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Sunday, September 27, 2020



1. Parents region: 

The position where the hair starts at the top of forehead represents parents and the person's relationship with them. If this area is smooth and shining, the person's parents are fortunate in matters of health and career and the person's childhood is filled with happiness. If this area is indented or with dull skin color then the person's parents face troubles during his childhood

2. Career and Success region: 

 how to read different types of faces

We have this area below the Parents region and above the eyebrows. If this position is good, rounded and bright, it represents good career prospects and early settlement in the career area is indented or hollow and dark in color, it shows the person's intelligence will not help his career and misfortune from his 21st to 25th years. 

3. Life region: 

This area lies between the eyebrows. If it is firm, bright, gently rounded, then it symbo successful career after 27th year of age. It represents a friendly person with positive a towards life. If the space between eyebrows is wide and eyebrows are thick the person ear money and his longevity is also good. If the eyebrows are closer and there is a hair line conn the two eyebrows, it is a sign of negative mind who is obstinate and unforgiving. If this Life is dull or any colors found there, it represents unhappiness in career and poor health. 

4. Middle age region: 

This region starts at center of the eyes and covers till the end of the nose tip. Any cros patches and black spots in this region represent ill health and problems with the spouse middle age.

 5. Love and Emotional region:


This is the area below the two eyes. If this area is bright, bulgy and rounded, the person w deep emotional involvement. He or she will fall in love easily and whole heartedly. If this a wrinkles or low and not smooth, then the person faces failures in love affairs due to selfish over indulgence. 

6. Fertility and children region: 

This area represents the groove which connects the nose with the center of the upper lip. also called philtrum. A long, broad and deep philtrum indicates good fertility and ability t children. It also represents long life. When the philtrum is low or flat, it represents less ener childlessness. A short philtrum represents early death

7. Old age region:

This is the region below the lower lip which is also called the chin. If this area is strong, round spacious, it represents happiness in old age after 60th year. If this area is low with a weak ja dark hue, it indicates unhappy and friendless old age. It also represents dangers of dro poisoning, and food or water born diseases.

Friday, September 4, 2020

late marriage?


late marriage?


In Late Marriage

Saturn is the main karaka of delay and it has been observed that whenever Saturn is involved in 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, the 10th or 12th house then the native face delay in his or her marriage.

1.Placement of 7th house lord from ascendant in 6th, 8th & 12th house: 6th, 8th and 12th house are the most bad houses when it comes to the placement of 7th house lord in a Horoscope. And when placed there, 7th house lord tends to become weak and marriage gets delayed especially in 8th house because 8th house is house of delays itself.

2.Placement of 7th house lord from moon in 6th, 8th & 12th house: Same like point no.1, here we need to see the 7th house lord from the Moon chart and similar principal will be applied here.

3.Placement of 7th house lord from Venus in 6th, 8th, 12th house: Venus is karaka of marriage and 7th house from Venus have a important role in marriage timing and its condition and when placed in 6th,8th or 12th house from ascendant or from Venus then marriage tends to get delayed.

4.Placement of malefic planets viz Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu & Sun in 7th house: This rules states that when natural malefic planets are placed in 7th house of marriage then marriage tends to get delayed. Same way this rule can be applied on similar condition when these malefic planets are placed with the 7th house lord from the ascendant, moon or even planet Venus.

5.Combustion of 7th lord:  when 7th house lord from the ascendant gets combust then marriage tends to get delayed and even denial happen in some cases.

6.7th house hemmed between malefic planets: This is generally known as Papakarti Yoga.

7.7th house lord hemmed between malefic planets: Same like rule number 6, here the hemming of 7th house lord will lead to delay in marriage.

8.Debilitated 7th house lord: This rule deals with the weakness of 7th house lord due to debilitation and here please note that you need to check the condition of the 7th house lord in navamsha also because many times strength of planets improves in navamsha.

9.Retrograde 7th house lord: 7th house lord is retrograde then marriage gets delayed due to it.

10.Retrograde planets in 2nd & 7th house: Same like rule no.9, when retrograde planets are placed in 2nd or 7th house again this is a combination of late marriage. Here, you might think that why 2nd house, then here to understand it, you need to apply the principle of Bhavat Bhavam and 2nd house is 8th from 7th house and any planets there affects marriage directly and when that planet is retrograde then sure shot late marriage will be there.

