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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The twin flame journey: Stages, signs, and how to find your twin flame

The twin flame journey: Stages, signs, and how to find your twin flame

Well, to put it in a nutshell, the twin flame journey is a spiritual path in which you will start to discover your perfect counterpart, the one person who embodies all of your depths.
When this spiritual meeting occurs, it ignites a deep desire that gets you moving.
This post will explore the stages and signs that you may be catching on, with pointers on how to find your twin flame. So, let’s get this love train running!

The twin flame journey is a beautiful and magical experience, but it can also be difficult and challenging, especially in the early stages.
In fact, you might have noticed that your possible twin flame is becoming a major part of your life. Or, you may have felt the pull of your twin flame but weren’t able to connect into their vibrational frequency.
And even though the twin flame journey is different for everyone, there are a few stages that everyone seems to have in common.

This is the first stage, and it can last for a very long time, depending on your own personal situation. The longing in your life can feel like a void and you’ll be tempted to fill that void with all kinds of junk (insert your poison of choice).
The waiting process can be incredibly frustrating, so it’s important that you don’t go straight into the next steps.
During this phase, you may feel as if something is missing from your life, but you won’t know what. It’s a time of preparation and longing, where you may be on your couch eating leftovers alone, suffering through emotional pain and confusion.
As the stages progress, this longing will turn into something a little more beautiful. And you’ll begin to learn. Hang in there, champ!
Now, when you’re spending most of your time alone – waiting for someone who just doesn’t show up – this can become quite tiring.
You may have found yourself staring at the wall for hours. You may even begin to doubt the existence of twin flames and whether this is even real.
This will confuse you and make you frustrated, but this feeling will slowly start to shift as you open the gates in your mind. Simply allow the troublesome doubt to go on a little vacation.
After some time, the restless waiting will fill up with a new sense of optimism and happiness.
This stage doesn’t occur before the previous one is completed, so if you find yourself there, then you’re heading in the right direction. You may also experience a new energy flooding your body.
There is a way to use this energy wisely. I want to suggest that you hang on for just a moment here.
When you finally start to understand how important this stage is, you will look back and realize how long it took for you to really grasp what was happening – at least, on a conscious level.
If you decide to look for help during this stage of your twin flame journey, you may sooner feel as if something has shifted and that your heart feels more open to love.
This is THE moment that you’ve been waiting for, and I mean, this is the moment where you’ll finally meet your twin flame.
This stage begins once you feel an energy shift within yourself or around another person when they are nearby or close to you.
At this time, you may first feel that there is a connection to the other person, or that they are familiar somehow, whether it’s a physical resemblance, some kind of spiritual likeness, or simply an inexplicable energy.
When you have this first initial connection, it’s important to understand that the other person may not feel anything.
This stage can last for days to weeks, but then suddenly and inexplicably things will start to change.
You might start to feel confused about what’s happening because you aren’t sure if you like the person or not.
Here’s why: when the twin flame journey begins, there is often an initial attraction that feels good, but we aren’t sure if it’s just lust or something deeper.
Then we start to unconsciously push the other person away without knowing why.
You will feel like there was something about that person you just weren’t feeling before. However, there could be a lot of reasons for that, such as:
1) fear of intimacy,
2) the fact that the person was unavailable before.
3) you just weren’t ready or comfortable with opening up your heart.
This stage happens when you come into contact with the twin flame again or are in their presence.
This attraction is something different than what it was in the past and it’s more powerful.
Every time you feel this energy, you’ll want to be around them more and more.
The energy in your body will start to really become alive and you’ll feel more joy and happiness. This is a type of attraction that people often confuse with lust.
However, you’re seeing this person in a more realistic way now and you’re beginning to learn to trust them.
You have noticed a shift within yourself, which means that your life is changing in an amazing way!
It’s a big change, and it’s important that you remember that this is still a journey.
During this phase, you may become so enamored with someone that your whole life revolves around them.
You’ll be so in love that you would do anything for them, and you might even feel that they can read your mind and know exactly what you need.
It’s a type of connection that is very powerful, so sometimes you’ll find yourself making excuses to be near that person, and you could develop an inexplicably strong longing to be near them.
You will feel such a strong attraction that you may feel as if there is no one else in the world that could make you feel like this.
While in this stage, you’ll probably make a conscious effort to keep in contact with one another and express your true feelings to each other.
By now, it could be very difficult to deny that you feel something so strong towards this person. You may know them for years before the initial attraction manifests itself and this is totally fine!
  • You’ll begin to share your thoughts and feelings easily and you will feel a deep truth, trust, and security with this person.
  • The passion you feel is something that can be hard to describe, and you could even find yourself feeling highly protective of that person.
It’s important at this point to be aware of how strongly you might feel things for the other person because it can change very suddenly.
This is where the twin flame journey sometimes starts to get emotionally intense!
Even though you are both feeling deeply in love, it’s very common that you will still have a difficult time ironing out all your differences.
During this time, you can find yourself being very hurt, but also very unkind towards the other person. You may feel confused or angry with them because something doesn’t seem right.
The only thing to do during this crisis stage is to be compassionate and kind towards each other. This stage can last for days and even weeks if it’s not resolved soon enough.
You’ll still feel drawn towards them, but something might start to hold you back.
This is the most intense stage because you’re both feeling so strongly about your own opinions and also about each other.
You might feel as if you are either being chased or running away, and it’s very possible that you won’t know why this person has become so important to you.
There will be a strong pull to be close to one another, but there will also be an equally strong push from your own inner voice saying “Wait! Wait! Wait!”
Now it’s important to remember that your guides and higher self are a part of this journey, so it’s vital that you work together as a team in order to be successful.
You will also feel closer to your guides at this time.
It’s very important that you open up to your guides now because you could be going through the next stage, which is the most powerful one of all!
This is a very powerful stage because it will feel like everything in life has come together for you at once.
You won’t need any more guidance or help from anyone else because everything is literally falling into place for you.
You may feel as if you are walking on air.
It’s a time when you will be able to see where those negative feelings come from, and you will begin to see yourself for who you really are. It takes a lot of courage to let this happen but once it does, you will have the strength and power to move on.
You will find that you no longer need to be afraid of being yourself. You will let go of those ego restrictions and embrace the true potential in your souls.
In doing so, you’ll also begin to understand a lot more about each other. You’ll both be allowing yourselves to be vulnerable in front of your partner, which is why it’s so important not to allow fear and doubt to get the best of you.
This can be difficult because you will likely be going through a lot of hard lessons as well.
It’s also very important that you don’t get stuck in this stage.
The inner work you are doing is how you will regain your strength and find that sense of trust in each other that you have always wanted. Once it all settles down, you will be able to see each other as whole and complete individuals.
Your life will change completely, and you’ll finally realize what you’ve both been looking for all along.
In a sense, you will have come home to yourself.
This is the point that you’ll reach only when you have learned to let go of your fears and become open to accepting what’s happening.
Your life will feel much less complicated now and you’ll probably be a little more relaxed at this point.
You might be able to see that there is a deeper spiritual meaning behind this whole experience, and this may come as a surprise to you.

