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Showing posts with label love marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love marriage. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Astrological Remedies for Extramarital Problems


Astrological Remedies for Extramarital Problems

  • Take kumkum and spread it on the side of the bed where your husband sleeps. On the next day in the morning, collect the kumkum and apply it to your Maang (partition of hair) where you apply it usually. While applying kumkum on your head, recite the name of Goddess Parvathi and seek her blessings. This is the simplest astrological remedy for an extramarital problem. It is advisable to do follow this totkas to remove extramarital affair on Sunday night.

  • Another astrological remedy for a husband’s extramarital affair is also simple and easy to follow. For this, you need to light a cube of camphor in the bedroom area. There is no specific day to perform this totka. You can perform this on any night of the week. The only thing you ought to do is to carry this astrological remedy with utmost faith and devotion. This totka is also helpful in ending the secret love affair of the husband. 

  • Another powerful remedy to get rid of the extramarital affair of the husband is to take the name of the person you think has an affair with your spouse. To follow this totka, you should take some lotus seeds (makhana) and write the name of that person on those seeds. Once you have written the letters of the name of that person, burn those seeds until it turns into ashes. This astrological remedy will help you to disassociate your spouse from that person and come out of the extra marital relationship.

How to Stop Extra Marital Affair of Wife Astrology?

Chanting the following Vashikaran Mantra is an effective remedy to stop your wife from cheating. 

|| Om Namah Kamakshi Devi (Name of Woman or Girl)
Naari Me Vasham Kuru Kuru Swaha ||

This Vashikaran mantra can attract the girl or woman towards you and help you win her again. It is one of the effective Totka or remedies to remove extra marital affair of wife. You may also Ask an Marriage Astrologer at JYOTISHGHER to know more astro remedies to stop your wife from cheating on you.

What are The Astro Remedies to Stop Extra Marital Affairs of Husband?

There are some infallible astro remedies for how to end the husband's illegal affairs quickly. The first and foremost remedy is to visit the temple of Goddess Durga thrice a week. This bestows longevity to marriage and makes your husband leave extramarital affairs. Another effective remedy is to recite the following mantra to stop a husband from cheating.

|| Namaskaromi namai shatam tuhe
Shanai cha sur de kum
Namo vidhmahe sharade sute
Sharomi kahe suda anshu dhum ||

Certain planetary combinations indicate the possibility of extramarital affairs in astrology.

  • Mercury or Venus: If your prospective groom or bride’s Moon is in trine to Mercury, it could indicate chances of infidelity. Another planet to look for is Venus. It also has a significant role to play in extramarital affairs and astrology
  • Mars and Venus in conjunction with Scorpio sun sign in the 9th house: This is a potent indication of extramarital affairs. Mercury and Moon conjunction in Gemini is also an astrological indicator of infidelity in both men and women
  • Moon in conjunction with Mars: This situation can lead to clouding of the mind, and a person can become inclined toward illicit relationships. They are more prone to cheating on their partners with extramarital relationships
  • A badly afflicted Moon and Sun in the fourth house: This can also indicate the person’s tendency toward having secrets. They can also have illicit relationships with older or aged women.
  • Moon conjunct with Venus: A scenario like this gives rise to extreme and sensuous thoughts in the mind of the native, which can hint at tendencies towards extramarital relationships
  • Moon conjuct with Rahu: A person may be inclined to have an extramarital relationship if the Moon in his or her kundali is conjunct with Rahu. This combination makes one’s mind clouded and prevents rational decisions.
  • Venus conjunct with Rahu or Mars: Venus is the planet of love and romance. Venus, when conjunct with Rahu or Mars, boosts passion and lust in one’s life. And this conjunction in signs like Scorpio, Aries, Libra and Gemini can increase the chances of an extramarital affair
  • Moon and Mercury conjunct with Gemini: Moon and Mercury, in conjunction with the sun sign Gemini (the sign of love and romance) also indicate a strong possibility of adultery. The person may also get exposed for his extramarital affair if the combination is aspected by the planet Saturn
  • Check for Punarbhu Dosha: Vedic astrology also believes that before marriage the horoscopes should be checked for Punarbhu Dosha – which is basically the conjunction of Moon and Saturn. This combination is believed to make a partner cheat and create a lot of havoc in unrest in a marriage
  • The nature of specific horoscopes: Certain horoscopes also have some effect on inclination for extramarital relationships. Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs book claims that Capricorn men are prone to straying later on in their lives. Scorpio men and women are also prone to being lusty and getting into extramarital affairs


