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Lal Kitab Remedies and Tips for Planets

Lal Kitab Remedies and Tips for Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu

Remedies for Sun (Surya)
  1. Begin any important work after eating sweet and then drinking water.
  2. Do not accept anything in charity.
  3. $ Worship Lord Vishnu.
  4. Throw a copper coin in flowing water of a river.
  5.  If there is marital discord or quarrels, put out fire with raw milk.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Sun

  1. First House:  The native should marry at an early age. If he builds a place for Drinking Water (Pyau) for public then he will get good results.
  2. Second House:  The native should not take Grains like Wheat or Millet from anyone. Donate Coconut, Almonds and Mustard Oil on Saturday. Don’t take Milk, Silver, Rice or White Cloth even as Gift from anyone.
  3. Third House:  The native should keep his Character Fair. He should take care of Poor Children by donating them Food and Clothes. Take blessings of Mother and Grand Mother.
  4. Fourth House:  The native should Donate for the well being of Blind People. Not just money but the native should also serve them Food himself.  He should Stay away from Meat and Liquor.
  5. Fifth House:  The Native should Donate Food to Red Faced Monkeys. Do not speak bad about anyone. Don’t speak Lie.
  6. Sixth House:  The native should Donate Gram and Jaggery to Red Faced Monkeys.  Keep Gangajal in place of Worship at home. Keep Water near head while sleeping at night.
  7. Seventh House:  The native should Serve  Brahmins or  Black or Dark Brown Cows by means of donation or helping them physically. Bury Seven Square Pieces of Copper inside Earth. Start any Work after Drinking Water.
  8. Eighth House: the native should  Donate 8 Kilos of Jaggery and 8 Kilos of Wheat for 8 days in the Temple.  Serve a White Cow.  Don’t keep the Entrance Gate of the house in South Direction.
  9. Ninth House:  The native should Always Store and keep as much Rice, Milk , Water and Silver as one can. And should never donate the same to anyone.  He may take these articles from others as gift though.
  10. Tenth House:  The native should not Wear Black or  Blue Clothes. Wear White or Red Clothes instead.  Give away 10 Pieces of Round Copper Coins in Flowing Water.
  11. Eleventh House:  The native should Buy a Goat from the Butcher and leave him where it can live safe.  The native should not consume Meat or Liquor.
  12. Twelfth house:  The native should offer Jaggery and Gram to Monkeys. He should offer prayers to Sun by offering him Arghya.  He should  live in a house which has lots of Natural Light and Ventilation.

Remedies for Moon (Chandra)
  1. $ Get blessings of your mother by touching her feet.
  2. $ Receive some solid silver as gift from your mother.
  3. $ Do not get married at the age of 24.
  4. $ Do not do business dealing in milk and dairy products If moon is in Aries (Mesh) in your birth chart.
  5. $ If moon is in Scorpio (Vrishchak) in your birth chart, then keep some water in a bottle taken from cremation ground in your home. When water dries up, repeat the process.
  6. $ If moon is in Aquarius (Kumbha) in your horoscope then worship Lord Shiva. Chant the mantra "Om Namau Shivaya."
  7. $ Keep a glass full of water near your head at night when you sleep. Next morning, pour it into the roots of an acacia (kikar) tree.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Moon

