6 signs to identify Pitra Dosha in Kundali
Dosh means some dues in your past life. You carried forward some debt of your ancestors of past life. It may become obstacles in your path of success as others debt do. You may have disturb family relationship . According to Garuda Purana, one of the reason behind this dosha is due to abnormal or unnatural early death of any ancestor. If the last rites of the ancestors has not been performed in the righteous ways. It is also said that the soul of our ancestors & departed family members does not get peace (shanti). Or due the bad deeds of any of the ancestors the family got cursed and the next generation has to suffer that curse. It is believed that Pitra Dosh can occur up to the 7th generation. In most of the cases of Pitru Dosha, a native born in a family lineage is one of his own Ancestors. Sometimes we find that we are constantly suffering inspite of no bad deeds done by us in this life time, we are not getting any results of any of our hard work. In some cases even the native is earning good but the savings are draining out due unexpected expenses or diseases.
Pitru dosha can affect whole family. For example father dying early. Son becoming chronically diabetic with heart ailments and people around him dont know how long he will live- can be indications of chronic pitru dosha. In this case, worth analysing the h’scope of the son.
In other cases, the indications could be frequent deaths in the family, extreme delays/struggle in good happenings in the family, long term diseases the reason for which are not known, disturbances when you want to visit the temple of your kula devata, ghosts feelings in the family members, mentally challenged children in the family, no good happenings in the family for years together - these are all typical symptoms of pitru dosha.
Level 1: Inordinate marriage delays; living as bachelors for the entire lifetime
Level 2: Failed Marriages due to various reasons like separation, divorce (or) death.
Level 3: Inordinate delay in getting conceived for a child
Level 4: Miscarriages during the pregnancy (or) forced abortion (or) wilful abortion
Level 5: Serious problem occurring during the pregnancy
Level 6: Possessing a child with mental (or) physical disability.
Level 7: Unnatural death occurring in a family due to accidents (or) murder (or) suicide
Note 1: The Level 1 represents the least level of problems in “Pitra Dosha” and the Level 7 represents the worst form of “Pitra Dosha”
Note 2: You must understand that the “Pitra Dosha” would not create any major impact on career, finances (or) wealth of a native who has been affected by “Pitra Dosha” Hence don’t assume that just because a person is rich (or) powerful, then it doesn’t automatically guarantee a peaceful life.
How can I know my Pitra dosh in a Kundali/Horoscope?
Pitra dosh can be defined as the curse of the ancestors. This implies that the person who has pitra dosh in his horoscope has some angry forefathers.
The anger of the forefathers on the person can bring him many troubles like debt, failure and health issues. It appears in the horoscope of a person when his ancestors have committed some crimes or bad deeds. The consequences of their bad deeds have to be faced by the person who has pitra dosh in his horoscope.
a) Rahu placed in the 2nd house from Sun.
b) Sun placed in the 12th house from Rahu.
c) Rahu placed in the sixth position from Sun.
d) Sun placed in 8th place from Rahu.
e) Sun placed in 6/8/12th position from Lagna
f) Sun place in the 9th house from the Lagna.
g) Combination of Sun/Rahu or Sun/Ketu at the same house.
Impact of “Pitra Dosha”:
1. The Couple would face quarrels, squabbles and fight on daily basis ripping off their peacefulness in their family life.
2. The Couple would maintain distance away from each other (or) face temporary separation.
3. The Couple would face permanent separation due to divorce (or) death of their Partner.
4. The Couple could face inordinate delays in getting pregnant (or) face multiple complications during the pregnancy.
5. The Couple would face prospect of adopting another child.
6. The Couple would be saddled with mentally (or) physical disabled child.
7. The Couple could face sudden losses/damages (or) unexpected events impacting their life heavily.
8. The Couple would be made to remain as an onlooker into the sufferings of their future generations.
What causes Pitra dosh
a) Planets position in the horoscope. DO YOU WANT TO COSNULT?
b) Ancestors deeds.
c) Own karma.
How to identify the “Pitra Dosh” in the Horoscope?
1. The presence of the Sun, descending Moon, Mars, Raghu, Sun, Shani and Kethu in the 5th house indicates the Pithru dosham (Pitra Dosha).
2. The 5th and/or 9th house lord getting debilitated or in retrograde position or getting weakened.
3. The 5th and/or 9th house lord is either being associated with malefic planets or staying in a malefic house.
4. The presence of debilitated or retrograde planets in the 5th and/or 9th house.
5. The 5th house and/or 9th house lord is getting weakened in the Divisional charts.
6. The 5th house lord and/or 9th house lord traversing in the Star of a malefic planet or traversing in the 22nd star/88 division from the birth Star.
7. The presence of malefic house lords getting placed in the 5th and/or 9th house
8. Association of 5th and/or 9th house lord with Raghu/Kethu in any house. The problems could remain intense, if the 5th and/or 9th house lords placed in a closer proximity towards the Rahu/Kethu
9. If the Raghu or Kethu is placed in a close proximity to the Sun and/or Moon.
10. If the 5th or 9th house lords getting very low counts in their respective Ashtavargha charts; this situation indicates serious nature of the Pitra Dosha.
Moral Theory:
Do not invite troubles to your daughter by getting married to a boy from a family that has plenty of “Pitra Dosha” to their credit.
Can Pitra Dosha be removed?
Yes. Perform the right Pitra dosh pooja as per Vedic standards at the right place by the right priests. Practice meditation to minimize your own bad karma. Respect elders and parents. Treat them with care and affection.
Anna Daan, Gau Daan, etc.. Look after poor people by offering food. Involve in community services like Education and Health care. Chant Pitra dosh nivaran mantra.
If one performs Narayan Bali/Tripindi/Thila Homam to express gratitude to ancestors without any Pitra dosha symptoms, the pooja is called Pitra Kalyan pooja.
The best way to avoid the dosha even if the planets are found as above or not, is to conduct yearly shrardhas without fail, do last rites correctly, offer amavasya tharpans regularly. In case your father / paternal grandfather was not conducting these willfully, then it is wise to offer a narayana bhali first in Kashi/Rameshwaram or Nashik, and then restart all the yearly/monthly rituals and perform them without fail, regularly.