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Sunday, November 19, 2023

International Men's Day for each zodiac sign


International Men's Day for each zodiac sign

International Men's Day celebrates the contributions men make to society, families, and communities worldwide. From date to theme, all details inside.International Men's Day celebrates the contributions men make to society, families and communities around the world. It's also a time to celebrate the lives, achievements and contributions of boys and men - especially those related to country, marriage, family, community, union and childcare.So in this article we will see Men's Attributes based on zodiac signs


March 21 – April 20

On the man side: At first glance, a man born under the sign of Aries seems very serious or even extremely shy. Yet, once he feels comfortable with you, he opens up completely.

So he tells you about his fetishes, his somewhat bizarre habits and his greatest shame!

The bull

April 21 – May 20

On the man side: A man born under this zodiac sign is always super weird and geeky. For example, he always uses references from cartoons and spends his days playing video games.

Besides, he has a weird sense of humor and he always brags about not looking for love. 1: his humor is offensive. 2: he is always the first to fall madly in love.

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The Twins

May 21 – June 21

Male side: Whatever happens, men born under the sign of Gemini are always super attractive. Whether they are adorable geeks, sportsmen or cute intellectuals, they are always a real eye-catcher.

Mainly, because they like to laugh. But honestly why are they so irresistible? After all, they can be real assholes!

The cancer

June 22 – July 22

On the man side: Men born under the sign of Cancer are big babies! There it is … All they love is to party and drink. But as soon as someone talks about love, they can’t help but dream about it.

So, they start to talk about the fact that they are waiting for the “good” and describe it to whoever wants to hear it. But the truth is, they always choose the simplest, boring girls.


July 23 – August 22

On the man side: Men born under the sign of Leo are friends with everyone. They are good people who are popular with everyone because their mean attitude is just a game.

They are constantly looking for something more in a woman. This is why they find it difficult to seriously engage.

The Virgin

August 23 – September 22

On the man side: Men born under the sign of Virgo are stubborn intellectuals! They think they are superior to others and tend to tell jokes in bad taste.

Moreover, they pretend not to be interested in fashion even if they always wear the latest clothes!

The balance

September 23 – October 22

On the man side: Men born under the sign of Libra look like angels but they are devils in disguise! On the one hand, they appear innocent and friendly.

But, on the other hand, they have strong opinions and can be rude because of it. They think it’s up to women to run after them. And the worst part of all this? They have an explosive and unstable character.

The Scorpion

October 23 – November 22

Male side: Sometimes I wonder if all men born under the sign of Scorpio are not psychopaths ?! They don’t often laugh but when they do it is in a psychedelic and extra loud way.

And honestly, no one understands why. These are childish men who always seem in a hurry and have no problem staring at people. Rude!


November 23 – December 21

Male side: Men born under the sign of Sagittarius seem to have the wrong zodiac sign. Indeed, they are honeyed and romantic as possible! They fall in love super easily and they are unable to control their emotions.

Unfortunately, women often put them in the “friend” box. On the other hand, when they finally meet their life partner, the relationship lasts forever.


December 22 – January 20

On the man side: Honestly, a man born under the sign of Capricorn comes close to perfection: great style, ambitious, competitive, funny and smart with his money. Besides, he has the motivation to become a boss at the top.

But he eats like 10 people! Even if he gives himself the image of a tomboy, deep down, he’s a romantic who only wants to be loved.


January 21 – February 18

Men’s side: Bad boys… Bad boys! Men born under the sign of Aquarius are cool and seem to go out of their way. And that’s the case ! This is why they have 300 exes and 100 female friends with profits.

These men are intelligent and they feel superior to others. On the other hand, they think they are very clever and deep but they never manage to prove it to others.

The fish

February 19 – March 20

Male Side: Men born under the sign of Pisces are always serious and they seem to continually be in the analysis. In reality, they only think about trivial and stupid things.

They have strong feelings but never follow them. For them, the heart is a weakness. That’s probably why they always have stars in their eyes.

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