11.Afflicted Venus in navamsha: Venus is Karaka of marriage in general and when afflicted it tends to gives late marriage. For more information on affliction you can follow the article on this topic .

12.Venus hemmed between malefics: Same like rule number 6 here hemming of Venus from malefic will cause delay in marriage.

13.Venus in infertile signs like Gemini, Leo, Virgo(Shortcut as 5.3.6): Here this point is very important to understand and it deals with the basics of astrology and in astrology there are some signs which are considered as infertile or useless for the matter of creation and when Venus which is karaka of marriage is placed in these signs then delay in marriage occurs.

14.Moon-Venus conjunction except in Taurus zodiac or without aspect of Jupiter: ”. In Taurus sign Moon gets exalted and Venus have rulership over it so here in Taurus it will give a early marriage which will last the test of time where as in other signs it will make one seek relationship outside of marriage. Only aspect of divine Jupiter can correct it, without that the native will tend to indulge in pleasure without marriage only and even if he or she get married, there will be a tendency of extramarital affair.

15.Saturn- Jupiter conjunction or aspect: I have dealt with Saturn separately and this rule is again related to planet Saturn and it states that whenever Saturn affects Jupiter via union or aspect then marriage will be late and this hold true for females because Jupiter is karaka of marriage for them.

16.Saturn- Moon conjunction or aspect: Moon is karaka of mind and when Saturn affects it via conjunction then the native usually don’t get desires and have disinterest in marriage.

17.Saturn-Venus conjunction or aspect: Saturn influence over Venus which is karaka of marriage gives disinterest in marriage.

18.Mars-Jupiter Conjunction or aspect: This rule is quite unique and doesn’t hold much importance unless you are a women. Mars is a natural malefic and when affect Jupiter then marriage tends to get late and also quality of marriage suffers with it.

19.Weak 9th house or weak 9th house lord: 9th house rules over auspicious ceremony in our life and should be strong and unaffiliated for early marriage.

20.Placement of Saturn in 1st,5th,7th,8th & 12th: Saturn the karaka of delays when present in these houses tends to gives obstacles in marriage.

21.Placement of Mars in 1st,2nd,4th,5th,7th,10th & 12th house: This is a classic Mangal Dosha.

22.Placement of Saturn in 8th house from Venus: 8th house is 2nd to 7th house and have a important role in marriage and when Saturn is placed in 8th house from Venus then it leads to delays in marriage.

23.Debilitated planet in 2nd house from Upapada: This part deals with Jaimini astrology and 2nd house from Upapada is important in marriage predictions and when a weak planet sits there then you can not except early marriage in such case.

24.Malefic planet placement or their aspect on 2nd house from Upapada: Same like above rules here a malefic planet when placed in 2nd house from the upapada gives delay or sometimes denial of marriage also.

25.Upapada lagana afflicted by malefics via placement or aspects: Now we are dealing with Upapada lagna directly and when afflicted by malefics then it is not good for the marriage.

26.Affliction to Darakaraka: Darakaraka is the planet which have the least degrees in your Horoscope and same like 7th house lord when Darakaraka is afflicted then marriage get late.

27.Placement of Gantikaraka in 7th house from ascendant: Ganatikaraka works same like 6th, 8th and 12th house lord when we use standard astrology principals and and when placed in 7th house of marriage it tends to create troubles in getting married.

28.Affliction over Signs Gemini, Libra & Aquarius since they form kama trikone in kaalpurush: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are part of Kama trikone and deals with things like money and marriage and when afflicted by malefic planets then bad things happens in marriage.

29.Check if Less than 25  benfic points in 7th,8th & 12th house in Sarvashtak  calculation: Ashtakvarga is a special system and I give a lot of importance to it and when there are less then 25 benefic bindus in 7th, 8th and 12th house especially in 7th house then you cannot except a early marriage.

30.7th lord having less than 4 benfic bindus in its own Ashtakvarga: individual bindusSame like rule number 30 here weak in 7th house lord causes late marriage.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Planetary combinations which give marriage problems


Planetary combinations which give marriage problems

We all know 7th house & its lord in Vedic Astrology is prime significator for marriage & spouse.

Apart from the 7th house, 2nd & 4th house should also be given importance while analyzing the complete picture of the married life of the native.

