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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

How can we predict the quality of married life from a D9 chart

How can we predict the quality of married life from a D9 chart

First analyze the condition of 7th house in the Birth Chart: Well occupied and well aspect 7th house is good and if there is dominance of malefic connections to 7th house then it will give adverse results.
Secondly see the strength of 7th lord and Venus. If these two planets are strong, well placed and well aspect they will improve the 7th house otherwise the results will be adverse.
Then see the Navamsa Chart: Benefic placed in Kendras (1st, 4th, 7th, 10h houses) in Navamsa Chart are good for married life while malefics in the same position are not good. Similarly see the condition of 7th lord of Birth Chart and Venus in Navamsa Chart. One can also analyze Navamsa Chart as a separate chart.
Then similarly analyze other relevant houses like 12th, 2nd, 5th houses.