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12- Houses & Vedic Significance


Astrology Houses & Their Significance

Vedic Astrology- It is Hindu/Indian astrology and is called Vedic astrology since it is originated from the “Vedas”. It is the study of planets, moon, sun, stars according to one’s horoscope.  With the belief that their movements have an impact on our body and surroundings.

It includes 12 zodiac signs i.e., Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Along with that, there are five elements in nature. Earth (Bhumi), water (Jala), fire (Agni), air (Vaayu) and sky (Aakash) as mentioned in the Vedas.

The astrologers keep these elements into consideration while checking a person’s horoscope.

Meaning Of Houses In Vedic Astrology

Houses in Vedic Astrology defines and divides the exact areas of a person’s life depending on his horoscope which is found out on the basis of a person’ accurate time and location and date of birth. Different houses govern different areas of life which you will find out about further in the next section.

Houses In Vedic Astrology

In astrology, the 12 houses just like 12 zodiac signs create the foundation for one’s life. Together they form a 360° angle as the whole birth chart has 12 equal sections comprising each house.

However, they’re not the same as the zodiacal wheel. All these houses links with a different sign. Each one represents a specific component of your life.

12 houses in Astrology

      • First House: It is a house of “Self”.
      • Second House: It is a house of “Wealth” and “Family”
      • Third house: It is a house of “Siblings”, “Courage” and “Valour”.
      • Fourth House: It is a house of “Mother” and “Happiness”
      • Fifth House: It is a house of “Children” and “Knowledge’
      • Sixth House: It is a house of “Enemies”, “Debts” and “Diseases”
      • Seventh House: It is a house of “Marriage” and “Partnership”
      • Eighth House: It is a house of “Longevity” or “Ayu Bhava”
      • Ninth House: It is a house of “Luck”, “Father” and “Religion”
      • Tenth House: It is a house of “Career or Profession”.
      • Eleventh House: It is a house of “Income & Gains”.
      • Twelfth House: It is a house of “Expenditure & Losses”.
      • Connect with an Astrologer on Call or Chat for more personalised detailed predictions.

Types of Houses

      • Kendra Houses: These are the best houses in Vedic Astrology and also known as Lakshmi Sthana. 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses are considered as auspicious houses and they also deal with the major part of our life. They are very strong houses of Kundali. Tenth house, being one of the strongest house, represents the career or profession and image into the outer world or society. The ascending order for the strongness of these houses are 10th, 7th, 4th and 1st. If you have strong Kendra, then you would have the potential to accomplish your all goals in current birth.
      • Trine Houses: These are the second best houses in Vedic Astrology and also known as Dharma Houses. 1st, 5th and 9th houses are known as Trine houses. It can be signified as 1st-Personal, 5th- Creative and 9th- Collective. They basically strengthen the birth chart and provide the benefic points in life. It is not as much beneficial as Kendra houses but you can say it is a supportive houses for Kendra houses. These houses belong to spirituality as 5th and 9th house considered as Vishnu Sthana.
      • Upachaya Houses: These houses are 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th. They are increasing houses. Any planet, placed in these houses, gives more over time. Any malefic planet like Mars, Saturn, RahuSun do very well in these houses as they will try to reduce the negative influence of these houses.
      • Moksha Houses: 4th-8th-12th houses are known as Moksha Houses. These houses are related to spirituality. These are the houses which play significant role while attaining enlightenment or Salvation in one’s life.
      • Artha Houses: 2nd-6th-10th houses are considered as Artha Houses. Artha deals with the material and physical support of life.
      • Kama Houses: 3rd-7th-11th houses are considered as Kama Houses. They deal with basically your ambitions and motivations.
      • Dusthana Houses: 6th-8th-12th houses are considered as Dusthana Houses. They are responsible for struggle and source of pain in your life.