Signs of Spiritual Enlightenment & Awakening


Signs of Spiritual Enlightenment & Awakening

Examples of Awakened People

When asked to think of awakened people, names like Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, and Jesus come to mind. Or perhaps Mother Teresa or Nelson Mandela. These inspiring figures might lead you to believe that being awakened is akin to being perfect. If so, try to think of more relatable examples of individuals who are awake. It helps to see examples of people who are simultaneously flawed but striving to live a good life with a focus on the greater good.jyotishgher Astrology-Vedic Panchang,Transit,Matching,Free Kundli

signs of spiritual awakening.

1. Observing Your Patterns

One of the first signs of awakening is noticing. You may be going through life on autopilot without giving much thought to who you are, what you want, and why you are here. Having these questions pop up is like turning on a light in a previously dark room. If you are aware that you are witnessing how you do life, you may be asking yourself:

  • Do I really need to drink so much?
  • Why do I get angry so often?
  • Why am I always comparing myself to others?
  • Why can’t I get out of bed when my alarm goes off?
  • Do I really need this much red meat in my diet?
  • Why do I attract so much drama?

2. Feeling a Sense of Connection

Connection comes from shared humanity. This can occur when:

  • You find yourself taking interest in your community. This can include volunteering at your local food bank or shoveling your neighbor’s walkway.
  • You try on the perspective of someone whom you have previously seen as different. Perhaps, you start asking why they wear a burka or have tattoos rather than judging them.
  • You have a heightened awareness of the creatures you share the planet with. You might decide to stop eating meat or you might catch yourself trapping flies and spiders rather than killing them.
  • You have a connection to the planet. This may come as a realization that littering, using plastics, or wasting food is no longer an acceptable personal practice.
  • 3. Letting Go of Attachment

Attachments are how you define yourself. You may define yourself by the car you drive, the shoes you wear, what you eat, who you spend time with, who you vote for, what you read, and how you spend your money.

Think about your true self as your pulse. Over the years, you take on beliefs or descriptions about yourself based on what your parents, your friends, the media, and even science tells you. Look at each belief as a veil.

