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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Remedies For Success in Bussiness

Remedies For Success in Bussiness

1. Take some red gulal powder on holi and wrap it in a red cloth. Keep this bundle in your Business place or your locker at home and experience continued profits and success. You will never be short of funds.

गुरु मन्त्र

ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरूवे नमः ॥

Jupiter (Guru) Mantra

Aum Gran Grin Gron seh Guruve Namah

2. Every friday, distributing sweet jaggery with grams to devotees in Lakshminarain temple and offering fragrant incense and also lighting them at the feet of Maa Lakshmi , ensure continued progress and success at the workplace.

शुक्र मंत्र

ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः ॥

Venus (Shukra) Mantra

Aum Dran Drin Dron Seh Shukraye Namah

3. Whenever you are leaving your house to go to your workplace , always pray to your deity and wear a sweet perfume ,before leaving the house.

4. Burn camphor and red vermillion, collect the ash in a small piece of paper and make a small bundle . Keep this bundle in the cash box at the workplace or in the locker at home to ensure profits and financial gains.

5. At the time of leaving and returning from your workplace ,ensure that you touch the ground at the entrance of the workplace with your right hand and touch it to your forehead ,at the same time remembering your deity mentally ; by this you shall earn the bounties of the almighty .Your love and respect of your workplace shall earn you love and respect of the workplace by the blessings of the almighty….. [never let it cross your mind or be bothered what your fellow workers, colleagues or seniors would think of such acts.

6. If you are facing continued losses in business or obstacles in success in your workplace ,you are unable to get along with people around ,then ensure that you keep the broom out of sight of visitors at the workplace as well as at home…. very soon you will notice the change for the better.

7. Every household that lives with each other with love and harmony , such houses are bereft of misery and sorrows and are always prosperous and full of abundance.

8. Select a role model for yourself and hang a picture of his/her at your workplace. study the person deeply, his strengths, weaknesses, his reaction to a situation. Meditating deeply imagine yourself in his shoes. Make this a regular practice. After some time you shall notice a very obvious difference in your personality and outlook which shall pave your way to success.

9. To attain success in business and profession, always take out the first three chapattis and smear them with clarified butter [ghee] and sweeten them; offer these three chapattis to a cow ,a dog and a bird [preferably a crow] respectively. Every wednesday , feed a cow green vegetables and cattle-feed. Every friday, offering raw milk on the basil plant [tulsi ], bestows success and prosperity.

10. During dusk /evening it is very inauspicious to sleep , not lighting a lamp/incense at the place of worship, sweeping the floor, shouting and screaming in the house or cutting nails . All these act as deterrents to the entry of Maa Lakshmi in the house as such acts are despised by her. Such households are always short on money and despite their best efforts are unable to attain prosperity and happiness.

11.Take a piece of raw cotton thread and color / dye it with saffron. Tie this piece of dyed thread at your business place or workplace ; for office – goers it can be kept in the drawers ,in the almirah / cupboard or simply tie it with any office item / furniture and see how the business / work picks up pace.

12. On a Thursday of the waning Moon fortnight, take 12 “Gomti Chakras” [Talismans] and mark them with saffron / turmeric. Tie them up in a yellow cloth-piece. Take this bundle and tie it at the entrance of the business establishment so that the customers have to pass under it to enter the shop. See how fast the business grows leading to continued prosperity.

13. At the worship place in the business place/office it is considered very luck to place a crystal ‘Shree Yantra’ and a ‘Ekakshi ‘coconut and pray to them daily by lighting Rose incense sticks. It brings in very favorable results for tbusiness success.

14.On a Sunday fill a clean container with ‘GangaJal’ [pure water sourced from the holy river Ganges] and recite the ‘Gayatri Mantra’ 12 times and every time [12] blow into the container [as if infusing the water with the powers of the mantra]…..Now sprinkle this water over the entire business premises and in your mind keep repeating what you expect from the business….very soon you shall receive conducive news. Continue doing this for 7 Sundays.