Lord of each House

  • Mars: rules over first and eighth house in Kaal Purush Kundali
  • Venus: rules over second and seventh house in Kaal Purush Kundali
  • Mercury: rules over third and sixth house in Kaal Purush Kundali
  • Moon: rules over fourth house in Kaal Purush Kundali
  • Sun: rules over fifth house in Kaal Purush Kundali
  • Jupiter: rules over ninth and twelfth house  in Kaal Purush Kundali
  • Saturn: rules over tenth and eleventh house in Kaal Purush Kundali

Rashi & Their Swami (Zodiac & Their Ruling Planets)

  1. Maish (Aries) – Mangal (Mars)
  2. Vrish (Taurus)  – Shukra (Venus)
  3. Mithun (Gemini) – Budh (Mercury)
  4. Kark (Cancer) – Chandra (Moon)
  5. Singh (Leo) – Surya (Sun)
  6. Kanya (Virgo) – Budh (Mercury)
  7. Tula (Libra) – Shukra(Venus)
  8. Vrishchik (Scorpio) – Mangal (Mars)
  9. Dhanu (Sagittarius) – Guru (Jupiter)
  10. Makar (Capricorn) – Shani (Saturn)
  11. Kumbh (Aquarius) – Shani (Saturn)
  12. Meen (Pisces) – Guru (Jupiter)

1st House-

This governs what you look like and how you present yourself to the world. It’s all about how others see you (this is also known as your Rising sign or Ascendant). First house = first impressions—makes sense, right? It also covers other “firsts,” like new beginnings and leadership. It’s ruled by Aries.

First House, also known as ‘Lagna’ or ‘Ascendant’. It’s the house of self since it represents you and the way you look. Basically, your physical personality which includes physical appearance, temperament, nature, body frame, childhood, health, ego and their sense to self.

It affects your life choices, sense of knowing your strengths, weaknesses. Along with your likes, dislikes and the way you might wish others to perceive through your opinions, attitude and viewpoints.

The mains parts depicted by the 1st house are the head and the face. It includes complexion, forehead, hair, brain, etc. As per the Vedic horoscope, if your 1st house is weak, you may face problems like headache, acne, scars, etc. This house corresponds with Aries energy

2nd House-

Where you’ll find the things you value on a practical level, like money (both your potential to make it and how you relate to it), and your general relationship to your stuff. It also covers self-esteem and your immediate physical environment. It’s ruled by Taurus.

The 2nd house in Vedic astrology is referred to as the house of possessions. It signifies Dhana or Income which includes the finances, the belongings that you own, possessions like car, furniture, investments etc. Using your possessions including your non-material things to the fullest also falls under the 2nd house’s realm. This house matches with Taurus.

An expert Vedic astrologer will tell you how the 2nd house rules body organs like tongue, teeth, eyes, mouth, nose and more. Also, the second house does not only limits the material holdings. It also comprises intangible things like one’s voice. For example, if a feminine planet like Venus sits in the second house of a person’s Kundali, his/her voice would be very appealing and melodious. 

3rd House-

Lots going on here: your attitude, intellect, and communication. (And communication includes talking, texting, emailing, Instagram Stories, etc.) Friends, siblings, and neighbors too. Also, sort of randomly: early education. It’s ruled by Gemini.

The Third house relates to Gemini. It governs the mental inclination of a person and their ability to memorize. This house also relates to journeys, brothers, sisters, neighbors, interests, habits, mental intelligence and communication.

The 3rd house in Vedic astrology rules over different modes of communication, such as media, television, telephone, radio, writing, editing, etc. All sorts of professions related to communication are included in this dominion.

The body parts third house rules include legs, hands, arms, shoulders, collar bones, lungs, and nervous system. Imbalances in the nervous system, problems of the respiratory canal, shoulder pain, fracture in the collar bone and impartial deafness. Problems like these mainly arise out of a weak third house in your natal chart.

4th House-

This is about your home and your family—both the one you come from and the one you may someday create. It also includes homey things like privacy and security. It’s ruled by Cancer.

The fourth house in Vedic astrology relates to Cancer. It rules your houses as well as your roots, land, real estate matters, vehicles and your relation with your mother. This house is also called Bandhu Bhava in Vedic astrology as it is quite associated with the domestic happiness of a person.

The body organs governed by the fourth house are the stomach breasts and digestive organs. And it may result in coronary problems, lung disorder, and physical ailment in breasts, chests and so on if the 4th house is weak in your horoscope.

5th House-

Watch out: This house is all about love affairs, creativity, fertility, sex drive, dating, romance, fun, attention, and ~drama~. (Who’s sweating?) It’s ruled by Leo.

The fifth house in the Vedic horoscope, also known as Putra Bhava is the house of creativity, playfulness, joy, pleasure, and romance. It signifies your mental intelligence, your capability to create and innovate. The fifth house corresponds to Leo’s energy, the fifth sign in the Zodiac cycle. Since Jupiter signifies this house, which also relates to fortune, good luck, learning, and optimism.