Any affliction on 2nd house & its lord will result in problems in family & will affect your relationships with a spouse.

any affliction to 4th house & its lord will result in quarrels, damage to house or vehicles.

Badly placed 4th lord or afflicted 4th house lord will lead you to live away from family which again is not good for marital bond.


1.Placement of 7th house lord in 6th,8th,12th house

6th, 8th, and 12th house are a malefic house in astrology and placement of 7th house lord in them will destroy the significations of 7th house which means it will create problems in the marriage. Out of these houses placement of 7th lord in 6th house is the worst one.

2.Placement of 6th,8th,12th house lord in 7th house.

This rule is same like rule no one but here you will be responsible for marital discord whereas in rule no one your spouse will be the trouble maker.

3.Union of 7th house lord with 6th,8th,12th house lord in any house.Though union in trines will be less damaging than in other houses.

This is the most common placement which is found in Horoscopes but as said in the rule , it may not create problems in your marriage unless it is happening in 2nd, 3rd, 10th or 11th house. Whereas in auspicious houses i.e 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th the bad effects will be less in results and with proper remedies, these marriage problems can be avoided.

4.Placement of natural malefic in 7th house i.e Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu & Sun.

Natural malefic tend to create issues wherever they sit or aspect and same holds true to marriage house i.e 7th house. Here, all these planets will have a different kind of effects which is mentioned separately below.

•Mars- For some reasons Mars is considered as worst in 7th house and there is a special yoga known as Manglik Yoga which is thought as a serious marriage problem giver.

•Saturn- Saturn is karaka of delay and when placed in 7th house creates delays and makes one less interested in marriage related affairs and leads to neglect towards the spouse.

•Rahu-Ketu- These two planets are mysterious in nature and placement of Rahu in 7th house leads to extramarital affairs whereas Ketu leads to separation in marriage. Here, other factors need to look and conclusion should not be made on their placement only.

5.Union of Natural malefic with 7th lord.

This rule is similar to rule no.4 but as a lot will depend on which house it is happening. If it is happening in an auspicious house like 5th or 9th then there won’t be many problems.

6.An aspect of Natural malefic on the 7th house or its lord.

This rule is also same like 4th  and 5th rule but i mentioned it here so that beginners of astrology can read their chart in easy way.

7.Placement of Venus in 7th house of a male native apart from its own signs viz Taurus & Libra.

This rule is based on Karaka Bhava Nasho where Karaka is sitting in its significator house and leads to negligence towards spouse.

8.Placement of Jupiter in 7th house of a female native apart from its own signs viz Sagittarius & Pisces.

This rule is similar to rule no 7 but is for females and here Jupiter comes under scanner and it should not be placed in 7th house.

9.Venus karaka of marriage in a male is afflicted.

It is a very important rule and in a male horoscope if Karaka of Marriage which is planet VENUS is afflicted via union with the lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house or any other kind of affliction over Venus can result in fights after marriage. When a karaka is afflicted it means the wife will not give respect and attention to the husband.

10.Jupiter karaka of marriage in women is afflicted.

Here, Jupiter which is karaka of marriage in a female horoscope when afflicted leads to a husband who won’t take care of your emotions which can let you down.

10.Afflicted 2nd & 4th house.

11.Afflicted 2nd & 4th house lord.

12.Combustion of 7th lord.

Combustion of planets are most overlooked in astrology and can cause serious damage to both the natural signification of combust planet and its house rulership.

13.Placement of Venus in Ascendant of Navamsha.

This one is relatively unknown to many and when Venus which is karaka of marriage sits in ascendant of Navamsha, it causes problems in the marriage.

14.Malefic planet in 7th house of Navamsha.

here, Just like 7th house of natal birth chart, 7th house of navamsha should also be free from placement of malefic planet.

15.Placement of 7th house lord of Navamsha in 6th,8th,12th house.

Placement of navamsha 7th house lord in malefic houses is not desirble for marital harmony and can lead to even divorces.

16.Afflicted ascendant lord of Navamsha (d-9).

Navamsha is the main divisonal chart which looks our marriage related events and for a peaceful marriage the first house aka ascendant should be free from affliction.

17.Navamsha Ascendant hemmed between malefic.

This one is again related to navamsha and here ascendant should not be hemmed between malefic and in simple terms it is known as Pap Karti Yoga.


1.If Upapada is in the sign of malefic planet or receives an aspect from, or its lord is in union with a malefic planet.