15.Any business communication written, should be marked with a bit of Saffron /Turmeric.

16.Donate clothes and money to a trans-gender [hermaphrodite] person and in return ask for a rupee coin as a favour.Keep this coin in a box and keep it in the safe –vault .You will experience double –fold progress and prosperity over time.

17. Take the root of ‘Shwetark Mool’ [Calotropis Giganta] and wash it clean with the holy ‘Ganga Jal’ [water of the river Ganges],mark it with vermillion and offer incense and sweet smelling dhoop[kind of incense stick].On an auspicious day / time having it placed in a silver talisman tie it around your right bicep with a silver ,silken thread for astounding success in your endeavors.

18. Keeping a coconut covered with a red piece of cloth and kept in the place of worship / safe-vault and daily lighting of incense sticks and praying to it will pave way for beneficial results regarding matters of wealth and prosperity.

19. For ever-lasting prosperity , take 10 grams of Camphor [Kapoor] and equal amount of Vermillion [Red roli Powder]…burn this mixture and keep the ashes folded in red paper.Keep this in the safe-vault at your place.Every day in the morning bow down to this red bundle and touch it to your eyes and kiss it and keep it back …….continuous prosperity will follow.

20. At the time of opening the shop /business place, first of all sprinkle ‘Ganga Jal’ [holy water of the Ganges] on both sides of the entrance…….the entire day will be mirthful and enjoyable..

Sunday, May 17, 2020



Every female has certain fertile days in a month. Now we have to take the help of astrological science and choose the most fertile day. For this we have to refer the rules and watch the transit of Moon. We will decide this from the female chart.

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  • Note the Nakshatra of Lagna. Note the 7th, 14th and 21st Nakshatra also from this. So total 4 Nakshatras we have noted in the Lagna group.

  • Note the Nakshatra of Moon. Note the 14th Nakshatra from this Moon Nakshatra also. So total 2 Nakshatra in Moon group.

  • Now note the Nakshatra of Sun as per Sun's degree. Note the 14th Nakshatra from this. Total 2 Nakshatra in Sun group.

Total 8 Nakshatras are capable to create pregnancy. Sometime what happens that Some Nakshatras are common in all these 3 group so in that case there can be only 6 or 7 Nakshatras. Also remember that Common Nakshatra if any in the 2 or 3 group then that 

Nakshatra is most fertile for that lady.

But some important points we have to remember while choosing the Nakshatra.

Ketu should not be in that Nakshatra at the time of IVF. It may create miscarriage sometime.

If Rahu is in that Nakshatra at the time of IVF, then chances are there, that a soul of ex family member may enter the embryo later when foetus stage is developed. Rahu opens the door for the souls who are willing to enter the foetus due to their strong desire to take birth in the same family.

Saturn on that Nakshatra should also be avoided. Because when Moon touches that Nakshatra, Vish Yoga or Punarphoo dosha will be there so development of Embryos will be slow and child will be weak.

If Jupiter is aspecting Moon that day then be rest assured that IVF will be successful and healthy child will be born.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Complexion of Your BF,GF

Complexion of Your BF,GF

Venus, Moon and Mercury in the 7th house of your chart indicates that your Spouse will have a Very Fair complexion. If Venus/Moon/Mercury is in the 7th house of Navamsa also, it can give a very Fair complexion to your husband or Wife. 

Saturn, Ketu and Rahu indicates Wheatish or Dark complexion. So if your 7th house is occupied by planets like Saturn, Rahu or Ketu,the complexion of your Spouse will be Wheatish or Dark. But if the 7th house or these Planets gets the aspect from Jupiter, Moon or Venus, the Complexion of your Spouse will be Medium Fair. 

Jupiter, Mars and Sun indicates Medium Fair complexion. So When your 7th house is occupied by Jupiter, Mars or Sun, your Spouse Will have Medium fair complexion. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus in Astrology

Coronavirus in Astrology

The important thing is to stay positive during a time like this. Things can only get better after something as trying as this.