  1. First House: The native should give water to Banyan Tree everyday. Fix Copper Nails in all the Four Legs of the Bed. During Travel if possible throw a Copper Coin in Flowing Water.
  2. Second House:  The native should take Rice and Silver from his mother as Gift and Wrap them in White Cloth and keep them safe. He should burry a Silver Brick in the Foundation of the House while building it.
  3. Third House: The native should donate Rice, Milk and Silver if a Daughter or Sister is born in the Family and Wheat, Millet, Jaggery, Gold If a Brother or Son is born in the Family. He should keep a Horse or a Partridge for benefic results.  He should Worship Goddess Durga.
  4. Fourth House: The native should never Sell Milk. Instead he should Offer Milk as a Gift, Especially to Mother or other females in the family.
  5. Fifth House: The native should Flow Rice and Sugar Cubes wrapped in White Cloth on Monday.
  6. Sixth House:  The native should serve his parents heartedly.  He should donate Jaggery, Millet, Gold, Copper, Red Cloth, Yellow Cloth, Religious Books, Umbrella in a Temple.  He should drink Milk only in Day time not at the Night. Should not donate Milk.
  7. Seventh House:  The native should wear Silver and Pearls.  He should marry only after the age of 24 and not before it. He should always appease Lord Shiva by offering daily Prayers.
  8. Eighth House:  The native should take Rice and Silver from Mother and keep it safe in a Box, preferably a Silver Box. The native should serve elders and children by washing their feet himself. He should Bury  a bottle full of milk  at a Desolate Place.
  9. Ninth House:  The native should go to Temple Daily and should do regular payers. And should keep his Character Fair and free from blemishes.
  10. Tenth House:  The native should not drink Milk at night. Should respect and serve Teachers. Should offer Bananas, Cream Colored Clothes, Religious Books to Brahmins.
  11. Eleventh House:  The native should wear Pearl in a Silver Ring. He should offer “Pedas” (Indian Sweet dish made by Milk) to 11 children.  He should Donate 11 Kilos of Milk to 11 People (1 Kilo to each Person) in Kaali Temple.
  12. Twelfth House:  The native should drink only Filtered Water and never should consume water which is not clean. Keep Rain Water Stored in a Silver Container.

Remedies for Mars (Mangal)
  1. $ Keep fast on Tuesdays and donate vermillion (sindoor) to Lord Hanuman.
  2. $ Throw red lentil (masoor dal) or honey in the flowing waters of a river.
  3. $ Help your brother(s) from time to time. Do not annoy them.
  4. $ Give frequently red clothes to your sister or maternal aunt or niece.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Mars

  1. First House:   The native should take help from articles related to Sun and Moon for propitiating mars. If Jupiter is in ninth house or eleventh house then articles related to Jupiter will help. And if Venus is in Seventh house then articles related to venus shall help the native.
  2. Second House:  The native should flow Rewris in the water.  He should ideally do work related to Electricity. He should keep good relations with brothers which will help him stay wealthy.  He should keep Deer Skin in his home.
  3. Third House:  The native should keep articles made of Elephant Tooth in his house. He should wear white clothes. He should wear a Silver Ring in his left hand.
  4. Fourth House:   The native should Wash Four kilos of Rice with Milk should flow them in a Holy River like Ganges. This will end the suffering of the Native. He should wear a Ring made by combination of Three Metals viz. Gold, Silver, Copper.
  5. Fifth House:  The native should keep water near his head while sleeping and next morning should offer the same to a plant or else drink himself.  He should sow a Neem plant in his home.
  6. Sixth House:  The native should worship little girls to end the evil of Mars. He should donate Silver and Rice.
  7. Seventh House:  The native should keep a Solid ball of Silver in his pocket.  He should offer sweets to his aunts, sister or sister in laws. But he should never give them clothes even as gift. He should try to strngthen his Saturn by building a house or a wall. He should never sow any climber plants in his home.
  8. Eighth House:  The native should wear a Ring made from combination of three metals viz. Gold, Silver and Copper. He should offer Tandoori Rotis to Dogs.
  9. Ninth House:  The native should keep a Red Handkerchief in his pocket. He should visit Lord Hanuman’s temple every Tuesday and offer him Chola. He should obey his elder brother and his wife and should serve them heartedly.
  10. Tenth House:  The native should worship Lord Hanuman and should read  Sundar Kaand without any break. He should eat sweet food.  He should keep a Deer and take care of him. He should take care that the Boiling Milk never falls on Earth in the kitchen.
  11. Eleventh House:  The native should worship Lord Hanuman. He should keep a black and white dog. He should keep Honey and Sindoor in an Earthen Pot and keep it safe in home.
  12. Twelfth house:   The native should not keep Blunt Sword or Knife in his home.  He should distribute Prasad of Badaana on Tuesday in Lord Hanuman Temple.
Remedies for Mercury (Budha)
  1. $ Give green coloured bangles and clothes to eunuchs (hijras).
  2. $ Throw a copper coin  with a hole in it in a river.
  3. $ Feed cows with green fodder or grass.
  4. $ Donate a goat.
  5. $ Do not accept or wear talismans (tabij).
  6. $ Clean your teeth with alum (fitkari) daily.
  7. $ Have your nose pierced for 100 days.
  8. $ Wear copper coin in the neck.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Mercury

