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Friday, September 24, 2021

How would you identify the family afflicted by “Pitra Dosha?”

 How would you identify the family afflicted by “Pitra Dosha?”

Level 1: Inordinate marriage delays; living as bachelors for the entire lifetime

Level 2: Failed Marriages due to various reasons like separation, divorce (or) death.

Level 3: Inordinate delay in getting conceived for a child

Level 4: Miscarriages during the pregnancy (or) forced abortion (or) wilful abortion

Level 5: Serious problem occurring during the pregnancy

Level 6: Possessing a child with mental (or) physical disability.

Level 7: Unnatural death occurring in a family due to accidents (or) murder (or) suicide

Note 1: The Level 1 represents the least level of problems in “Pitra Dosha” and the Level 7 represents the worst form of “Pitra Dosha”

Note 2: You must understand that the “Pitra Dosha” would not create any major impact on career, finances (or) wealth of a native who has been affected by “Pitra Dosha” Hence don’t assume that just because a person is rich (or) powerful, then it doesn’t automatically guarantee a peaceful life.

How can I know my Pitra dosh in a Kundali/Horoscope?

a) Rahu placed in the 2nd house from Sun.
b) Sun placed in the 12th house from Rahu.
c) Rahu placed in the sixth position from Sun.
d) Sun placed in 8th place from Rahu.
e) Sun placed in 6/8/12th position from Lagna
f) Sun place in the 9th house from the Lagna.
g) Combination of Sun/Rahu or Sun/Ketu at the same house.

Impact of “Pitra Dosha”:

1. The Couple would face quarrels, squabbles and fight on daily basis ripping off their peacefulness in their family life.

2. The Couple would maintain distance away from each other (or) face temporary separation.

3. The Couple would face permanent separation due to divorce (or) death of their Partner.

4. The Couple could face inordinate delays in getting pregnant (or) face multiple complications during the pregnancy.

5. The Couple would face prospect of adopting another child.

6. The Couple would be saddled with mentally (or) physical disabled child.

7. The Couple could face sudden losses/damages (or) unexpected events impacting their life heavily.

8. The Couple would be made to remain as an onlooker into the sufferings of their future generations.

What causes Pitra dosh

a) Planets position in the horoscope.
b) Ancestors deeds.
c) Own karma.

How to identify the “Pitra Dosh” in the Horoscope?

1. The presence of the Sun, descending Moon, Mars, Raghu, Sun, Shani and Kethu in the 5th house indicates the Pithru dosham (Pitra Dosha).

2. The 5th and/or 9th house lord getting debilitated or in retrograde position or getting weakened.

3. The 5th and/or 9th house lord is either being associated with malefic planets or staying in a malefic house.

4. The presence of debilitated or retrograde planets in the 5th and/or 9th house.

5. The 5th house and/or 9th house lord is getting weakened in the Divisional charts.

6. The 5th house lord and/or 9th house lord traversing in the Star of a malefic planet or traversing in the 22nd star/88 division from the birth Star.

7. The presence of malefic house lords getting placed in the 5th and/or 9th house

8. Association of 5th and/or 9th house lord with Raghu/Kethu in any house. The problems could remain intense, if the 5th and/or 9th house lords placed in a closer proximity towards the Rahu/Kethu

9. If the Raghu or Kethu is placed in a close proximity to the Sun and/or Moon.

10. If the 5th or 9th house lords getting very low counts in their respective Ashtavargha charts; this situation indicates serious nature of the Pitra Dosha.

Moral Theory:

Do not invite troubles to your daughter by getting married to a boy from a family that has plenty of “Pitra Dosha” to their credit.

Can Pitra Dosha be removed?

Yes. Perform the right Pitra dosh pooja as per Vedic standards at the right place by the right priests. Practice meditation to minimize your own bad karma. Respect elders and parents. Treat them with care and affection.
Anna Daan, Gau Daan, etc.. Look after poor people by offering food. Involve in community services like Education and Health care. Chant Pitra dosh nivaran mantra.

What is the Pitra Kalyan pooja?

If one performs Narayan Bali/Tripindi/Thila Homam to express gratitude to ancestors without any Pitra dosha symptoms, the pooja is called Pitra Kalyan pooja.