On the positive note, starting April 1st, 2020 Mars and Saturn are out of Capricorn, releasing the tension. This should hopefully lead to a decline in the spread of the virus.

Rahu is passing through its own constellation. Rahu’s variance in the constellation is spreading poison all over the world. The spread of any type of virus is due to this. Rahu will depart from here on May 20. After this, the global situation will come under control.

30 मार्च को राशि परिवर्तन कर रहे हैं। ज्योतिष गणना के मुताबिक गुरु का राशि परिवर्तन इस महामारी का काल बन सकता है। बृहस्पति का मकर में प्रवेश शनि-मंगल के इस प्रकोप को खत्म करेगा। शनि-बृहस्पति की युति इस महामारी को कमजोर कर देगी। वहीं 4 मई 2020 को जब मंगल मकर से कुंभ राशि में जाएगा तब इस वायरस का प्रभाव बहुत ही कम हो जाएगा।

बार-बार साबुन से हाथ धोएं।

24*7 हेल्पलाइन नं. 011- 23978046 पर कॉल करें।

कोरोना वायरस के लक्षण है तो डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें।

छींकते और खांसते समय अपना मुंह व नाक टिश्यू या रूमाल से ढ़कें।

प्रयोग करके टिश्यू को तुरंत किसी बंद डिब्बे में फेंक दें।

भीड़ भाड़ वाली जगहों पर जाने से बचें।
 Jupiter will be in Capricorn from March 30 until June 30. “When this happens, Jupiter becomes weak and the coronavirus is likely to become weak and we will see a cure for the virus during this period. Also the negative impact of the virus will be lowered during this period. Things are going to take a positive turn from May onwards.”

Let’s look at the Coronavirus Covid-19 timeline and the corresponding astrological transits:
  • December 1st, 2019 – Jupiter enters Capricorn – the first known patient started experiencing symptoms
  • December 26th, 2019 – South Node, Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Jupiter – the virus is identified as being closely related to a bat-SARS-like Coronavirus
  • January 9th, 2020 – (approx) Saturn Conjunct Pluto – the gene sequencing data of the virus is made public; the virus gets its name
  • February 21st, 2020 onwards – Mars enters Capricorn, joining the Capricorn stellium – the number of cases increases exponentially, there are various outbreaks all over the world, Italy being the more severely affected

ज्योतिषीय गणना के अनुसार,
 शनि, राहु और केतु ये तीनों ग्रह अप्रत्याशित परिणामों के कारक गए हैं।

 शनि जब अपनी स्वराशि में आता है, अप्रत्याशित घटनाओं को पैदा करता है। वर्तमान में शनि अपनी स्वराशि मकर में स्थित है। इस साल 24 जनवरी को यह इस राशि में आया था। 

ज्योतिषीय गणना के अनुसार, शनि इस महामारी का कारक है। इसके अलावा चंद्रमा इस बीमारी को फैलाने में अपनी भूमिका निभा रहा है। क्योंकि समुद्र और समुद्र से संबंधित चीजों के लिए चंद्रमा उत्तरदायी है। साथ ही मंगल और केतु भी गुरु के साथ धनु राशि में बैठे हैं जो कि इस स्थिति को गंभीर बना रहे हैं। 

लेकिन 22 मार्च 2020 को जब मंगल शनि की राशि मकर में प्रवेश करेगा तो परिस्थितियां और भी गंभीर हो सकती हैं। 

1312 में जब शनि मकर राशि में आया था तब पूरा यूरोप प्लेग जैसी महामारी से ग्रसित हो गया था। इस महामारी ने 7.5 करोड़ लोगों को मौत की नींद सुला दी थी। 

1666 में भी शनि का मकर राशि में होना पुनः दुनिया के लिए बड़ा खतरा बना। इस दौरान प्लेग के कारण केवल लंदन की 20 फीसदी आबादी खत्म हो गई थी। फिर उन्नीसवीं सदी में भी शनि के अपनी स्वराशि में परिवर्तन से करोड़ों लोगों की मौतें हुई थी।

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

change in profession happens

change in profession happens

Many people change the line of education or the field of career and that happens with the effect of change in planetary time periods. When different planets show different combination of houses, change in profession happens.

