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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Past Life By SATURN (Big Punish) | आप अपने पिछले जीवन में कौन थे | Weak or Negative SATURN | P.2


Past Life By SATURN (Big Punish) | आप अपने पिछले जीवन में कौन थे | Weak or Negative SATURN | P.2

An in-depth astrological analysis can show how planets and stars can reveal your past reincarnations to you. It can be about the position of Saturn or planetary aspects, or something different.

“Why does it matter?”, you might ask. Well, the thing is where you are and what you are now is a direct consequence of what you did in your past lives.

Karmic Astrology and Reincarnation

Vedic astrology has its own point of view and its own approach regarding the topic of transmigration of souls. According to it, the immortal soul (atman) is forced to move from one body to another, again and again, participating in the cycle of deaths and births (samsara). Each reincarnation is the period when the atman has to pay for actions committed in past lives. This is the principle of karmic law. The main purpose of the soul is to break the chain of rebirth and receive salvation (moksha).

Until the soul comes to that lucid moment, it will continue to reincarnate.


To find out the details of your reincarnation, you should pay attention to the particular houses. They will disclose you a secret about karma inherited from past lives:

  • The 4th house reveals the roots, childhood, heredity, established traditions, and customs. It indicates the influence of ancestral karma.
  • The 8th house is the house of rebirth, the transformation of a person after the events he has experienced. It indicates the karma of personal duty.
  • The 9th house indicates karmic destiny in real life.
  • The 12th house indicates the karma of all reincarnations of the soul.


The next step is to examine the planets on these houses, as well as what zodiac sign is located on this or that house. Answer to how to know your past life can be hidden right there.

Keep in mind: if there are retrograde planets in your natal chart, have a look at them too. Your karmic problems are closely connected with these very planets and can be associated with the following areas of life:

Retrograde planets point to the problems from past lives that are remained unresolved, as well as talents that were not realized.

  • Mercury: communication with relatives and/or friends; study, health, a gift of speech.
  • Venus: relationship, marriage, love, material wealth.
  • Mars: vital energy, enemies (from past lives).
  • Jupiter: spiritual development, social life.
  • Saturn: interaction with the authorities and/or the older generation.

The harmful Saturn points that a person was not in good relations with his subordinates and maybe stole money.