  • I’m smart.
  • I’m popular.
  • I’m a cat lover.
  • I’m vegan.
  • I’m a yogi.
  • I’m always late.
  • I can’t eat gluten.

4. Finding Inner Peace

Think of inner peace as being unflappable. It doesn’t mean that things don’t go wrong in your life, it just means that when things do go badly, you aren’t on an emotional roller coaster of anger, frustration, or despair.

The Dalai Lama describes inner peace like stubbing his toe—he still experiences an emotional charge, but it is fleeting. Inner peace is like a magnifier of positive emotions and a wet blanket over negative ones.

5. Increasing Your Intuition

Have you ever thought of an old friend from high school only to run into them in an airport the next day? Have you ever heard your phone ring and known it was your mother before looking? Have you ever felt an immediate and irrational dislike for someone or experienced the feeling when first meeting someone that you already know them?

These are all signs of intuition. If thoughts, objects, and individuals all have energy, spiritually awoken human beings seem more apt to connect with this energy on a regular basis.

6. Having Synchronicity

Along the same lines as intuition, there is that feeling that the universe is conspiring to make something happen. Your new neighbor has a San Diego license plate, and your barber mentions they were just in San Diego last weekend, then you turn on the TV and a San Diego tourism advertisement is playing. Some might call this coincidence, but others believe that these subtle signs are guiding you.

I once registered for a conference that I wasn’t really sure I could afford only to make a connection with two business leaders I had admired for years. Ultimately, this led me to a fabulous new contract and some connections I could have never made if I had not registered. If a single act has triggered a chain of events that feel like destiny, you just might be awakening!

7. Increasing Your Compassion

Empathy is your ability to feel what others are feeling, to try on a new perspective.

8. Removing Fear of Death

A wise teacher, once said that all fear is really a fear of death. All fear decreases generally as an individual becomes more awakened. This might be due to the lack of attachment. Your own demise seems less tragic when you focus on living in the present and stop worrying so much about the future or regretting the past. When consciousness is seen as transcending a physical body, the loss of this body feels less tragic. Seeing death as inevitable, as part of your process, allows for peace and removes fear.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

What a Narcissist Does at the End of a Relationship


What a Narcissist Does at the End of a Relationship

At the end of a relationship, narcissists may become combative, passive-aggressive, hostile, and even more controlling. People with NPD often fail to understand other people’s needs and values. They are hyper focused on their egos, but do not account for how their actions affect others. In many cases, they do whatever it takes to restore their sense of power.

Here are seven things a narcissist may do at the end of a relationship:

1. Blame It on You

A narcissist will commonly try to incite guilt and shame. They may spin the narrative to blame their partner for why the relationship failed. This maintains their grandiose perception of themselves and gives them the leverage to try and convince others to empathize with them.

“You didn’t want to give the relationship a fair chance”

  • “You are abandoning me when I need you the most”
  • “You don’t honor your commitments”
  • “You’re too selfish to care about my needs”
  • “You’re asking me to change too much”

2. Fight It

Some people with NPD will argue with the breakup. They may do this directly (“I won’t accept that”) or indirectly (“You’re being ridiculous. Let’s just talk it out”). Unfortunately, these strategies often wear down the other person. After all, it can seem easier to stay than engage in a fight.

Here are phrases you might hear from a fighting narcissist:

  • “You don’t really mean that”
  • “You’re just overreacting, and I’m not going to listen to it”
  • “No, we’re sticking together; we promised to work this all out”
  • “You can’t back out now”

3. Make You Jealous

In an attempt to “get even,” people with NPD will often try to make their previous partners jealous. They may find a new partner almost immediately and post pictures and sappy messages about them all over social media.

Their goal in doing this is multi-layered: they want you to feel as if they’ve moved on and they’re happier without you; they also want you to question your motives and second guess why you chose to end the relationship; they want to create the notion that they never cared about you in the first place.

Unfortunately, jealousy can be effective. It can trigger feelings of insecurity and uncertainty and make you feel like you need to compete, which can cause you to focus on seeking revenge, rather than moving

4. Guilt You Into Staying

Many narcissistic abusers try to capitalize on guilt to control others. In fact, guilt is a key component in many abusive relationships (i.e., you feel guilty about ending things despite knowing you want out).1 If you’re in a pattern of ending things only to get back together quickly, it may be an indicator that you’re struggling with feeling guilt over prioritizing your own needs.