To know more Pitra Dosh Remedies :

Friday, September 3, 2021

कुंडली मिलान में नाड़ी-दोष


कुंडली मिलान में नाड़ी-दोष:

  • आदि नाड़ी- अश्विनी, आर्द्रा पुनर्वसु, उत्तराफाल्गुनी,हस्ता, ज्येष्ठा, मूल, शतभिषा, पुर्वाभाद्रपद,
  • मध्य नाड़ी- भरणी, मृगशिरा, पुष्य, पुर्वाफाल्गुनी,चित्रा, अनुराधा, पुर्वाषाढा, धनिष्ठा, उत्तरासभाद्रपद,
  • अन्त्य नाड़ी- कृतिका, रोहिणी, अश्लेशा, मघा, स्वाति, विशाखा, उत्तराषाढा, श्रवण, रेवती, आदि नाड़ी ,मध्य नाड़ी व अन्त्य नाड़ी का यह विचार सर्वत्र प्रचलित है,

नाड़ी दोष की प्रचलित धारणा के अनुसार वर-वधू दोनों की नाड़ी आदि होने की स्थिति में तलाक या अलगाव की प्रबल संभावना बनती है 
वर-वधू दोनों की नाड़ी मध्य या अंत होने से वर-वधू में से किसी एक या दोनों की मृत्यु की प्रबल संभावना बनती है,

जब भी हम किसी वरकन्या के कुंडली मिलान के लिए जाते हैं तो नाड़ी शब्द के बारे में जिक्र अवश्य आता है या बहुत बार बताया जाता है के “नाड़ी दोष” होने से कुंडली मिलान ठीक नहीं हो रहा है तो आइये जानते हैं के नाड़ी दोष क्या होता है और कुंडली मिलान में इसका क्या महत्व है –

कुंडली मिलान के अंतर्गत किये जाने वाले “अष्टकूट” मिलान में वर्णवश्यतारायोनिग्रह मैत्रीगणभृकुट और नाड़ी इन आठ घटकों को मिलाया जाता है जिनमे से प्रत्येक का अपना अलग महत्व है और इन्ही आठ कूटों से मिलकर ३६ गुण बनते हैं जिससे हम सब अवगत हैं परन्तु इन आठ कूटों में भी नाड़ी को बहुत विशेष महत्व दिया गया है इसी लिए 36 में से सर्वाधिक 8 नंबर नाड़ी को दिए गये हैं।

जन्म होने पर जातक की जन्मकुंडली निर्माण में जिस प्रकार उसका जन्म नक्षत्रराशिलग्न आदि निशित किये जाते हैं उसी प्रकार जन्मकालीन नक्षत्र स्थिति के अनुसार व्यक्ति की नाड़ी निश्चित होती है जिससे हमारे जीवन के कुछ विशेष घटकों का आंकलन किया जाता है। नाड़ी तीन होती हैं – “आद्या” “मध्या” “अंत्या” प्रत्येक नाड़ी हमारे स्वस्थ्य के विषय में कुछ विशेष जानकारी देती है।  किस व्यक्ति की कौनसी नाड़ी होगी यह उसके जन्म नक्षत्र से निश्चित किया जाता है। अब विशेष बात यहां कुंडली मिलान में नाड़ी दोष को लेकर है नाड़ी दोष के बारे में यह बड़ी रोचक बात है के कुंडली मिलाते समय वर कन्या की  बाकि सभी चीजों ( वर्णवश्य तारगण आदिका समान होना बहुत शुभ माना गया है परन्तु यदि वर और कन्या की नाड़ी सामान हो अर्थात दोनों की एक ही नाड़ी हो तो इसे शुभ नहीं माना जाता और इसे ही नाड़ीदोष  कहते हैं। कुंडली मिलान में वर और कन्या की नाड़ियां अलग अलग होनी चाहिये। सामान नाड़ी होने पर 36 गुणों में नाड़ी के लिए निश्चित 8 अंक में से शून्य अंक मिलते हैं और वर कन्या की नाड़ी अलग होने पर पूरे 8 में से 8 अंक प्राप्त होते हैं जो विवाह और विवाहोपरांत अपनी विशेष भूमिका निभाते हैं।

Doshas Cancellation Naadi:

This guna carries 8 points.If this guna is not matching then it is considered as a Mahadosha (Major defect)and thedoshacaused due to its mismatch is considered cancelled if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied.