6th House-

It rules the things you do every day (even granular stuff like brushing your teeth and
petting your pup)—your daily routine and your schedule. This is also where you can see your physical health and habits. It’s ruled by Virgo.

This house corresponds mainly to your health, wellness, and your daily life routine. Surely the body you’re born with comes under the first house but the choices that you make on a daily basis, that affects your body are found in the 6th house in Vedic astrology.

7th House-

Call up your crew. Here, you’ll find partnerships—who you like and how you relate to others—your BFF, your life partner, your frenemies, and your straight-up enemies. It also covers stuff related to partnerships of any kind, like marriage contracts or business deals. It’s ruled by Libra.

The 7th house in vedic astrology (descendent) sits directly across from the first house (Ascendant). This house is also known as Yuvati Bhava. It’s the house of your spouse/partner. It is also the house of all kinds of partnerships including business partnership and also deals with the darker side of your relationships, the partnerships you form. Planets moving through the Seventh House help you close deals, securing the bonds by signing contracts and making things official.

As this house is ruled by the Libra sign, the planet Venus is the natural significator of this house that also signifies love, romance, and sexuality.

It governs various body parts including Kidneys, ovaries and the lower half of the back.

8th House-

Another one with A Lot going on: bigger money stuff like inheritances, taxes, and debt. Fun! Also, completely unrelated, orgasms. And how you feel about death. And birth too! Casual. It’s ruled by Scorpio.

8th house in Vedic astrology, also known as Randhra Bhava, rules over death, longevity and sudden events like Lottery. It is also related to wealth. Sudden losses, gains, the share of properties fall under the 8th house realm. If Saturn is sitting in the 8th house of one’s birth chart, the chances are that the person will inherit paternal property.

This house is also the house of mysteries and transformations. It can bring depression, chronic illness, miseries, lack of mental peace, imprisonment etc to the person affected. However, on a positive note, our Vedic astrologer claim that the native of the 8th house is ought to have strong intuitive skills and such people can also master the fields of psychology, astrology, mathematics, and paranormal activities. Several various body parts governed by this sign include pelvic bones and external sexual organs.

9th House-

Welcome to higher learning, ethics, and vision. Here’s where your view of the world is shaped. For this reason, it’s also all about international travel—and also the ~travel of the mind~, like learning a foreign language or exploring religion and philosophy. It’s ruled by Sagittarius.

Truth, principles, dreams, and intuitions all define the ninth house. Since this house is also known as Dharma Bhava in Vedic astrology, it deals with your religious instincts, immigration, good karma, dharma, ethics, higher learnings, one’s inclination towards good deeds and charity. The 9th house corresponds with Sagittarius energy which is signified by Jupiter that makes this house the house of luck, fortune, and favors.

10th House-

NBD, just your life calling—your purpose and your career are based here. It’s also the highest point in the chart, where you’ll want to be recognized for your achievements—think honors, awards, international fame, a blue check on Instagram, you get the deal. It’s ruled by Capricorn.

10th house, also known as Karma Bhava, deals with the kind of work you do, the profession you are in, your prestige, your reputation, etc. your area of occupation is defined by the planetary positions in this house. this house corresponds with the Capricorn energy and ruled by Saturn. if Saturn is in harmony with other planets in your natal chart, this planet can become the most powerful ally.

Different body parts ruled by this house are knees, kneecaps, bones, and joints. A weakness of the 10th house in Vedic astrology may cause health-related problems like broken knees, inflammation of joints, weakness in the body and skin allergies, etc.

11th House- 

Your less emo social connections live here alongside humanitarian concerns—and technology. Look to the 11th for revolution, evolution, and the organizing it takes to get there. It’s ruled by Aquarius

Labha Bhava in Vedic astrology is the house of prosperity. ‘Labha’ means gains. It’s a strong indicator of wealth and income, gain in name, fame, and money, and also plays a role in determining what brings you profits. 11th House in Vedic astrology governs your social circle, your friends, acquaintances, your well-wishers and your relation with your elder brother.

11th House in Vedic astrology relates to Aquarius and Sun is the natural significator of this House. Body parts that this house governs include ankle, right leg, shin bone, left ear, and left arm. A native with weak 11th house in their native chart may have to face problems of low productivity of blood, pain in legs, fracture in the lower part of the body, etc. 