  • 2nd and 11th - Finance & Accounting
  • 10th and 11th - Administrator
  • 1st, 6th, 10th, and 11th - Politician
  • 4th, 5th, and 9th - Teacher
  • 5th, 8th, and 12th - Actor/Artist
  • 7th, 8th, and 12th - Fighter/Wrestler
  • 1st and 6th - Doctor
  • 6th, 8th and 12th - Lawyer

2nd, 6th, and 10th are the Artha house. Artha means goal or purpose or wealth. These are the most important houses when it comes to material and career/business success.
11th house is Labha, which means gain or benefit. 11th house enhances the good qualities and brings benefit from the house it gets associated with.
11th house brings gains depending on its connection with other houses:

  • 4th and 11th house - Gain of property and vehicle
  • 5th and 11th house - Intelligence, creative talents and gain through speculation
  • 4th, 9th and 11th house - Very good in academics
  • 6th and 11th house - Win and gain through competition
  • 2nd and 11th house - Financial gain
  • 10th and 11th house - Gain of status and power
  • 3rd and 11th house - Becoming popular
A planet shows results based on the combination it signifies and the results are experienced in the time period (Dasha, Bhukti, and Antar) of that planet.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Death Prediction

Death Prediction Astrology

Death Prediction Astrology Online, Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the Preserver defines death as a transitional journey from the earth to the stars.

Death Prediction 
It is a journey of a soul from the mortal body in which it resides to the eternal lord. In the temporary phases in which the soul resides in a body, it gets attached to it which makes the thought of death very painful and solemn.
Vedic astrology demarcates death into four categories based on the age of the deceased.
  1. If someone dies as an infant it is known as “Baalaarishta”,
  2. if he dies before the age of 24 it is “Alpaayu”,
  3. death between 24-60 years of age is “Madhyaayu”
  4. and that after 60 years of age is “Vridhaayu”
Many astrological inscriptions classify death in three categories-
  • Not conscious death: when a person dies while sleeping. This type of death is preferred by many.
  • Unconscious death: when a person faces danger, he goes through pain and sufferings and knows he is about to die. When he freaks out on confronting death but doesn’t want to die like in case of a murder.
  • Conscious death: it is a spiritual death, death by one’s own will, through meditation in order to attain moksha.
There are several classifications of the causes and time of death and the ways in which it arrives. But when it arrives, it engulfs everything and doesn’t let time or precautions take toll over it.

The means or rather diseases, which comprise the cause of death by different planets, according to Vedic astrology include:
  • Sun:           fire, weapon, bile or high fever
  • Moon: watery diseases like cholera or pulmonary diseases
  • Mars: fire, weapons, witchcraft or magic spells
  • Mercury:  bloodlessness, anemia, giddiness and diseases similar to it
  • Jupiter: the planet does not cause much trouble before death, it                            might occur through phlegm
  • Venus: venefal and similar diseases usually caused by intimacy with women
  • Saturn: some perilous fever like typhoid or wind diseases
  • Rahu: food poisoning, leprosy, smallpox, venomous bites and et al
  • Ketu: unnatural death which might result from suicide, assassination or murder by envious enemies etc.

The following section gives the detailed description of the troubles and diseases inflicted by various zodiac signs which might become the causes of death for the people belonging to that sign-
  • Aries: liver and gastric trouble, diseases like stroke caused by heat or fever caused by an excess of bile
  • Taurus: diseases due to an imbalance of the 3 humors- bile, wind and phlegm or any injury by fire or weapon
  • Gemini: asthma, cataract, or a sharp severe pain like colic
  • Cancer: windy diseases, insanity, a loss of appetite and et al
  • Leo: bois, fever, enemies or fatal injuries by wild animals
  • Virgo: venial diseases, trouble due to women or fall from height
  • Libra: typhoid and brain fever
  • Scorpio: jaundice, dyspepsia or diseases of spleen
  • Sagittarius: injury caused by a falling tree or falling from a tree or varga
  • Capricorn:           loss of appetite, aberration of mind, stomach ache etc
  • Aquarius: fever, cough, consumption and et al
  • Pisces: water based diseases like jalodara, drowning and like.