(1) Both have same Rashi but different constellations.

(2) Both have same constellation but different Rashi.

(3) Both have same birth constellation but different Charans (parts).

समान नाड़ी में दोष क्यों –

नाड़ी का सम्बन्ध हमारे स्वास्थसंतान पक्ष और मनोदशा से है परन्तु इनमे भी “स्वास्थ पक्ष” को नाड़ी विशेष प्रभावित करती है। मानव शरीर में “वात” “पित्त” और “कफ” प्रकृतियों का एक निशित मात्रा में संतुलन रहता है जिसका प्रतिनिधित्व यही तीन नाड़ियां करती हैं इसके लिए यह श्लोक भी प्रसिद्ध है –

“आदौ वातौ  वहती।मध्ये पित्ते तथैव च।

अंतये  वहती श्लेष्मा।नाडिका त्रय लक्षणम्”।। (आयुर्वेद)

आद्या नाड़ी वात प्रधान मध्या नाड़ी पित्त प्रधान और अन्त्या नाड़ी कफ प्रधान होती है जिस व्यक्ति की जो नाड़ी होती है उस नाड़ी की प्रकृति के अनुसार  ही उस  व्यक्ति में वातपित्त या कफ की अधिकता प्राकर्तिक रूप से ही होती है जैसे आद्या नाड़ी वाले व्यक्ति के शरीर में वात की अधिकता होती है मध्या नाड़ी वाले व्यक्ति में पित्त की अधिकता होती है और अन्त्य नाड़ी कफ की अधिकता देती है अब किसी व्यक्ति में जिस तत्व की अधिकता पहले से ही है यदि वह उस तत्व की प्रधानता वाली वस्तुओं का सेवन करे या ऐसी वास्तु या व्यक्तियों के अधिक संसर्ग में रहे तो व्यक्ति में अपनी प्रकृति के अनुसार वातपित्त या कफ की अधिकता बहुत बढ़ जाएगी और आयुर्वेद के अनुसार वातपित्त या कफ का संतुलन बिगड़ना ही रोगों की उत्पत्ति का कारण माना गया है अतः जब वर और कन्या की नाड़ी समान होगी तो दोनों में एक ही तत्व (वातपित्त,कफकी अधिकता होगी जिससे विवाहोपरांत दोनों के स्वास्थ में उतार चढाव और रोगोत्पत्ति की अधिक सम्भावनाएं होंगी इसी लिए कुंडली मिलान में समान नाड़ी को दोष माना गया है  इसके आलावा वर कन्या की नाड़ी समान होने पर उनमे विकर्षण की उत्पत्ति होती है ( जिस प्रकार चुम्बक के समान ध्रुवों में विकर्षण होता हैजो की वैवाहिक सम्बन्धोंसन्तानोत्पत्ति आदि के लिए अच्छा नहीं है यह भी समान नाड़ी में दोष का एक कारण है। इसके अतिरिक्त नाड़ी को मनोदशा का सूचक भी माना गया है ज्योतिष में वर्णित ये तीन नाड़ियां हमारे मन की तीन अलग अलग अवस्थाओं को निर्धारित करती है आद्या नाड़ी “आवेग” (जल्दबाजी में रहना) मध्या नाड़ी “उद्वेग” (अवसाद में रहना) और अन्तया नाड़ी “संवेग” (असमंजस की स्थिति में रहना) की सूचक है अब यदि वर वधु दोनों की मानसिक एक जैसी होना भी अच्छा नहीं है क्योंकि दोनों ही व्यक्ति (पति-पत्नि) यदि जल्दबाजी या हड़बड़ाहट में रहने वाले हो, अवसाद में रहने वाले हों या असमंजस में रहने वाले होंगे तो एक दूसरे को किस प्रकार सहायता कर पाएंगे इस दृष्टिकोण से भी कुंडली मिलान में समान नाड़ी वर्जित मानी गयी है अतः कुंडली मिलान और इसमें भी नाड़ी दोष पूर्णतः गहन अध्य्यन और वैज्ञानिक शैली पर ही आधारित है।

