: blue, yellow, green
  • Numbers: 1, 4
  • Flowers: lily of the valley and lucky bamboo
  • Directions of auspiciousness: East, Southeast
  • Directions of wealth: Northwest
  • Directions of love: South

Unlucky things

  • Colors: red, brown
  • Numbers: 3, 6

Careers Fit for Oxen

Oxen often group family and work together. They look for long-term and steady work. Because of this, they are studious in school and perform well in every subject. This helps build a strong support for any future career path.

Because of their low-key personality, a stable job is the best for Oxen. Their strong sense of responsibility also makes them the perfect candidate for professional and stressful jobs. These include doctors, lawyers, businessmen and teachers. With their technical skills and effort, they can receive society’s recognition and reach their own standards.

No matter what career they choose, it must something they are really interested in. Though they may be okay with any job that fits their skills, they should take the time to find something they love. Only in a stable environment that matches their passions, are they able to find their true calling.

Health and Lifestyle

Like the wild oxen that run freely in the fields, people of the Ox year are healthy and fit. Hospital visits are rare, but this sometimes leads to overconfidence. Neglect during youth will result in problems in the later years.

As workaholics, Oxen will sometimes go days with minimal food and rest, then binge on both. Irregular diets will lead to indigestion and problems with the digestive system. Irregular exercise is what causes you to fall ill with “random” ailments.

Once they reach the middle ages, there is high risk of heart disease. Strokes are another risk. In addition, they commonly suffer from joint pain.

Most of these issues stem from irregular exercise. For a healthy life, they need to remember to take breaks from work, stretch and relax.