Some of them might have missed a flight that subsequently crashed, while others might have left a train just before it met with an accident. A few of them might have escaped some severe fall downs or accidents. Also many people might tell you how they survived an accident without getting a single bruise.
You might think that god spared all those of you or extended your life by a few more days. But, to state the fact, those times were not probable enough to take your soul away from your body. To be precise, the time and cause of your death is fixed long before you incarnate and when the time comes, you will depart. At the destined time, neither your luck will save you nor time.
Also the time and place of death can invariably be found by the horoscope. The second and seventh houses of the horoscope are known as Maarak or Killer houses while the third and eight are those of life. Apart from this, the eleventh lord of movable signs, seventh lord for dual signs and ninth one for fixed signs are regarded as Maarak or Killers.

Saturn is regarded as the “Significator of Life” or “Ayush Karaka”. Its transits are crucial in determining the death of a person or his parents, relatives and siblings.  Rahu on the other hand is deemed as the Terminator. Its movements also determines the time of death.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Which career is best as per birth and D10 chart:

Which career is best as per birth and D10 chart:
Look the positioning of the 10th house lord in D1 chart and the influence of the planets on 10th house, if majority of the benefics are influencing on the 10th house then you will have successful career-life, but

 in which field you will be successful it depends on the lord of the 10th house
similarly if 10th house lord is Sun it means you will be benefited by the Government and the profession related to the Government job, Municipal Corporation, or any Government or semi Government job will remain beneficial for you.
Mars: it is the significator of Army, police, gym trainer, athletics and sports. Likewise the business related to the sports goods, or jobs related to the army or police gives high rise in the career associated by the Mars.
Venus: it is the significator of banking, taxation, cosmetics, beauty items, interior decoration, thus the profession related to these areas will remain fruitful.
Moon: is a Significator of communication, dairy products, clothes, marine, import and export business, banking, since the profession associated with the Moon directly gives rise in the career-life.
Mercury: The planet of intelligence, communication power, it signifies business related to the stock market, toys making, creche, paper and paper printing press. Likewise the profession related to the Mercury gives rise in the career.
Jupiter: it signifies education, and teaching, likewise the teaching profession, books selling, religious good, preachers, Yoga Guru, spiritual healers, Banking, air hostess, agriculture and farming all are associated with the Jupiter, hence the profession related to the Jupiter gives success.

Saturn: It denotes laborious works, heavy industries, mining, oil ridge, coal, oil, leather industries, service class, sewage treatment plants, municipal corporation jobs, iron works, and agriculture. Likewise the above said profession are best suited profession if Saturn is the lord of 10th house of D1 chart.
Similarly if the lords of the D1 = D10 charts are same then you can find assurance that if you’re moving with the profession related to the lords of 10th houses then it will give you complete success in the career associated with the 10th houses lords.
If some other planets are influencing the 10th house then you may have mixed profession, similarly if the 10th house is aspected by the friends of the 10th house lord, then the friendly aspect of the planet gives boost in the strength of the 10th house. As this rule applies for the D1 and D10 chart.

1) The strength of the Lord of the 10th House
2) The placement of the Lord of the 10th House
3) The position of the Lord of the 3rd and the 5th House
4) The placement of the Sun in your Chart
5) The placement of the Moon in your Chart
6) The influences of other planets on the 10th House of your Chart
7) The dignity of the planets in your Navamsha Chart
8) Your Aatmakaraka Planet
9) The ruling Mahadasha and Antardasha planets
10) Effects of the transiting planets



First house is like self. It denotes success in the area of self employment.
Second house shows the area of career in banking, investments, nance, teaching, consultants, writing and publishing.

