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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Year of the Rabbit


Year of the Rabbit

Rabbit set off at daybreak. But when he got there, no other animals were in sight. Thinking that he would obviously be first, he went off to the side and napped. However, when he woke up, three other animals had already arrived. One of them was the Ox he had always looked down upon.

Rabbits are earnest with everything they do; they just ask that others treat them the same way.

Personality and Characteristics

To outsiders, the Rabbit’s kindness may make them seem soft and weak. In truth, the Rabbit’s quiet personality hides their confidence and strength. They are steadily moving towards their goal, no matter what negativity the others give them.

With their good reasoning skills and attention to detail, they make great scholars. They are socializers with an attractive aura. However, they find it hard to open up to others and often turn to escapism.

A plain and routine life is not their style. Though conservative and careful in their actions, they need surprises every so often to spice things up.

Men born in the Rabbit year are extraordinarily polite and do whatever they can to avoid conflicts. They have control over themselves and are sometimes conservative. They may seem to be a yes-man, but they have a bottom line that they won’t cross.

These men like organizing and decorating, and often help their wives with chores. But that doesn’t mean they actually like being responsible for the home. Though a great friend, they don’t like becoming too close to someone.

Women born in the Rabbit year love being social. They are thoughtful and treat everyone politely. They are very conscious of their public image and hate violence and arguments.

In love, they are very extreme. There’s a clear difference between who they love and who they don’t. And they rarely pass that line. But if they love someone, they’ll put everything into the relationship. But the deeper they go, the more hurt they can get. These Rabbits are more insecure than other zodiacs and need to be reassured often.


Most compatible with Rabbit: Dog, Pig, Goat

Both Dog and Rabbit wish for a peaceful and quiet life. They’ll work towards this and enjoy it together.

Rabbit and Pig have similar personalities and will be attracted to each other. Goats need someone to depend on. Rabbits enjoy taking care of others and complement Goats well.

Least compatible with Rabbit: Rooster, Dragon, Rat

Rabbit and Rooster clash strongly and are the least compatible. Even today’s weather can be the reason for an argument.

Dragons have similar goals and interests with Rabbit. However, their personalities may clash.

Relationships with Rats are tricky. With time, differences will appear and it’ll become impossible to agree with each other.

Lucky things for Rabbits

  • Colors: red, pink, purple, blue
  • Numbers: 3, 4, 9
  • Directions of auspiciousness: southeast
  • Directions of wealth: northeast, southwest
  • Directions of love: east

Unlucky things

  • Colors: brown, gray, white
  • Numbers: 5, 11

Careers Fit for Rabbits

Because of their empathy and sensitive artistic feelings, people born in the Rabbit year often find creative jobs more attractive. Many are successful in art, music, architecture and literature. They are also suitable for jobs that require observation and attention to fine detail. Examples include translation and business consultation.

As social butterflies, Rabbits have a wide social network. Their friend list includes everyone, from government officials to the average person. So if a career requires social connections, such as PR jobs, a Rabbit would be a good candidate. In addition, Rabbits can try careers that involve decision making. However, they must have a reliable friend by their side to give some advice and tactics.

Health and Lifestyle

Health includes physical and mental health.

Physically, Rabbits have nothing to worry about. For the small problems that may occur, the symptoms are obvious. This leads most Rabbits to take things seriously and visit the hospital before it can worsen.

However, they have many bad eating habits. They don’t have a balanced diet, with too little or too much of certain foods. This can lead to some problems in the urinary system.

The biggest problem is their insecurity. Rabbits can suffer from anxiety and depression. Try letting go of problems and being prepared for unexpected