Friday, April 2, 2021




simple follow step you just find out  --

Example-   12- 5- 1994

here we take first birth date = 12 

now convert date of birth single digit - 1+2= 3 Jupiter 

now we take date of month =  5   =  May 

Now we take birth year = 1994 

Now we find 

Success number =  date of birth + month 

                                                  =  12+5 
                                                  =   17 = 8 Saturn 

its called Saturn planet and its give tradition so this person doing Arrange marriage....

Now we add

date of birth single digit + birth month = 3+5 = 8 saturn 

so we said these person have 100 percent arrange marriage...

1  =   Sun    = arrange marriage 

2=      Moon =   love affair  / arrange marriage 

3=      Jupiter =  Arrange marriage 

4=      Rahu    =  Love Marriage 

5=     Mercury =   love + arrange marriage 

6=      venus      =    Love marriage  

7=     Ketu        =      Love Marriage 

8=    saturn          =   arrange marriage 

9  =  Mars            = Love arrange marriage        

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Inter Cast Love Marriage

Inter Cast Love Marriage

When Navmansha lord is affected by malefic planets, marriage happen with the lower caste person.

 If Navmansha lord relates to a benefic planet, it means marriage will happen with upper caste person.

 If Navmansha lord is same as your ascendant lord, marriage happens in same caste.

responsible for Love Marriage and Inter Caste Marriage. That is Rahu.
When Rahu affect the 5th house with positive aspects the relationship goes long and end up with marriage. If Rahu is not positive, relationship ends unexpectedly. If Rahu is good, you will have everything visible about your partner. If Rahu is negative you will come to know the hidden secrets of your partner after the relationship break up or after a long time.

The other thing is Navmansha Chart of horoscope. This is like real horoscope of your life partner. This tells everything about your life partner. Whether you will have love marriage or arranged. Your love affair and relationships. Your relationship fulfillment or break up could be analyzed by your Navmansha Horoscope.

Feel free to ask about your horoscope by sending your details in comment box below. Like us and share your date of birth in the comment box below to know how will be your marriage, inter caste or arranged marriage:


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Qualities of a Good Husband

              Qualities of a Good Husband : VENUS,JUPITER


1. Affection
He gives you the affection you deserve as his wife. He likes you, he’s fond of you, he kisses and embraces you – he’s sweet and romantic to you no matter how many years have passed.
2. Independence
He doesn’t rely on his parents or your parents to provide you and your children with food, shelter, and other needs as a family. He works hard to give you a home you can call your own.

3. Leadership
He is reliable, has initiative, and knows how to guide and lead your family to the right path. When you are with him, you know that you could never be lost in life. This is why you are willing to submit yourself to him as his wife. He is also a good role model for your children.
4. Loyalty
He doesn’t cheat. He doesn’t flirt with other women. He is scared of losing you.
5. Self-love
You don’t have to worry about him, because you know that he can take care of himself. He loves himself as he loves you and your family. He strives to be happy and healthy so he can always be there for you and your children.
6. Trust
He has confidence in you. He doesn’t treat you like someone who is a cheater and cannot be trusted. He also entrusts you with all his property, money, and recurring salary.
7. Knowledge
In connection with #6, he actually trusts you because he knows you better than anyone else. He exerted efforts to know you. He knows your favorite color, music, food, place – and he also knows your attitude and everything about you. He is always interested to know you.