Third house is the house of communication. Suitable career for this house belongs to marketing, salesmanship, advertising, computer, web designing, travelling, writing and import export.

Fourth house belongs to land and vehicles. Career wise the area of agriculture, building material or builders, sale purchase of vehicles, mining etc. suits this house.

Fifth denotes speculation. Share marketing, brokers, nance, education etc. are the likely area of career.

Sixth house is the house of litigation, loan, diseases and disputes. Strong planet here points towards the career

Seventh house is the house of business and partnership including relations with females. Career of this house relates to partnership in business, trading etc. Business in the name of wife will be successful depending upon placement of planets.

Eighth house suits career relate to insurance. This house also belongs to secret powers including research etc. Astrology and magical powers are inherent for this house.

Ninth house is house of luck and religion. Career related to law, priest, head of religious body, travelling to religious places suits this house.

Tenth house in horoscope is known for connection with the government and politics. Career related to government jobs, politicians dealing with public life, falls under inuence of this house.

Eleventh house is the house of income. All planets here give good results. Placement of many planets in this house indicates the income from various sources. Elder brother is helpful in earning the livelihood.
Twelth house shows career related to foreign countries, import export, travel agency, hospitals, prisons, etc

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

नीलम रत्न ,नीलम रत्न का चमत्कार रंक को बनाए राजा

नीलम रत्न के प्रभाव तथा धारण विधि।

वैदिक ज्योतिष के अनुसार नीलम रत्न धारण करने के क्या प्रभाव जातक पर पड़ते है तथा नीलम रत्न को धारण करने की विधि क्या है ?

इन बातों का रखें खयाल
-मेष, वृष, तुला एवं वृश्चिक लग्न वालों को नीलम धारन करना फायदेमंद है, यह भाग्योदय करता है।
-यदि जन्मकुंडली में शनि चौथे, पांचवें, दसवें या ग्यारहवें भाव में हो, तो नीलम अवश्य धारण करना चाहिए।
-अगर शनि षष्ठेश या अष्टमेश के साथ बैठा हो तो नीलम धारण करना श्रेष्ठत्तम होता है।
-यदि शनि अपने भाव से छठे या आठवें स्थान पर स्थित हो तो नीलम अवश्य पहनें।
-शनि मकर तथा कुंभ राशि का स्वामी है। यदि एक राशि श्रेष्ठ भाव में और दूसरी अशुभ भाव में हो तो नीलम न पहनें। इसके इतर अगर शनि की दोनों राशियां श्रेष्ठ भावों का प्रितिनिधत्व करती हों, तो नीलम धारण करना श्रेष्ठ होता है।
-अगर किसी भी ग्रह की महादशा में शनि की अंतर्दशा चल रही हो तो नीलम अवश्य ही पहनना चाहिए।
-यदि शनि सूर्य के साथ हो , सूर्य की राशि में हो या सूर्य से दृष्ट हो तो भी नीलम पहनना लाभदायक है।
-यदि जन्मकुंडली में शनि वक्री,अस्तगत या दुर्बल हो और शुभ भावों का प्रतिनिधित्व कर रहा हो तो नीलम धारण करना श्रेष्ठकर माना गया है।
-जो शनि ग्रह प्रधान व्यक्ति हैं, उन्हें अवश्य ही नीलम पहनना चाहिए।
-क्रूर कर्म करने वालों के लिए नीलम हर समय उपयोगी माना जाता है।
नीलम के उपरत्न
नीलम के दो उपरत्न पाए जाते हैं, जो लोग नीलम नहीं खरीद सकते, वे इन उपरत्नों को भी धारण कर सकते हैं। इनमें हें लीलिया और जमुनिया।
लीलिया: यह नीले रंग का हल्की रक्तिम ललाई वाला होता है, इसमें चमक भी होती है। लीलिया गंगा-यमुना के तट पर मिलता है।
जमुनिया : इसका रंग पके जामुन सा होता है। इसके अलावा यह हल्के गुलाबी और सफेद रंग में भी पाया जाता है। यह चिकना, साफ एवं पारदर्शी होता है। जमुनिया भारत के हिमालय क्षेत्र में अक्सर मिलता है।
नीलम रत्न शनि गृह का प्रतिनिधि रत्न है, यह एक अत्तयंत प्रभावशाली रत्न होता है ! कहते है की यदि नीलम किसी भी व्यक्ति को रास आ जाए तो वारे न्यारे कर देता है , लेकिन आखिर इस तथ्य की पीछे क्या सिद्धांत है ? क्या वाक्य में नीलम धारण करने से वारे न्यारे हो सकते है और यदि हाँ तो कैसे ? दरअसल नीलम शनि गृह का रत्न है इसलिए शनि गृह सम्बंधित सभी विशेषताए इसमें विद्यमान होती है, वैदिक ज्योतिष के अनुसार शनि का सम्बन्ध श्रम और मेहनत से होता है, ऐसा कहना बिलकुल गलत होगा की शनि किसी जातक को बैठे बिठाए शोहरत दे देता है बल्कि जो जातक आलसी होता है उसे शनि का रत्न नीलम कभी भी रास नहीं आता यह रत्न तो मेहनती जातको के लिए है जो अपनी मेहनत और लगन से कामयाबी हासिल करते है!