Also, For a peaceful marriage, Upapada lord should not make a union with a malefic planet.

2.If there is a planet in the 2nd from Upapada in its debilitation Sign or in debilitated Navamsa, or is conjoined with a debilitated or malefic planet.

Second house as explained is very crucial from married life and as per this rule, second house from Upapada should not be occupied by a malefic planet. Also, lord of second house from Upapada lagana should not be with a debilitated or a malefic planet.

3.As per Devakeralam, If Darapada conjoins a malefic in the 2nd house or in the 9th house.

Devakeralam the most underrated astrology scripture states that Darapada when joins a malefic in 2nd or 9th house leads to marriage problems.

4.As per Bhrigu Nadi, If Darapada lord is debilitated and the darapada is aspected by Saturn.

Bhrigu Nadi is a popular method in astrology and as per Bhrigu Nadi when Darapada lord is debilitated or when aspected by Saturn leads to marital discords.

5.If Darapada is aspected by Saturn same time 7th lord is afflicted and the karaka Venus conjoins Sun.

Darapada is used in Jaimini astrology and when aspected by Saturn leads to marital discord but same time 7th house lord should be afflicted and karaka Venus should conjunct Sun.

6.If Darakaraka(planet with the lowest degree) is afflicted in the birth chart.

You might be aware of Darakarka which is the lowest degree holder planet in your horoscope and it rules over marriage related matters. When Darakaraka is afflicted in your horoscope it will lead to problems after marriage.

As Per Ashtakvarga Astrology.

1.Less than 25 bindus acquired by the 7th house in Ashtakvarga calculation.

Ashtakvarga bindus are important to look because it shows how auspicious the results of a house is going to be. Here, 25 bindus is the benchmark and less than 25 asthakvarga  in 7th house bindus lead to an unhappy married life.

All these astrology rules should be applied on natal chart and navamasa also. Same time apply them to your D-60 chart

Remember D-60 will reflect the same things as reflected in your main birth chart(d-1) and navamsha(d-9).

Sometimes D-60 can show different results than D-1 & D-9 and if it happens, then it means you are missing some clues in D-1 & D-9.

Timing Of Marriage


Timing Of Marriage


Before proceeding to marriage timing you should know little basic like 7th house rules over your marriage and there is Navamsha chart also called as D-9 which rules over marriage matters.

Now proceeding with the main aim of the article.

1. Check your seventh house which planet is ruling your 7th house.

2.Check where is your 7th lord is placed, is it in trines houses(1,5,9) in quadrant (1,4,7,10) or evil houses(6,8,12) placement of 7th lord in trine and quadrants are very supportive to get married and generally this it gives a good life partner along with awesome married life.

3.In your d-9 check which planet rules over 7th house and check if any planet is sitting there.

4. back to d-1 chart check if any other planets are affecting your 7th lord or not via exchange, conjunction, mutual aspects etc.

Now see in your chart above-mentioned points and check your Dasha pattern, you will get married when your Dasha ruler is associated with your 7th lord.


Add the longitude of the lagan lord and the seventh lord, if the total exceeds 360 degrees, deduct this.The resultant point is called as Vvoaha Sabam or the marriage time.Now, whenever Jupiter or Venus will transit over Vvoaha Saham the person can get married.

Above method may take time to master though it’s quite easy but works with other factors.


Now check degrees of your planets and the planet with the lowest degree will be your darakarka(spouse significator) now using chara Dasha system check from running Dasha rashi where darakarka is falling, if it is falling on 5th,7th,11th or in the zodiac itself the person will get marry in that char Dasha.


Using asthvarga also you can find marriage timings, open your Asthvarga table and add points from 1st to 7th house and now divide it by 27, why 27??

Because there are total 27 nakshatras and Nakshatra are the pillar of astrology!!

Coming back to point, now after dividing you will find a resultant, suppose you got a resultant of 9 now see which Nakshatra comes in 9th, no, here it will be Ashlesha.

Now whenever Jupiter in case of females and Venus in case of males transits over Ashlesha the person will get married.


Saturn & Jupiter double transit because nothing can happen in your life without the blessing of Saturn and Jupiter and double transit of Saturn on the 7th house can generate marriage.

Here you need to check if Saturn and Jupiter are activating your 7th house or even their aspect or union with the 7th lord is also capable to generate marriage.