Things you might hear from a narcissist who is trying to guilt you:

  • “I’m going to kill myself if you leave”
  • “There’s nobody else who understands me like you do”
  • “You’re really going to end this when I’m still grieving my mother’s death?”
  • “I’ll be fine, I guess I’ll just be alone. Hopefully nothing bad happens”

5. Promise to Change

In many cases, people with NPD will make dramatic promises to change when they feel threatened. At times, they may even show some effort in making changes, although these efforts are rarely sustainable.

It’s a misconception that narcissists don’t have insight into their behavior. In fact, emerging research shows that people with NPD are aware of their characteristics.2 However, this awareness often competes with their extraordinary need for control, entitlement, and recognition.

Here are some things you might hear from a promising narcissist:

  • “Things are going to be different”
  • “I’m going to go to therapy and get help”
  • “I’m really going to focus on working on my anger”
  • “You’re right. I’m ready now”

6. Stalk You

Stalking is a serious problem, and research shows that nearly 1 in 6 women and 1 in 17 men experience it at some point during their lives.3 In most cases, the stalking is done by someone they know. It comes in many different forms, including showing up without warning, spying, and engaging in cyber tactics like installing tracking devices or hacking into password-protected material.

7. Feign Crises

While some crises or catastrophes may be legitimate, someone with NPD will often exploit certain stressors to solicit your attention. These crises are crafted to induce guilt, especially if they know exactly how to manipulate you.

Here are things you may hear from a crisis-feigning narcissist:

  • “I know we’re not together anymore, but I just wanted to let you know I’m waiting to hear back from the doctor about my concerning lab tests”
  • “Just letting you know that my dog died”
  • “I hope you’re doing well. I’ve been better; I just lost my job”

8. Seek Revenge

Unfortunately, people with NPD often struggle to accept a loss, and revenge is a tactic they may use . In general, research shows that people are more likely to seek revenge when they feel motivated by power or the desire for status.4 If the narcissist can’t fight you or convince you to change your mind, they may try to hurt you in other ways.

Here are things you might hear from a revenge-seeking narcissist:

  • “I’m taking you to court. You’ll never see the kids again”
  • “You’re the bad guy here, and everyone will know soon enough”
  • “You’re going to regret this”

January Horoscope 2023 Predictions for All Zodiac Signs

 January Horoscope 2023

January Horoscope 2023 Predictions for All Zodiac Signs

According to the January predictions, your life will be full of ups and downs such as both positive and negative impacts will happen. January monthly horoscope 2023 tries to alert you and prepare to face struggles and obstacles with the remedies. This month brings good tidings that will cheer the natives up and boost your confidence.

Let’s see the 2023 astrology predictions for love, job, career, money, finance, marriage, children, education, friends, travel, health and wealth.


the love relationships of Aries zodiac sing will be excellent, fun and enjoyable. Harmony will prevail in the society and family surroundings. Health will be really marvelous and will not pose any serious problems. Aries career progress is good as expected. Aries working natives will have good relations with your associates.

2023 Horoscope prediction for Aries January tells that money and financial growth will be encouraging. You will earn money from many sources. Aries natives may have business travel throughout this month and that will help to improve prospects for expansion.

Aries zodiac born Students will have to study hard to get through their courses.


predict tough things for Taurus, and you should keep your poise to succeed. Career and professional obligations may affect the harmony in your love relationships. Your family affairs do not present a pleasant picture for some time, and children will be adversely affected slightly. Pregnancy must be planned with care during this time.

During this month, your travel activities will be very much beneficial for Taurus professionals and business people. Taurus health conditions will pose a number of problems and will require more attention this time. Money and finances have some trouble and existing ventures may fail to give good returns if you are not active.


the Jupiter and Mars planets will help you to accomplish these natives objectives during January 2023. Gemini love life will be both romantic and sensual. Gemini Single people will have bright opportunities of getting hooked up.

The family environment for Gemini natives will be very volatile and joy. Your children will suffer in their activities.

Planets are favorable and ensure excellent health prospects, and excessive mental stress and tension should be avoided. Professionals for Gemini will face resistance to progress in their job and careers.

Gemini born Business people may fail to make progress in their ventures. Your travel engagements will not be very much helpful.


your life will be full of ups and downs. But with the help of planetary favors, you will have no issues overcoming the hurdles. Venus planet will help these singles to get the right partners.

Love and marriage relationships may be under stress and should be improved through tact and skill.

Cancer born family environments will be bristling with happiness, money and finances will not pose any problems. Cancer job and career prospects and business growth will be great. Travel engagements may fail to bring cheer, while students may face problems in their educational careers.


people should not be aggressive and force their views on others. Your life will be extremely tense and restless due to the influence of Jupiter planet. Leo Married life will be harmonious with some flexibility in solving the problems that arise from time to time.