यदि आप आलसी है तो आपका नीलम धारण करना व्यर्थ होगा क्योकि शनि के द्वारा कामयाबी तभी मिलती है जब जातक अत्यंत मेहनती होता है! यदि आप मेहनत करने से नहीं कतराते तो आप नीलम धारण कर सकते है और शनि देव का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त कर सकते है! लेकिन नीलम धारण करने से पहले कुंडली का निरिक्षण अत्यंत आवश्यक है क्योकि मेरे अनुभव से केवल 5 से 10 प्रतिशत जातको को ही नीलम रत्न रास आता है! मेरे अनुभव से यह कहना भी ठीक नहीं होगा की नीलम धारण करने के कुछ क्षणों में शुभ या अशुभ प्रभाव दे देता है क्योकि शनि एक अत्यंत धीमा गृह है यह लगभग 2.5 वर्ष तक एक ही राशि में भ्रमण करता है और 12 राशियों का चक्कर पूरा करने में इसे लगभग 30 वर्ष लगते है और किसी जातक के पूर्ण जीवन में अत्यधिक केवल 3 बार सभी राशियों का भ्रमण करता है जो की सभी ग्रहों की अपेक्षा सबसे कम है,
अब आप स्वयं ही बताये की इतनी धीमी गति से चलने वाला गृह , कुछ क्षणों में कैसे प्रभाव दे सकता है! बेहतरीन नीलम जम्मू और कश्मीर की खानों में पाया जाता है जो आज के दौर में लगभग मिलना नामुमकिन है और यदि मिल भी जाये तो उसकी कीमत अदा करना हर किसी के बस की बात नहीं है! श्री लंका का नीलम भी बेहतरीन होता है और यह आसानी से उपलब्ध हो जाता है लेकिन यह भी एक महंगा रत्न होता है! इसकी कीमत 1000 रु कैरेट से लेकर 100000 रु कैरेट तक हो सकती है! अच्छे प्रभाव के लिए कम से कम 3000 रु कैरेट तक का नीलम धारण करना चाहिए !