  1. First House:  The native should stay away from his Sister in Law.  The native should not use Green Colour and stay away from it. The native should not do fishing and should never consume eggs and meat.
  2. Second House:  The native should serve the little girls. Should get Nose pinned. He should clean his teeth with Alum. He should donate Milk and rice in a temple.
  3. Third House:  The native should do remedies for Moon and Ketu. He should clean his teeth with Alum. He should keep Red Things in Eastern Direction of the house. In case of any special trouble in life, the native should Take Mango Leaves equal to his age and wash them with milk, then Bury them in the Ground beneath a heavy stone.
  4. Fourth House:  The native should wear a chain made from Gold for increase in his Wealth and for peace of mind he should wear a chain made from Silver. He should flow 4 kilos of Jaggery in River or Canal for at least seven Sundays.
  5. Fifth house:  The native should wear a Copper Coin in his neck in Red Thread for wealth and prosperity.  He should also wear Silver and Pearls for the same.
  6. Sixth House:  The native should store Rain Water in a Glass bottle in his home if Venus is weak. If Moon and Ketu are weak, he should wear a Silver Ring in Right hand.
  7. Seventh House:  The native should serve a Black Cow. He should respect  elder females like his mother.
  8. Eighth House:  The native should wear and wash Yellow clothes in flowing water for 43 days. He should worship female diety especially Maa Durga. He should not change the place of worship in his home.
  9. Ninth House:  The native should flow Chana Daal in River or canal. He should stay away from Green color. He should not keep a parrot or goat in home. He should wear Silver. He should keep Mushrooms in an Earthen Pot and donate them in a temple.
  10. Tenth House:  The native should  appease Saturn. He should not have Plants or trees with broad leaves in his house. He should not keep Money Plant or Tulsi in his home. He should build a home only after the age of 48.
  11. Eleventh House:  The native should wear a Copper Coin in Red Thread in his neck. He should not keep Lids on Empty vessels in kitchen.
  12. Twelfth House:  The native should appease Lord Ganesha. He should keep Black and White Dogs. He should wear a Yellow Thread in his neck.
Remedies for Jupiter (Guru)
  • $ Eat  saffron (kesar).
  • $ Apply saffron on your navel (nabhi) and tongue in the morning after sunrise and bathing.
  • $ Apply saffron or turmeric paste on your forehead.
  • $ Do not cut or get a ficus reliiosa (peepal) tree cut. Show respect to it.
  • $ Put some saffron, some gold, some white grams, and turmeric in a yellow cloth. Tie it and give the small bundle in a holy place or temple.
  • $ Give food to girls who are under nine.
  • $ Wear solid gold in your neck.
  • $ Do not keep large sized idols of gods and goddesses at home if Jupiter is in 7th house in your natal chart.
  • $ Water a ficus religiosa (peepal ) tree for 43 days.

Jupiter in I House:
With Jupiter in Ist house, the native will be a brave and fearless person. He will have the abilities of a good administrator and his inclination will be more towards religious activities. However it s important to note that, there are chances of certain health related problems for father and children of native. Jupiter in this house might have malefic effects till the age of 14 years.
  • Respect females.
  • Perform certain remedies for Moon.
  • Serve cows with food.

Jupiter in II House:
The native will be a highly educated and honorable person of the society and will be religious in nature. Business related to clay will result in benefits. But gold related business will never result in profits. The native will be able to become rich through his own efforts even if born in poor family. There are chances of various health related problems for him as well as for his wife.
  • Tie Jupiter articles and donate them at any place of worship.
  • Welcome and entertain your guests but never insult them.

Jupiter in III House:
The native will be a rich and prosperous person and will live a long life. He will take care of his brothers and sisters and will enjoy a good health. Enemies as well as friends will create problems in native’s life. But he will be clever enough to deal easily with difficult situations.
  • Worship Durga Mata.
  • Make donations for girl child.

Jupiter in IV House: 
Luck will always stand in favor of the native and he will be a very famous person. The native will be a religious person and will always remain ready to help others. He might get involved in love affair after the age of 34 that will adversely affect his family life and will result in his downfall.
  • Avoid relation with other women.
  • Do not eat non- vegetarian food.
  • Respect elders.

Jupiter in V House: 
The native will be an honest and respected person of the society. The health of the family members will remain very good and the native will lead a prosperous life. He should not accept donation from others. It is believed that his prosperity might increase after the birth of a boy.
  • Keep yourself away from other women.
  • Avoid eating non- veg.