Cheater Spouse|Extramarital Affairs


                    Cheater Spouse|Extramarital Affairs

Venus and Mars together determine our urges and makes one attracted to other sex.

Here Venus is for male whereas Mars should be considered for females.

Houses wise 7th house is your main house since it shows all about your spouse and when aspected by beneficial planets, and same time 7th lord well placed gives a good spouse who takes care of you very well.
2nd house have a say in moral values and 12th house is related to pleasures.

Extramarital Affairs in Astrology

1. Venus when connected with the 7th house and same time afflicted by Saturn, the person doesn’t give importance to customs and tend to have relationships outside marriage. If mars are also affecting such Venus then the person will have uncontrollable sexual desires.

Here Rahu affliction will lead to scandals.

2. Mars, when afflicted in a female chart, will lead to a husband who will give less attention to wife and would like to flirt with other women.

Here affliction means aspect of malefic like Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and placement in houses like 6th,8th or 12th house also makes a planet afflicted. Also, aspect of the lord of 6th,8th, and 12th give afflictions.

3. In a female horoscope, the placement of 7th lord in 9th house is not a good placement. It is Saptni Yoga or Avaklatra Yoga. It makes one husband to look for pleasures outside the marriage.

Such 7th lord in 9th house also gives a tendency to female to have a relationship outside marriage especially when it is afflicted.

4. Venus in Gemini sign also gives an urge to have a relationship outside marriage.

Reason being Gemini is an Air sign ruled by Mercury. Though it makes one very artistic in nature.

5.7th,8th and 9th house from lagna should not be occupied by malefic. Same aspect needs to be considered from Moon and Navamsha chart.

6. Saturn in 7th house in navamsha also results in marital infidelity.

7.2nd house and its lord when afflicted gives a tendency to lie and cheat.

12. Influence of Venus over 12th house or its lords makes one very lusty and Moon and Ascendant is afflicted, it results into multiple partners.

All these steps should be repeated in Navamsha also.

Ending Remarks

Nowadays, the life of any couple whether in metros or in remote areas is very busy, one reason, of course, is the mobile phone which keeps everyone busy for no good reason. Such grounds causes lack of time for people who are valuable and often take us to the path of destruction and dishonesty. There are many reasons which push a person into an extramarital affair. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Software Programmer Yoga


 Yogas to Become a Software Programmer

Venus is the karak planet of computers. Mars is the planet of electrical or civil engineering and land. Mercury is the planet of sculpting, logic and calculation. Saturn is the planet of technical and instrumental works. Sun in conjunction with Mars helps to become an engineer.

1. Important Houses: The Fifth House/lord or The Tenth House/lord
The fifth house in the birth-chart is the house of education. If a person wants to go in the technical field, then the fifth house/lord should directly relate to the tenth house/lord. Besides engineering field, this yoga is also considered in the birth-chart of doctors. But the house of hospital is also included in the birth-chart of doctors, which separates them from engineers.

2. Important Planets:
Mars and Saturn are influential in the birth-chart of engineers. In addition, Rahu or Ketu are also included. Along with the fifth house, the fourth house is also considered for the education. The direct influence of Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu on these houses makes the person an engineer by profession.

3. Amatyakarak Planet:
Acknowledgment of the occupation field becomes easy with the Amatyakarak of Jamini method. In this yoga, the field of vocation of the person is according to the karak elements of the planet close to the Amatyakarak planet.

4. Direction:
If planets placed in the tenth house or the Nakshatra lord of the tenth lord are in the directions of engineering, then the person will achieve success in this field. 

5. Other Yogas:
(1) High education is necessary to go in the IT field. If the second, fourth or fifth house relates to the ninth, Ascendant or tenth house, and if Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury or Venus relate to each other, then the person will get a chance to incur high education.

(2) The person will achieve success in the IT field if the sign of an auspicious planet is placed in the fifth house. Or the fifth lord is in conjunction with Jupiter, which is the karak of education, Mercury or Mars. Or they make an aspect relationship. Or Venus and Saturn make a relation with the fifth house.

(3) If in the birth-chart, Jupiter and Mercury or Venus and Mars are placed together or Jupiter and Mercury are placed in the beneficial house. Saturn is also in conjunction with Rahu, or makes an aspect relationship with Rahu, then the person will get education in IT and he will achieve success in this field.