Leo’s health prospects are really wonderful, your family affairs tend to create some minor problems. Leo Career professionals will be helped in their lives by the planets Mars and Jupiter planets. Money and Finances will be excellent with a practical approach. Leo Students will make good progress in their academic careers.


Virgo zodiac natives can look forward to a fantastic month with the help of good and favorable planetary positions. Love and Relationships with your lover or spouse will be highly cordial, while Virgo singles will have good opportunities to forge good love and family relationships.

Your family environment will be full of joy, harmony and celebrations prevails throughout January 2023. Family finances may cover all your expenses. Virgo zodiac born health will not pose any serious problems, tension and stress need to avoid.


January is an exciting month for Libra zodiac natives. Libra natives marital harmony is good by taking your spouse or partner into confidence in your activities. Libra born single will get into confirmed love relationships. These relationships may end up as marriages in the near future.

There will be joy, happiness and goodwill in the family surroundings. Children will excel in their studies and academic activities. Libra job and career growth will be excellent, while money and finances will face some volatility

Your educational activities will face some rough weather, however, travel will be fruitful during the 2023 Mercury retrograde.


your marital life will be wonderful. The separation between Scorpio partners will be avoided. The Scorpio family horoscope does not present a pleasant picture. Money Finances will not affect the relationships in the family.

Scorpio Health prospects for January 2023 will be good. Your job and career professionals will be good this month. Scorpio natives educational prospects for students will not be bright. . Travel activities for Scorpio natives will be fruitful and will result in profits.


the Jupiter planet will bless you with good time, luck, joy and enjoyment during January 2023. Your positivity is the key and evident in your approach. Sagittarius born natives will undertake excellent projects.

These natives’ married life will be harmonious this month if you cater to your spouse’s demands. Health for Sagittarius in 2023 will be promising and will keep chronic ailments under check.

The job and career situation is not encouraging if you are not serious in studies. You need to be careful in investments. Students have encouragement from the planets and stars to excel in their studies. Business travel will not yield the expected benefits, however, you will manage it. You would need to trim your travel budgets and save money.


Jupiter will favor and help you in executing your planned projects. Love and marriage relationships need to take care. Capricorn Singles may get into love and marriage relationships by the end of January. Family affairs will face some disharmony in their environment,

Capricorn health conditions will be fabulous. The illnesses will be under control throughout this month. Capricorn Career prospects is bright through new challenges you may encounter. Stars are not really favorable for the academic growth of the students. Money and Finances will present hardships.


the planets Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter will make this month really wonderful. Mars will be instrumental for the Aquarius happiness in love and marriage relationships.

Single Aquarius people will get hooked on creative partners and soulmates if they support their ideas and thoughts. Your conflicts will spoil the family environment.

Aquarius health conditions will be excellent and your chronic ailments will be under control. Jupiter will do you a favor and help professionals to progress in their careers. Money and finances state is good and excellent with the guidance of experts. The students born under Aquarius will face problems in their educational pursuits.


According to the Pisces horoscope predictions, the influence and favorable position of Mars can be seen in solving your problems aggressively. Love and marriage relationships can be made wonderful if these natives are able to express your feelings clearly.

Pisces zodiac family relationships will be extremely cordial, money and finances are more than enough to meet the commitments.

Health-wise for Pisces natives, both physical and mental well-being are assured. The professional growth will be hindered for these natives. The money and financial position will be excellent, and new ventures will give good returns throughout this month.

Pisces students will not get the support and favor of the planets for their academic pursuits. Travel engagements will be more profitable.

Read full January 2023 Pisces Horoscope.

Conclusion January Horoscope 2023

Thanks for reading and sharing January 2023 horoscope and astrology predictions.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Do Narcissists Have Bad Karma


Do Narcissists Have Bad Karma

Do Narcissists Have Bad Karma? When Do You Get Justice or Revenge | What karma do narcissists experience?

Narcissism is a symptom of bad karma. Narcissists fill their life with drama, victimhood, and oppression. While they have an external aura of success and happiness, this is a falsehood that they propagate, and it does not represent who they are inside.

Unfortunately, many narcissists grew up in troubled households. If you have a religious belief in karma, you may assert that this is because of bad karma from previous lives or spiritual existences.

In any case, the narcissist suffers from a lack of self-worth and self-esteem which drives them to be the perpetrator of narcissistic manipulating in order to get their “narcissistic supply.” These are psychological wins which soother their internal hurts.

This destroys their family, relationships, friendships, professional relations, and negatively affects their entire lives. They have created a hell on Earth in order to act out their dominance obsession.