Jupiter in VI House: 
The native will be a little selfish in nature and will get all the required things even without asking for them. Donation in the name of elderly people will result in benefits for him. The native could lead the life of a saint. Malefic effects of Mercury and Ketu might lead to wealth loss for him and some bad effects for father are also possible.
  • Perform remedies for Ketu.
  • Pour water in the roots of peepal tree.
  • Feed dogs with sweets.

Jupiter in VII House: 
The native will get a beautiful and helpful wife who will be his luck. He will enjoy a good health and will be physically very strong. The native’s strive for money might increase at old age and he might also indulge in criminal activities.
  • Worship Lord Shiva.
  • Keep the weights that are used to weigh gold with you.

Jupiter in VIII House: 
The native will be a prosperous person and will have interest in solving mysteries. The family members of native will live a long and happy life. The malefic effects of Jupiter might destroy everything and the native might become very poor. However, he will progress in life if Saturn is powerful.
  • Donate the articles of Venus and Jupiter at any place of worship.
  • Offer things like barley, coconut in running water.

Jupiter in IX House: 
The native will be a lucky person and will progress in life with the help of his father. He will be a knowledgeable person and will be of good morals. There might be some health related issues possible and negative effects of Mercury might result in loss of wealth.   
  • Avoid intake of liquor.
  • Visit any place of worship regularly.

Jupiter in X House: 
The native will be a confident and self made person. He will achieve success because of his cleverness. Business related to gold and silver will result in profit. Some health related issues are possible for native’s grandfather. The native will receive benefits after birth of a male child.
  • Keep your head covered.
  • Put a yellow tilak on forehead.
  • Put copper coin in running water.

Jupiter in XI House: 
The native will be a prosperous person and will lead a happy life with his family members. He will possess all good qualities and thus able to unite all family members. There might be certain bad effects for sister and aunt of native and his position might deteriorate.
  • Avoid intake of liquor.
  • Do not eat non-veg.
  • Help your family members and try to keep your promises.

Jupiter in XII House: 
The native will be a very good person and will thus get success through his efforts. He will be an intellectual person and praising him will result in benefits. The native will live a long life and will become powerful and wealthy. He might get indulged in bad deeds and this will result in his downfall.
  • Avoid wearing anything round the neck.
  • Put saffron tilak on forehead.
  • Offer your services to Saadhus.

Remedies for Venus (Shukra)

  • $ Throw a blue flower in dirty water or drain for 43 days.
  • $ Use perfume, scent, cream, incense etc on Fridays.
  • $ Worship goddess Lakshmi.
  • $ Give curd, pure clarified butter (dhesi ghee) and camphor at holy place.
  • $ Donate a cow in charity.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Venus

  1. First House: The native should serve a Black Cow. He should take bath with Curd. He should not have sex during day time. He should not eat Jaggery. He should donate Seven Grains mixed together.
  2. Second House: The native should serve a White Cow. He should give two kilos of Potatoes to the cow on Friday. He should donate Ghee made from Cow’s milk in the temple of Goddess Mahalaxmi.
  3. Third House: The native should keep honey in a box of Silver on the Roof of the house buried under the soil obtained from nearby a Pond, if his wife remains ill. He should not keep weapons.
  4. Fourth house: The native should make a open air pool on Roof of his house. He should drop yellow sweets in a Well on Thursday.
  5. Fifth House: The native should serve a Black Cow and keep his Character fair. He should not indulge in extra marital relations. He should wash his private parts with Curd.
  6. Sixth House: The native should behave respectfully with females.
  7. Seventh House: The native should donate a Bronze Utensil on Friday in Goddess Mahalaxmi Temple. He should throw Blue flower in Dirty flowing drain. He should serve brown cows.
  8. Eighth House: The native should Donate eight kilos of Yam (Zamikand) in temple on Friday. He should serve Black cow.
  9. Ninth House: The native should keep silver in his pocket. He should wear white clothes and eat curd in his food. He should bury Nine Square pieces of Silver beneath a Neem Tree.
  10. Tenth House: The native should donate a Black Cow. He should keep himself away from vices.
  11. Eleventh House: The native should donate Cotton and Curd in Temple on Friday. He should drop Mustard oil in Flowing Water on Saturday.
  12. Twelfth House: The native should keep himself away from Blue Color. He should bury Blue Flower in a desolate place on Saturday.
Remedies for Saturn (Shani)
  1. $ Feed crows for 43 days.
  2. $ Pour mustard oil or alcohol on the ground (soil) in the morning after sunrise for 43 days.
  3. $ Give baked bread (chapatis) with mustard oil applied on them to dogs and crows.
  4. $ Donate iron.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Saturn