12th House-

PSA: So much of the stuff that gets caught in your blind spots stems from this house, which governs mental and spiritual health and your earliest developmental experiences. It’s also all about the imagination and the arts as well as the concept of endings. It’s ruled by Pisces.

Being the last house, the 12th house in Vedic astrology represents the ending of your life cycle and the beginning of your spiritual journeys. it is also called the house of unconscious, self- undoing, and imprisonment. A weak 12th house may give the native detachment from people like separation from their partner, parents, friends, and neighbors.

Connect with an Astrologer on Call or Chat for more personalised detailed predictions.


  1. House 1 in Kundli – House of the Self – Tanu Bhava
  2. House 2 in Kundli – House of Wealth – Dhan Bhava
  3. House 3 in Kundli – The House of the Siblings – Sahai Bhava
  4. House 4 in Kundli – House of the Home/Mother – Bandhu Bhava
  5. House 5 in Kundli – The House of Children – Putra Bhava
  6. House 6 in Kundli – The House of Enemies – Ari Bhava
  7. House 7 in Kundli – The House of the Spouse – Yuvati Bhava
  8. House 8 in Kundli – The House of Death – Ayu Bhava
  9. House 9 in Kundli – The House of Fortune – Dharma Bhava
  10. House 10 in Kundli – House of the Career – Karma Bhava
  11. House 11 in Kundli – The House of Large Sums, Gains and Friends – Labh Bhava
  12. House 12 in Kundli – The House of Enlightenment – Vyaya Bhava

1st House – Tanu Bhava

Lord of the House: Mars
Relationship With: Aries
Friendly Planets: Jupiter, Sun, Moon Mars Mercury
Enemy Planets: Venus and Saturn

2nd House – Dhana Bhava or Kutumba Bhava

Lord of the House: Venus
Relationship With: Taurus
Friendly Planets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn

3rd House – Buddhi Bhava

Lord of the House: Mercury
Relationship With: Gemini
Friendly Planets: Moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn.
Enemy Planets: Mercury

4th House – Bandhu Bhava

Lord of the House: Moon
Relationship With: Cancer
Friendly Planets: Mercury and Venus.
Enemy Planets: Mars and Saturn

5th House – Putra Bhava

Lord of the House: Sun
Relationship With: Leo sign
Friendly Planets: Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury
Enemy Planets: Saturn.

6th House – Ari Bhava or Shatru Bhava

Lord of the House: Mercury
Relationship With: Virgo
Friendly Planets: Mercury
Enemy Planets: Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Venus, and Saturn

7th House – Yuvati Bhava

Lord of the House: Venus
Relationship With: Libra
Friendly Planets: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn
Enemy Planets: Jupiter and Sun

8th House – Ayu Bhava

Lord of the House: Saturn
Relationship With: Scorpio
Friendly Planets: Jupiter & Sun
Enemy Planets: Moon, Mars, and Mercury.

9th House – Dharma Bhava

Lord of the House: Jupiter
Relationship With: Sagittarius
Friendly Planets: Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Mars
Enemy Planets: Mercury and Venus

10th House – Karma Bhava

Lord of the House: Saturn
Relationship With: Capricorn
Friendly Planets: Saturn and Mars
Enemy Planets: Jupiter, Sun, and Moon

11th House – Labha Bhava

Lord of the House: Sun
Relationship With: Aquarius
Friendly Planets: Rahu, Neptune
Enemy Planets: Moon

12th House – Vairagya Bhava

Lord of the House: Jupiter
Relationship With: Pisces
Friendly Planets: Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Venus, and Ketu
Enemy Planets: Moon and Mercury

Tags: 12 houses in astrology and their lords12 Houses In Astrology In Hindi12 Houses Of Horoscope12 Rasi Tamil4th House In Vedic Astrologyastrology houses and planetsastrology houses calculatorBad Houses In Astrologyempty houses in astrologyempty houses in birth chartHouses And Their Lords In Hindu AstrologyHouses And Their Lords In KundliHouses And Their Lords In Vedic AstrologyHouses In Astrology And Their LordsHouses In Astrology ChartHouses In Hindu Astrology And Their LordsHouses In Vedic AstrologyHouses In Vedic Astrology And Their LordsHouses In Vedic Astrology Chartlord of arieslord of first houseLords Of All 12 HousesLords Of Houses In Birth ChartLords Of Houses In Vedic AstrologyRashi And Rashi LordVedic Astrology Houses Explainedwhat house am i in astrology

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