नाड़ी दोष का परिहार –

कुंडली मिलान के अंतर्गत कुछ विशेष स्थितियों में नाड़ी दोष का परिहार या काट हो जाती है और नाड़ी दोष उपस्थित होने पर भी नगण्य हो जाता है –

१. यदि वर और कन्या के जन्म नक्षत्र तो समान हों परन्तु राशि अलग अलग हों तो नाड़ी दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।

२. यदि वर और कन्या की राशि समान हों परन्तु नज्म नक्षत्र अलग अलग हों तो नाड़ी दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।

३. यदि वर और कन्या की राशि और नक्षत्र दोनों ही समान हों परन्तु नक्षत्र के चरण अलग अलग हों तो भी नाड़ी दोष का परिहार हो जाता है।

नोट – यदि कुंडली मिलान में नाड़ी दोष हो और ऐसे में वर और कन्या की राशि, नक्षत्र और नक्षत्र का चरण भी समान हो तो नाड़ी दोष परिहार नहीं होता परिहार के लिए राशि और नक्षत्र में से एक की समानता और एक की भिन्नता होनी चाहिए और यदि राशि व नक्षत्र दोनों समान हों तो नक्षत्र के चरण  अवश्य अलग अलग होने चाहिए तभी परिहार माना जाता है तीनो चीज सामान होने पर परिहार नहीं होता। नाड़ी दोष होने पर इसके परिहार की सम्भावना तभी होती है जब वर कन्या की राशि या नक्षत्र निकटतम हों अर्थात आस पास के हों।

विशेष – यदि कुंडली मिलान में नाड़ी दोष हो और उसका परिहार भी ना हो रहा हो तो ऐसे में विवाह ना करने का ही परामर्श दिया जाता है परन्तु किसी विशेष परिस्थिति में यदि नाड़ी दोष होने पर भी विवाह करना ही हो तो इसकी दोष शांति उपाय के लिए वर-वधु द्वारा संकल्प कराकर “महामृत्युंजय” मंत्र के सवालाख मंत्रों का अनुष्ठान योग्य ब्राह्मण से कराकर सामर्थ्यानुसार सप्तधान्य आदि दान करने के बाद विवाह करना चाहिए।

नाड़ी दोष उपाय-

  • वर एवं कन्या की मध्य नाड़ी हो तो पुरुष को प्राण भय रहता है, ऐसी स्थिति मे पुरुष को महामृत्यंजय जाप करना या करवाना अतिआवश्यक है, यदि वर एवं कन्या दोनो की नाड़ी आदि या अन्त्य हो तो स्त्री को प्राणभय की सम्भावना रहती है, इसलिए इस स्थिति मे कन्या महामृत्युजय का पाठ अवश्य करवाए|
  • नाड़ी दोष होने पर संकल्प लेकर किसी ब्राह्मण को गोदान या स्वर्णदान करना चाहिए|
  • अपनी सालगिराह पर अपने वजन के बराबर अन्न दान करें, एवं साथ मे ब्राह्मण भोजन कराकर वस्त्र दान करें|
  • वर एवं कन्या मे से जिसे मारकेश की दशा चल रही हो उसको दशानाथ का उपाय दशाकाल तक अवश्य करना चाहिए|

Chart shows one’s emotional nature


Let us see how these may be used. 

(1) Ar, Le and Sg are called agni rasis or fiery rasis. 

 (2) Ta, Vi and Cp are called bhoo rasis or earthy rasis. 

 (3) Ge, Li and Aq are called vaayu rasis or airy rasis.

 (4) Cn, Sc and Pi are called jala rasis or watery rasis.

 (5) The 5th element of aakaasa or ether is present in every rasi. 

For example, the 5 th house in one’s chart shows one’s emotional nature. 


The 5th house in a fiery sign may show a normally angry, aggressive or determined person. 


The 5th house in an earthy sign may show a balanced, logical and stable person.


The 5th house in an airy sign may show someone with unstable and wandering emotions. 


The 5th house in a watery sign may show one with an imaginative and creative mind.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

How to Read the Navamsa Chart D9 Step By Step?


How to Read the Navamsa Chart D9 Step By Step?