Why Don’t Narcissists Pay for Their Abuse?

There are several reasons narcissists seem to never pay for what they’ve done, although it all comes down to the fact that they are skilled illusionists with little sense of right and wrong —

  • They had all the bad things, and amplify the good
  • Narcissists are great liars
  • People tend to follow the narcissist’s lead (just easier that way)
  • Narcissists have a lack of empathy or remorse
  • They expect the best of everything, and have no shame for what they take

Really, the narcissist is paying for their abuse every moment of their life, because they completely miss out on healthy and meaningful relationships with other people. A narcissist experiences more loneliness than the majority can even comprehend, because they are alone in their own little world. Yet, they may not be able to admit or even realize that this is the source of their suffering.

When Do Narcissists Get Served with Justice?

Perhaps the narcissistic existential suffering seems like too little recompense for their actions. Is it true that narcissists completely escape justice?

While narcissists are more likely to commit and be convicted of crimes, there is no guarantee that that they will get what is coming to them.

If you are waiting for a narcissist to be served with any form of Earthly justice, then you may be waiting a very long time. This is just a fact of life and a consequence of how society functions.

The best thing you can do is look out for yourself, build the life that you want to have, and let the narcissist take care of them self. If you believe in God or a higher power, let them take care of the punishing the narcissist in their own time. Release any resentment you have, and commit yourself to living your own highest purpose unfettered by the demonic torments of narcissistic rage and suffering.

Are Narcissists Suffering Because of What They Do?

Narcissists in general have little remorse for the lies they tell and abuses they commit. In a psychological point of view, they have a deficiency which makes them lack common empathetic responses found in most humans.

For the majority of us, when someone around us hurts, we hurt also. This makes us feel bad for the wrongs that we do. And, we are naturally inclined to treat people around us rightly and fairly (although we might not do so all the time).

Because narcissists didn’t develop this emotional guide to help them, they don’t feel suffering, or to a much lesser degree, when they hurt others.

However, as I described above, this emotional lack is caused in part by childhood trauma and an ongoing emotional wound which causes them constant suffering. So, while a narcissist doesn’t suffer because of what they do, they do what they do because of their suffering.

How Do You Get Revenge on a Narcissist?

When we are hurt by narcissists, a natural response is to seek revenge. We want to hurt them in the same way that they hurt us.

However, succumbing to this urge in many ways furthers the objectives of the narcissist. Many forms of narcissistic manipulation seek to get under our skin, and make us feel weak, lonely, and scared. The narcissist wants to control the way we think through the way we feel.

To do this, the narcissist build an artificial fantasy world around them full of drama — heros, victims, and oppressors. They entice victims like you to play a role in this world, to make their fantasy a reality.

By the time that we realize what the narcissist is doing, and we come to hate them for it, they are casting us as their oppressor. They are turning the tables on us, and hoping we play along.

Every act of revenge against a narcissist just further cements their hold over our psyche, and forfeits our conscious over to their mad game.

As a victim of a narcissist, the ultimate revenge is to

  • Forgive them for what they have done
  • Build boundaries between us
  • Stop the cycle of abuse, and build a world of love

Forgiveness, compassion, and love are the antidotes to narcissism and abuse.

Am I Attracting Narcissists because of Bad Karma?

You may be wondering if you are part of the problem. Why do you keep dating narcissists?

While there are some theories of karma that seem to indicate that you have to “burn it off” through suffering, I have also read old teachings that indicate karma can be destroyed in an instant through enlightenment.

Spiritual and religious teachers may have different views, but from what I’ve seen, the moment you realize what a narcissist is and how to spot them, you have the potential to be free from them. I don’t believe that you must have so many years in a narcissistic relationships to earn your way out of abuse. But, some people still end up going back.

You will keep going back to narcissists only as you crave that experience.

While no one would consciously sign up for narcissistic abuse, many people unconsciously find themselves attracted to these people. But we can overcome this urge through introspection and self development. The more we work on ourselves, the better partners, friends, and business associates we attract to ourselves.

Do narcissists get karma?

Narcissists attract bad karma in a spiritual sense because they commit abuses which are not righteous, initiating a “cause and effect.” In a practical sense, narcissists build for themselves a living hell and must inhabit a world of lies which is spawned from their own wounded subconsciousness.

Do narcissists reap what they sow?

Narcissists rarely seem to “pay” for what they have done, because they are good at presenting a false image of themselves and are good at getting out of trouble. But, everyone’s actions have effects which they have to answer for. Most narcissists have deep seated emotional issues which torment them constantly and is a form of payback for how they act.