नीलम धारण करने की विधि

यदि आप नीलम धारण करना चाहते है तो 3 से 6 कैरेट के नीलम रत्न को स्वर्ण या पाच धातु की अंगूठी में लगवाये! और किसी शुक्ल पक्ष के प्रथम शनि वार को सूर्य उदय के पश्चात अंगूठी की प्राण प्रतिष्ठा करे! इसके लिए अंगूठी को सबसे पहले गंगा जल, दूध, केसर और शहद के घोल में 15 से 20 मिनट तक दाल के रखे, फिर नहाने के पश्चात किसी भी मंदिर में शनि देव के नाम 5 अगरबत्ती जलाये, अब अंगूठी को घोल से निलाल कर गंगा जल से धो ले, अंगूठी को धोने के पश्चात उसे 11 बारी ॐ शं शानिश्चार्ये नम: का जाप करते हुए अगरबत्ती के उपर से घुमाये, तत्पश्चात अंगूठी को शिव के चरणों में रख दे और प्रार्थना करे हे शनि देव में आपका आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने के लिए आपका प्रतिनिधि रत्न धारण कर रहा हूँ किरपा करके मुझे अपना आशीर्वाद प्रदान करे! फिर अंगूठी को शिव जी के चरणों के स्पर्श करे और मध्यमा ऊँगली में धारण करे!
शनि का बीज मंत्र
ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः।
विधि - संध्याकाल में मंत्र को 108 बार जपें।
खूनी नीलम' क्या है ? इसे कौन धारण कर सकता है ?
 खूनी नीलम एक प्रकार के नीलम को कहते हैं, जो कि होता तो नीलम ही है मगर बहुत rare होता है | कम मात्रा में उपलब्ध होने के कारन इसकी कीमत भी लाखों में होती है | किसी-किसी नीलम में नीले रंग के साथ-साथ कुछ अंशात्मक लाल रंग के धब्बे होते हैं | ये धब्बे 'Chromium' के होते हैं | इस प्रकार के नीलम में मंगल और शनि का संयुक्त प्रभाव होता है, इसे उस व्यक्ति  को धारण करना चाहिए जिसकी कुण्डली में मंगल और शनि संयुक्त और शनि कि दोनों राशियाँ शुभ भाव में हों | इसके साथ ही एक और तथ्य अनिवार्य होता है कि ऐसा जातक ‘क्षत्रिय’ वर्ण का ही हो, अन्य किसी वर्ण की कुण्डली में इसके प्रभाव को झेलने की क्षमता नहीं होती.

पीताम्बरी नीलम : इसी तरह पीलापन लिए हुए पीताम्बरी नीलम होता है, जिसे मन जाता है कि गुरु और शनि, दोनों का प्रभाव देता है. पर, हम किसी को भो खुनी, या पीताम्बरी नीलम पहनने की सलाह नहीं देते. नीलम धारण करने की विधि यह सदा ही दाहिने हाथ क़ी मध्यमा अंगुली में धारण करना चाहिए. यदि आप नीलम धारण करना चाहते है तो 3 से 6 कैरेट के नीलम रत्न को स्वर्ण या पंच धातु की अंगूठी में जड़वाऐं , और किसी शुक्ल पक्ष के प्रथम शनि वार को सूर्य उदय के पश्चात अंगूठी की प्राण प्रतिष्ठा करे!
इसके लिए अंगूठी को सबसे पहले शुक्रवार की शाम को शुद्ध गाय के दूध में केशर डालकर रात्रि भर रखा रहने दें तथा प्रात:काल में गंगा जल, दूध, केसर और शहद के घोल में 15 से 20 मिनट तक डाल के रखे, फिर नहाने के पश्चात किसी भी मंदिर में शनि देव के नाम 5 अगरबत्ती जलाये, अब अंगूठी को गंगा जल से धो ले, अंगूठी को धोने के पश्चात उसे 11 बारी ॐ शं शानिश्चार्ये नम: का जाप करते हुए अगरबत्ती के उपर से घुमाये, तत्पश्चात अंगूठी को शिव के चरणों में रख दे और प्रार्थना करे हे शनि देव में आपका आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करने के लिए आपका प्रतिनिधि रत्न धारण कर रहा हूँ किरपा करके मुझे अपना आशीर्वाद प्रदान करे ! फिर अंगूठी को शिव जी के चरणों के स्पर्श करे और मध्यमा ऊँगली में धारण करे !