  1. The First step is to take out both the Rashi or Birth Chart and Navamsa Chart side by side on the Table. This is because Navamsa chart should never be read alone as a single chart. It should be read by interlinking clues placed in both D1 birth chart and D9 Navamsa chart.
  2. The D9 Navamsa Chart Ruler is Venus therefore, you should find out where Venus is placed in the D9 Chart as well as D1 chart.
  3. Check the Atmakaraka Planet of your D1 Chart and Check it’s position in D9 chart. Atmakaraka Planet is the planet that holds the highest degree in your birth chart. This planet is responsible for your mind process, thought process and mindset in marriage and life.
  4. Check the Amatyakaraka Planet of the D1 Chart and check it’s position in the D9 Chart. Amatyakaraka Planet is the planet that holds the second highest degree in your birth chart. This planet is responsible for converting your thought process into action. It will be the planet responsible for your execution of your mind. It will help manifest your thoughts into reality.
  5. Check the placement of these Karak planets in D9 chart and whether they are good state or not. If they are in bad state meaning being affected by malefics or aspected by them then, you problems with the planets associated with the house. If they are well placed then, you won’t have any problems regarding the houses where those planets sit.
  6. A Raj Yog is formed in Navamsa Chart is the Atmakaraka planet and Amatyakaraka planet is sitting together in the D9 Chart.
  7. Next thing one has to check is the position of Venus. Venus as we know is the ruler of the D9 chart and the main significator, therefore, we have to look at where Venus is positioned and the houses it rules. Whether, it is strong or weak. From here we can find out if, the significator of marriage is supporting the person for marriage or not. For example, If the 7th house of a person is strong but Venus is sitting in the 6th house, here we can say that there can be a lot of debts after marriage and quarrels regarding debts.
  8. Next we have to find out if the planets are in Vargottama or not. Vargottama means that a planet is occupying the same sign in the Birth chart D1 and navamsa D9 chart. A vargottama planet is considered very strong, auspicious, capable of giving benefic results during the main and sub dasha period and transits.
  9. The next step is to check the 9th house of both D1 Birth chart and D9 Navamsa Chart. We have to check the strength and position of the lord of 9th house in D9 navamsa chart. This house which is the 9th house shows us our destiny, dharma and our duty in this life. It shows us, what duties we have to perform in this birth.
  10. The last step is to check the position of the lagna lord in D9 navamsa chart. Here we have to find out of the lagna lord is in good strength or not.

From here, you get an idea of the overall strength of the D9 Navamsa Chart. Whether or not, the planets are favouring each other and you get a general view of the D9 chart. However, this is still not enough and we should go much deeper to get an accurate conclusion. For that, we have to know some important vedic astrology concepts regarding the Navamsa D9 Chart.

Mahadasha affects a particular House


Mahadasha affects a particular House.

What is Vimshottari Dasha?

The Dasha System is a unique directional astrological system and is found in no other astrological system in the whole world. Rishi Parashar, the sage who is said to have written the first Puran, the Vishnu Puran, is accredited to be the first sage to have designed the Dasha system. His son is Vyas Rishi and his grandson is the famous Rishi Vashist.

  1. Ketu: 7 years
  2. Venus: 20 years
  3. Sun: 6 years
  4. Moon: 10 years
  5. Mars: 7 years
  6. Rahu: 18 years
  7. Jupiter: 16 years
  8. Saturn: 19 years
  9. Mercury: 17 years.


Good effects of Mahadasha

Bad Effects of Mahadasha

Vimshottari Dasha in First House

High position, health, prosperity.

Ill health, mental worries, fear of imprisonment

Vimshottari Dasha in Second House

Success in speech, good food, growth in the number of family members

Eye trouble, king’s wrath, fall in the position

Vimshottari Dasha in Third House

Gain in courage and honour, sibling cooperation, though bad for finances

Misunderstanding with near and dear ones, secret enemies come up, humiliation and loss of pride.

Vimshottari Dasha in Fourth House

Higher status & wealth, agricultural land gain and also higher status

Prone to sufferings, accidents can occur, unhappiness & disturbance within one’s home.

Vimshottari Dasha in Fifth House

Good education, new births at home, spiritual gain, political success

Sickness, failure in exams, irreligious actions that lead to more worries.

Vimshottari Dasha in Sixth House

Poverty, humiliation, loss of cattle, pets and also jobs at some point.

Good results where native will have control over the enemies. Wealth & prosperity would be on the rise.