Spirituality & Astrology With kundalini yogi

 Spirituality & Astrology

The soul, a mystical entity that science has failed to explore, is one of the basic and most innate units of life. Our past karma and our present actions come together and weave what we know as Destiny. While science cannot explain the influence of good or bad deeds upon our future or how one can attain supreme peace or Bliss, the art of astrology can.

Jyotish (astrology) is known as the ‘Light of God’. It helps you see beyond your immediate situation, and know that it is just a phase you are going through. Astrology reassures you that whatever wrong is happening, it is only for a short time and will change soon; even in Geeta it says ‘Nothing is Permanent.’

Astrology and the awakening of Kundalini

It is important for us to know the relation between the Planets and various Chakras.

1. Kundalini – Rahu.

2. Muladhar Chakra – Venus.

3. Swadhisthan Chakra – Mars.

4. Manipur Chakra – Sun.

5. Anahat (Heart) Chakra – Jupiter.

6. Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra – Mercury.

7. Agnya (Third Eye) Chakra – Moon.

8. Sahastradhar Chakra – Saturn.

9. Ojas (Samadhi) – Ketu.

Planetary conditions in Horoscope responsible for Kundalini Awakening: –

1. Square, Trine, Parivartan, Conjunction or Opposition between Jupiter & Sun, Moon or Rahu.

2. Square, Trine, Parivartan, Conjunction, Opposition or Aspect of Venus with Jupiter or Saturn.

3. Jupiter in 8th House, or related with 8th House or more planets in 8th House.

4. Square, Trine, Parivartan, Conjunction, Opposition or Aspect of Venus with the Lord of 10th House.

In a Horoscope, if the number of conditions applicable is either one or more, then Kundalini Awakening becomes easier. If Rahu falls in a fiery or airy sign in the Horoscope, it is believed that the person progresses quickly towards the Divine power. One is likely to get some Siddhi too. For getting Diksha from a Satpurush (Saint), it is important to have a favorable Moon & Saturn in transit. Also Jupiter & Venus should not be in conjunction with Sun at the time of Diksha. This is how one can figure out how far he or she is astrologically capable of Addhyaatm (a divine life) & the extent of his or her success.

Astrological factors influencing a kundalini yogi:

Kundalini Shakti axis:Rahu/Ketu nodes indicates serpentine kundalini power axis. Rahu represents ego and physical body its desires and gratification and placed at North Pole or the Root chakra. 

Ketu on the other hand represents renunciation, liberation and ultimate freedom from material affairs resented by South Pole of Crown chakra. When Rahu succeeds in turning its purpose from material gratification and raises its level to the spirituality of Ketu, rising of kundalini power begins. In this mystical journey Rahu from the root chakra unify with the Ketu at Crown chakra for enlightenment.

Mooladhar or Root chakra: Saturn, earth element, gives physical shape to our body; equivalent endocrine glands are sex and gonads.

Swadisthana or naval chakra: Jupiter, water element, rules feelings and sexuality

Hara or Manipur Chakra: Mars, fire element, will power, rules power and action.

Anahata or Heart chakra: Venus, air element, thymus gland, indicates universal love.

Visudhi or Throat chakra: ether as element, Mercury, thyroid and parathyroid, rules awareness of a person.

Ajna or Third eye chakra: no element, Sun/Moon, pituitary gland, indicates self realization.

Sahastrara or Crown chakra: penal gland, the seeker is being eternally established in oneness of the God.

8th house: indicates mystical and secret techniques of spiritual advancement.

Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces: are water signs represents moksha.

4th/8th/12th house: are salvation houses.


Planetary conditions in Horoscope responsible for Kundalini Awakening: -

·         Jupiter posited in 8th house or related with 8th house or more planets placed in

 8th house indicates advancement in kundalini yoga.

·         Venus- and lord of 10th house are related by square/conjunction/trine/oppos- ition/aspect/association /Parivartan

·        - Venus related to Jupiter/Saturn

·       -   Sun and Jupiter are influenced by Moon/Rahu

·         Rahu falling in fire signs [Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius] indicates quick advancement towards mystical powers and attainment of powerful siddhis.

·         Placement of Saturn in tenth house from Ascendant or Moon indicates rapid spiritual progress.

·         Saturn related to Sun indicates sudden rise in spiritual field which sometimes demands sacrifice at some stage of life.

·         Jupiter and Saturn trine/quadrant to each other indicates

·         Lords of 9th and 10th house are related in any way indicates spiritual advancement.

·        -  The Atma Karaka [planet in the highest degree in the horoscope] will fall in moksha or salvation houses [4th, 8th, and 12th] and liberation signs [Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces] indicate higher spiritual awareness.