  1. First House: The native should donate Sabut Urad, Mustard Oil, Almonds, Iron Nails, Black Cloth on Saturday. He should keep a monkey in his home. He should water a Banyan Tree everyday. He should donate an Angithi.
  2. Second House: The native should not put Black Oil or Mustard oil on his Face or Head. He should drink mik and eat curd regularly. He should make confessions before God by visiting a temple regularly for 43 days.
  3. Third House: The native should fix Iron Nails on the Entry Step of the home. He should make a Dark Room without windows in last part of his house and keep Black Cloth, Iron, Sesame Seeds, Mustard Oil, Almonds in it. He should keep a Black and White Dog at home.
  4. Fourth House: The native should offer milk and rice to Crows. He should throw Rice and Milk in a Deep Well. He should donate Mustard oil, Sabut Urad Daal, Iron Nails and Black Cloth on Saturdays.
  5. Fifth House: The native should Store Precious metals and wealth at one place. And not scatter here and there in home. Better keep in one Locker only. He should keep Copper, Red Cloth, Wheat, Barley in Western Direction of his home.
  6. Sixth House: The native should flow Coconut and Almonds in River or Canal. He should keep a Black Dog at home. He should put an Earthen pot full of mustard oil under the soil near a River or a Pond on a Dark Night. Amavasya is best.
  7. Seventh House: The native should fill a Flute with Jaggery and bury it in a desolate place. Always keep a Pot full of Honey at home.
  8. Eighth House: The native should flow Eight Kilos of Milk in a River on a Saturday. He should wear Silver and keep away from all kind of vices. He should add Milk to water while taking a bath.
  9. Ninth House: The native should not keep Grass or Wood at the Roof of his house. Specially a Bamboo Stair if present should be removed. He should construct a Dark Room at the end of his home. He should not keep broken furniture at home.
  10. Tenth House: The native should flow Sabut Urad Daal in River or Canal on Saturday. He should appease Lord Ganesha. He should offer food to Ten Blind people every Saturday.
  11. Eleventh House: The native should throw Mustard Oil and Liquor on Earth at Sunrise for 43 days. He should donate Liquor to Eleven Beggars every Saturday.
  12. Twelfth House: The native should keep himself away from all vices. He should not speak lies. He should keep twelve almonds wrapped in a black cloth in a dark store without windows. He should take care of his eyes.
Remedies for Rahu (Dragon's Head)
  1. $ If suffering from the ill effects malefic Rahu then throw barley (jaun) or wheat (400 gms) in a river or canal (natural). (The water should be clean and flowing).
  2. $ Give cooked red lentil (red masoor pulses) to your sweeper and or help him in other ways.
  3. $ Eat in the kitchen when the kitchen fire is burning.
  4. $ Donate radish.
  5. $Throw raw coal (kacha koyala) in the river if facing a lot of difficulties and obstacles.
  6. $ Keep saunf or sugar in a red small bag under your pillow while sleeping.
  7. $ Keep a silver square plate with you.
  8. $ Bathe in sacred rivers or tanks.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Rahu