Vimshottari Dasha in Seventh House

Marriage would be on the cards, will gain new clothes would be praised for their truthfulness. It removes the Manglik dosha, putra dosha & Vishkanya dosha.

Death of spouse, separation from loved ones, earning would come in the bad way, would lead a lonely life & would have a loss of partnership.

Vimshottari Dasha in Eighth House

Ill health, distress, sorrow, hopelessness, insatiable physical desires

Gain in business, the native would become debt free, quarrels would settle successfully during this time.

Vimshottari Dasha in Ninth House

Native would become a historical figure, good status, name & fame can be achieved

Enemies would overpower, native would become quarrelsome, can gain disrespect from society

Vimshottari Dasha in Tenth House

Good status, power, prosperous time and gain of name & wealth.

When ill placed can bring disrespectful decline, distress, set back in career.

Vimshottari Dasha in Eleventh House

Continuous flow of money and prosperity, gains from elders & servants

Trouble, loss, misery and disrespect

Vimshottari Dasha in Twelfth House

Diseases, slavery, may suffer abroad

Native would do good and meritorious deeds during this time

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Extramarital Affairs in Astrology By Upapada Lagna


 Extramarital Affairs in Astrology

Upapada Lagna or UL shows marriage,

 Arudha pada of 7th House shows physical relationship, 

Arudha pada of 5th House shows Love or Romance. 

If the Upapada Lagna is connected with Arudha Pada of 5th House(A5) and Arudha Pada of Seventh House (A7) 

there is chance of falling in love affair after marriage. 

Specially If it happens in the Watery Signs like Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces as they represents our emotions. 

If the Upapada Lagna (UL) and Arudha Pada of 7th house (A7) is in 2-12 condition, it indicates lack of physical pleasure in marriage. Which can leads infidelity or a indication of Extramarital affairs in astrology if other factors also involved.

For Example:

 if the Arudha Pada of 10th house (A10) is connected with Arudha Pada of Seventh House(A7) and Upadapada Lagna(UL) in scorpio sign it indicates physical relationship in workplace out side of marriage. 

Ketu in 7th house or A7 and Venus in 12th house or in Upapada Lagna(UL) can give two spouse at the same time i.e. it can indicate Illicit relationship out side marriage or cheating spouse in Vedic astrology. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How can I know my past life karmas from my horoscope or natal chart?

 How can I know my past life karmas from my horoscope or natal chart?

Ascendant is present, 9th house is past and 5th house signifies future life. I saw one thing is very interesting here. Ascendant, 9th and 5th house always hold same elements which signifies same soul in every birth.

  1. Ascendant is you, signifying present.
  2. 9th house is your father, signifying past. It is your father who is here before you was even born. Hence, 9th house is the significator of past life. Also, it is only your past life Karma what you are enjoying here, hence it is the house of fortune.
  3. 5th house is the house of son, signifying future. It is your son, who is here after you. Hence, 5th house is the great significator of next life. Also, 5th house is 9th from the 9th house, the fortune of fortune. Hence the storage of this life which you will face in next life.

How do I know past and next life?

Consider 9th house as Ascendant, it will give information about past life. Likewise, consider 5th house as Ascendant, it will give information about next life.

The more you know exact nature of the sign, the more information you get about ones past and next life. See some examples below;

  1. If 9th lord is occupying fixed sign, previous birth should be declared as tree, plant and etc.
  2. If they occupies movable signs, it is related to animal and like. Likewise, if they occupies water signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, birth related to water animal should be declared.
  3. When 5th or 9th lord occupy his own or exaltation sign, birth is related to human being.

How do I know past life Karma?

 it becomes 10th house:

6th house is the house of diseases, enemies and obstacles. But when you count anticlockwise from 9th house, it becomes 10th house. Hence it is the house of Karma of past life. Now if you see deeply, the Karmas of past life (6th house) are in the form of diseases, enemies and obstacles in this life i.e. when counting from the Ascendant.

When the lord of 6th house is weak, afflicted or associated with malefic, it bring diseases, enemies and obstacles because of bad Karma in past life. Likewise, when 6th lord is favourably placed, associated or aspected by benefic planet, it keeps away from evil because of good Karma in past life. See how scientific astrology is.