·         - Atma Karaka falling in watery signs in Navamansa chart indicates final liberation, because a water sign represents dissolution or merging with infinite.

·         Placement of Jupiter and Ketu or Moon and Ketu in 12th house indicates attainment of very higher spiritual plane after death.

·         In a horoscope, if the number of conditions applicable is more than one then the kundalini awakening becomes easier and fast.

Astrology and Spiritual Growth, an Excerpt from the Introduction

Astrology is the yoga of time. It is a form of sacred knowledge that teaches us to live consciously as embodied beings in a temporal world. Study of the birth chart enables us to find our next step in evolution, whether this means going to school and choosing an occupation, forming a relationship, healing ourselves emotionally or physically, building a business, focused on social activism, or developing a meditation practice. Astrology is a reliable guide through life’s changes. It is a means of sanctifying earthly existence and fulfilling its challenges with courage, clarity and joy.

What are karma/karmic partners


What are karma/karmic partners? Can two people be each other's karma/karmic partners at different times in their lives (like reincarnation)? If so, how does that work exactly?

Karma is an effect of every deed - it can be positive or negative as we live in the world of the duality of positive and negative energies. Most often this term is used for negative effects from past lives - when you did something bad to somebody and either they hurt you back, or you have to help them or take care of them. You have ‘karma” with ANY soul with whom you had past lives on Earth together (or other 3D planets with negative energies) - but with Soulmates or Twin Flames, it is mostly positive as you loved and supported each other in past lives. Even if there were some hurts or quarrels - the general ‘balance” of karma is on the positive side. But there are some souls with whom you only had a few past lives - and you were always enemies, rivals, or you hurt one another in a random act of violence. 

If you’ve ever experienced a bond that feels like a magnetic connection, but with a turbulent twist, you’re not alone. Karmic relationships are filled with passion and pain, often at the same time.

While the phrase “karmic relationship” isn’t a clinical term, the characteristics do resemble other, well-known relationships.

“A karmic relationship is one that’s filled with all-consuming passion but is extremely difficult to maintain,”

While “karmic relationship” can have a negative connotation, it can also be viewed from the perspective of personal growth.

“They’re opportunities to learn something about yourself that you never knew before, as well as the most significant life lessons in love,” she says.

To get a better idea of what a karmic relationship is, how it manifests, and what you can do to walk away from one, read on to see what the experts have to say.

Identifying a karmic relationship is tricky, especially when you’re caught up in one.

Besides the characteristics described above, there are some signs and red flags that may indicate you’re experiencing a karmic connection.

Roller coaster of emotions

One of the most common signs of a karmic relationship,  is the roller coaster of emotions. This typically follows a pattern of happiness one day but misery the next.

If you’re in a karmic tie, it often feels like any minor argument or bump in the road is the end of the world,

“All relationships have their ups and downs, but in a karmic relationship, rough patches feel like a pervasive weight on your chest,” 

Resembles a codependent relationship

Karmic relationships  create dependency, which ends up consuming all your thoughts and feelings.

You might also feel “addicted” or “dependent” on the relationship, making it very difficult for you or or the other person to break it off. Even with alarm bells ringing in your head,  you can’t resist staying.

One-sided relationship

Karmic relationships are often toxic and one-sided. 

Fearful of how it’ll end

Sometimes it’s easier to deal with an unhealthy relationship than face what may happen once it’s over.

someone in a karmic relationship is often fearful of what will happen or who they’ll turn into once it ends.

The ideology behind a karmic matchup is twofold: to break the cycles of bad behavior from past lifetimes and to learn how to heal.

“At the core of all of this, the purpose of karmic relationships is to learn and grow,” 

“Some people believe karmic relationships are agreements between two spirits to help the other grow before incarnating on Earth, with the sole purpose of learning something we weren’t able to in a previous lifetime,”

With that in mind, karmic relationships are very different from other intense relationships, such as one with a soulmate.

“People often confuse karmic partners with soulmates, and they aren’t the same,” 

“Karmic relationships teach you about the world and others, whereas your soulmates help you learn your self-worth,” 

You feel good, balanced, and happy in a soulmate relationship. But in a karmic relationship,  you’ll always feel like something is just not right.

 Purpose of a karmic relationship is to advance the soul forward in this lifetime.

“I believe the most important thing to know about karmic relationships is that you (your soul) has chosen to learn this lesson for its advancement toward knowing, enlightenment, and understanding,” she explains.

Although the lesson you learn in your karmic relationship may be difficult, and it may cause you great pain in the short-term, Mead says it develops your soul and moves you toward greater peace.