8. Truthfulness
He is honest and transparent. He trusts you and you can also trust him in return.
9. Appreciation
He doesn’t forget to thank you. He appreciates even the little things you do for him. And because of that, you are more inspired to serve and love him because you know that your efforts will not be wasted.
10. Patience
He doesn’t get easily angry with you, your kids, and other people. He doesn’t get easily upset when there are problems or troubles. He can tolerate pain or endure suffering because he is aware that all of them are just trials that should make him stronger rather than weaker.
11. Persistence
He is persistent and consistent. He never stops until he achieves his dream for you and your family. He is not discouraged and he doesn’t give up even if his several attempts fail. He will continue no matter how hard or how long it will take to provide your family a brighter future.
12. Self-control
He has self-discipline. He knows how to control himself to avoid gluttony, drunkenness, idleness, lust, and other vices that will put your lives in misery.
13. Wisdom
He can discern what’s right from wrong. He’s not an ignorant fool who continues to commit wrongdoings, such as lying, cheating, being irresponsible, being lazy and thinking that those are just okay.
14. Understanding

He understands you. He understands himself. He understands what he says. He understands his choices or decisions. He has understanding because he practices and experiences what he preaches.
15. Compassion
He understands you because he is compassionate. He feels your happiness, thus, he wants you to stay happy. He also feels your sadness and suffering, thus, he wants to do everything to ease your pain.
16. Forgiveness
He is not vengeful. He doesn’t record and look back on your past mistakes. He knows how to forgive, forget, and forward to live a happy life with you and your children.
17. Righteousness
He rejects evil. He departs from sins, malevolence, and corruption. He does what is right, and that is why he is blessed. His righteous actions bring good karma to you and your children’s lives.
18. Justice
He is fair and just. He will never make you feel that life with him is so unfair.
19. Respect
He respects you as a woman. Though they may be different from his, he respects your own opinions and decisions. He also knows how to respect himself.
20. Contentment
He is happy and content with you. For him, you are his dream come true. He never wishes to have other wives or mistresses. He never envies other men, because, for him, he feels like he is the luckiest man on Earth because he has you.
21. Selflessness
He has a sense of sacrifice. He thinks about you and your children first before himself. He gives up his own things for you. He spends his money, time and energy for the whole family, not only for himself. You won’t find any reason to call him a selfish person.

22. Godliness
He is a God-fearing person. He obeys God’s commandments and practices His teachings in life. He brings you and your kids closer to God.
23. Hopefulness
He always sees a good future with you no matter how difficult the present is. He doesn’t easily lose hope on you despite of your weaknesses and shortcomings. He always gives you good and positive vibes which help your home and family become happier, more confident, and always keep going no matter how difficult life is.
24. Faithfulness
He is faithful to you. He believes in you. He doesn’t need to see you all the time to trust you. He doesn’t need to know everything about you to be confident with you. His faith is in action – his faithfulness makes him listen to you, love you, and sacrifice for you.
25. Diligence
He works hard for you. He is motivated to work to build a brighter future for your children. He doesn’t waste time but continuously and passionately do his job or livelihood so that your family will always have something to reap in the future.
26. Kindness
He is a kind-hearted man. He always wants to help you and see you smile. He is not rude. He doesn’t want to cause you any physical, mental and emotional harm.
27. Gentleness
He is gentle with your mind, heart, and body. When you commit mistakes, he rebukes you gently and calmly, not furiously.

28. Peacefulness
He doesn’t like quarrels and petty fights. He doesn’t argue with you when you are not in a good mode. He gives you time and space whenever you need them. He finds the right time to talk and listen to you to resolve issues so both of you can have a good night’s sleep.
29. Humility
He is not proud and arrogant. He is a strong person mentally, emotionally and spiritually – and that is why he can afford himself to go low to overcome pride and encourage kindness, peace, and happiness to the people around him.
30. Acceptance
He accepts you for who you are. He doesn’t judge you. He doesn’t force you to become a person that you aren’t. However, he continues to inspire you to grow as a better person. He inspires you to change for the better by doing and showing you the change he wants you to be.

31. Support
He supports you in your endeavours to be a better and more successful woman. He also supports your children in their own choices in life as long as he sees them to be righteous and make them truly happy.
32. True love
Finally, he is truly in love with you. He knows it, he is sure about it, he feels it, and he always tells you about his true feelings even in random times and places.