  1. First House: The native should donate Copper vessel on Tuesday. It will be better if he fills it with Wheat and Jaggery. He should not wear a Silver Chain in his neck.
  2. Second House: The native should keep a Silver Ball or a Gold Ball in his pocket. He should pick mud from an Elephant’s Foot and should throw it in a Deep Well. He should not take any Electrical Goods from his In-laws family.
  3. Third House: The native should keep Real Elephant Tooth or article made from it in his home. But if Mercury is also there then he should not do so. He should sow a Peepal Plant and take care of it very well.
  4. Fourth House: The native should wear Silver. He should flow Four kilos of Coriander and Four kilos of Almonds in River or Canal. He should not keep Coal on his rooftop. He should not build a kitchen below the Staircase.
  5. Fifth House: The native should keep Silver Square piece below the entrance floor of his home. He should keep five Raddishes near his Wife’s head on Friday night while sleeping and Donate them on Saturday.
  6. Sixth House: The native should keep a Black Ball of Glass or Lead in his pocket. He should keep a Brown Dog in his home. He should appease Goddess Saraswati and should offer her Blue flowers for six days in continuation.
  7. Seventh House: The native should keep a Silver Brick in his home. At the time of marriage, the native should take Silver Ball from his Father in-law, which the native should then give to his wife and his wife should keep it safe. He should flow Coconut and Almonds in River or Canal.
  8. Eighth House: The native should keep a Square piece of Silver in his pocket. Till the age of forty two he should flow eight coins of lead every year in River or Canal.
  9. Ninth House: The native should always cover his head with Cap or Cloth. He should wear Gold. He should keep a Dog at his home. He should wear a Kesar Tilak everyday. He should donate Mustard and Tobacco on Saturdays.
  10. Tenth House: The native should wear only Blue or Black headgear (Cloth or Cap). He should bury Barley in a Deep dry under ground tank.
  11. Eleventh House: The native should eat only Satwick Food. And should not eat Rajsik or Tamsik Food. He should donate Turmeric wrapped in yellow cloth on Thursday. He should wear Kesar Tilak on forehead everyday. He should drink water in silver glass. He should flow pieces of Lead in river or canal on Saturday.
  12. Twelfth House: The native should keep Saunf and Red Coral wrapped in Red Cloth in his pillow while sleeping. He should take meals in kitchen. He should wear a Square piece of Silver in his neck. He should gift some portion of his income to Sisters or Daughters.
Remedies for Ketu (Dragon's Tail)
  • $ Keep at home or feed a white and black dog (two colors only).
  • $ Give 100 chapattis (baked bread) to dogs.
  • $ Give / donate a cow (milk giving) and sesame seeds in charity.
  • $ Apply saffron (kesar) on your forehead.
  • $ Wear gold preferably in your ears.
  • $ Give white and black blanket made of wool in a religous place  or temple.
  • $ Ganesh pooja will be helpful.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Ketu

  1. First House: The native should donate a Black and White Blanket in the temple on Sunday early morning after sunrise. He should wear Silver rings in Thumbs of both feet.
  2. Second House: The native should wear a Kesar Tilak on forehead everyday. He should serve little girls. He should never insult his wife.
  3. Third house: The native should wear Gold on body and wear Kesar Tilak on forehead. He should flow Three kilos of Chanaa Daal in River or Canal on Thursday. He should listen to his mind and soul and should never come under mental pressure created by others by their advices.
  4. Fourth House: The native should wear Silver. He should Wrap Four Kilos of Wheat and Four Kilos of Jaggery in Yellow Cloth and offer it to Family Pandit and seek his blessings.
  5. Fifth House: The native should donate Copper and Barley on Tuesday. He should donate Rice and Milk on Monday. He should not keep Boxes empty in his home.
  6. Sixth House: The native should wear a Gold ring in Small finger of Left Hand. He should donate Bananas for 43 days in Continuation in Temple. He should mix Black and White Sesame Seeds and flow them in River or Canal.
  7. Seventh House: The native should wear Kesar Tilak on forehead. He should never behave egoist and over proud. He should respect even poor people. He should flow Seven Bananas in flowing water for 43 days in continuation.
  8. Eighth House: The native should get his ears pierced and wear Gold in ears. He should donate Eight kilos of Chanaa Daal in Temple every Thursday. He should keep a Dog at his home. He should donate a Black, White and Brown mix coloured Blanket in temple.
  9. Ninth House: The native should appease Lord Ganesha. He should keep a Dog at his home. He should wear Gold and if possible he should keep a Brick of Gold in his home. He should always respect his father and Pandits.
  10. Tenth House: The native should keep Honey in a Silver box at home. He should not get involved in extra marital relations.
  11. Eleventh House: The spouse of the Native should keep a Raddish near Head while sleeping and donate it in temple next morning. This should be done for Forty Three days in continuation. The native should keep a Black dog at his home.
  12. Twelfth House: The native should appease Lord Ganesha. He should keep a Dog at his home for sure and if he dies then bring another Dog at the earliest. He should mix Jaggery powder in Milk and Dip his Thumb in it and then suck it.

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