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Friday, May 19, 2023

PHP Script For Kundli Milan


PHP Script For Kundli Milan


class Goon{

function match($b,$g){

if(($b>=0 && $b<360) && ($g>=0 && $g<360) )






return false;


    $this->UD =["Revati","Ashvini","Bharani","Kritika","Rohini","Mrigashira","Ardra","Punarvasu","Pushya","Ashlesha","Magha","Purva Phalguni","Uttara Phalguni","Hasta","Chitra","Swati","Vishakha","Anuradha","Jyeshtha","Mula","Purva Ashadha","Uttara Ashadha","Shravan","Dhanistha","Shatabhishaj","Purva Bhadrapad","Uttara Bhadrapad","Revati"];

    $this->asRashi = ["Aries","Taurus","Gemini","Cancer","Leo","Virgo","Libra","Scorpius","Sagittarius","Capricornus","Aquarius","Pisces"];



$r = $this->nak();


$r = $this->rashi();


$out[]=['Moon',number_format((float)$b, 2, '.', ''),number_format((float)$g, 2, '.', ''),''];

$r = $this->vran();


$total = $r[0];

$r =$this->vashya();


$total = $total + $r[0];

$r =$this->tara();


$total = $total + $r[0];

$r =$this->yoni();


$total = $total + $r[0];

$r =$this->matri();


$total = $total + $r[0];



$total = $total + $r[0];

$r = $this->bhakoot();


$total = $total + $r[0];

$r =$this->naadi();


$total = $total + $r[0];


return $out;


function nak(){



return [$this->UD[$b].' ['.$b.']',$this->UD[$g].' ['.$g.']']; 


function rashi(){



return [$this->asRashi[$b],$this->asRashi[$g]]; 


function bhakoot(){








    if(($g1 == 2 && $b1 == 12 || $g1 == 12 && $b1 == 2) || ($g1 == 5 && $b1 == 9 || $g1 == 9 && $b1 == 5) || ($g1 == 6 && $b1 == 8 || $g1 == 8 && $b1 == 6))




return [$gk,$this->asRashi[$b],$this->asRashi[$g]];


function matri(){












return [$nadi[$ex[$g]][$ex[$b]],$this->swami[$b],$this->swami[$g]];


function yoni(){



$yoni=["Horse", "Yard", "Mesh", "Snake", "Dog", "Marjar", "Mouse", "Cow", "mahish", "Tiger", "Deer", "Monkey", "nakul ","Lion"];


foreach($yoni1 as $k=>$v)


if (in_array($g, $v))


if (in_array($b, $v))



















return [$nadi[$gg][$bb],$yoni[$bb],$yoni[$gg]];


function tara(){



        $na=["janm taara","sampat taara"," vipat taara","kshem taara ","pratyari taara ","saadhak taara","vadh taara","mitr taara","ati mitr taara"];














return [($b+$g),$na[$bb],$na[$gg]];


function vashya(){




$ax=["Man", "quadruped", "watering", "lion", "scorpio"];








foreach($n as $k=>$v){


        foreach($v as $kk=>$vv){

            if ($g < $vv[1] && $g >= $vv[0])


            if ($b < $vv[1] && $b >= $vv[0])






return [$nadi[$gg][$bb],$ax[$bb],$ax[$gg]];



function vran(){



$ax= ["Brahmin", "Kshatriya", "Vaishya", "Shudra"];


    foreach($varn as $k=>$v){

if (in_array($g, $v))


if (in_array($b, $v))




return [$nadi[$gg][$bb],$ax[$bb],$ax[$gg]];


function gun(){




$boys=array("God" => 0, "man" => 1, "monster" => 2);

$bo=array (0 => "dev", 1 => "man", 2 => "monster");

foreach($dev as $k=>$v){

if (in_array($g, $v))


if (in_array($b, $v))




return [$gun[$gg][$bb], $bo[$bb], $bo[$gg]];


function naadi(){




$anadi=["Adi nadi", "middle nadi", "end nadi"];

foreach($nadi as $k=>$v){

if (in_array($g, $v))


if (in_array($b, $v))



if($bb == $gg)



    $b= 8;

return [$b, $anadi[$bb], $anadi[$gg]];



$n=new goon;

$r=$n->match(135.79,5.89); // boy - moon Degree , girl - moon Degree

echo "<table>";

foreach($r as $k=>$v){

echo "<tr>";

foreach($v as $kk=>$vv){

echo "<td>".$vv."</td>";


echo "</tr>";


echo "</table>";


Friday, March 10, 2023

ग्रहों का ये संयोग बनाता है राजनीति में हिट, मिलता है सत्ता का पूरा सुख


ग्रहों का ये संयोग बनाता है राजनीति में हिट, मिलता है सत्ता का पूरा सुख


राजसत्ता या राजनीति से जोड़ने में सूर्य, चन्द्र, राहु और शनि मुख्य माने गए हैं। वैदिक ज्योतिष में सूर्य को राजा तो चन्द्रमा को राजमाता की उपाधि दी गई है। वहीं राहु को सभी ग्रहों में नीति कारक ग्रह का दर्जा दिया गया है।


एक ओर राजनीति जहां व्यक्ति को सत्ता-सुख, प्रसिद्धि, विशेष सामाजिक पहचान देती है। वहीं इसमें सेवा व जनमानस कल्याण का भाव भी निहित है। आज के समय में बड़ी मात्रा में युवा वर्ग राजनीति को करियर के रूप में देख रहा है। अन्य करियर की भांति ही राजनीति में प्रवेश करने वालों की कुंडली में भी विशेष ज्योतिष योग होते हैं।

राजनीति करना सबके बस की बात नहीं होती है। यही कारण है कि ऐसे व्यक्तियों की जन्म कुंडली में ग्रहों का विशिष्ट संयोग देखा गया है। राजसत्ता या राजनीति से जोड़ने में सूर्य, चन्द्र, राहु और शनि मुख्य माने गए हैं। वैदिक ज्योतिष में सूर्य को राजा तो चन्द्रमा को राजमाता की उपाधि दी गई है। वहीं राहु को सभी ग्रहों में नीति कारक ग्रह का दर्जा दिया गया है।

राजनीति और जन्म कुंडली के भाव
वैदिक ज्योतिष में जन्म कुंडली के दसवें घर को राजनीति का घर व सत्ता का स्थान कहा गया है। जन्म कुंडली का चतुर्थ भाव जनता के बीच जाकर चुनाव लड़ने का भाव है इसलिए चतुर्थ भाव जनता और चुनाव को दर्शाता है। जन्म कुंडली का ग्यारहवां भाव राजनीति से धन लाभ को दर्शाता है।

राजनीति क्षेत्र से संबंधित ग्रह
राहु: राहु को राजनीति का ग्रह माना जाता है। राहू कूटनीतिज्ञ तो है ही साथ ही छल कपट भी करवाता है। राहू की महादशा में कई महापुरुषों को राजनीति में उच्च पद प्राप्त करते देखा गया है। सफल राजनेताओं की जन्म कुंडली में राहू का संबंध सातवें, दसवें एवं ग्यारहवें घर से देखा गया है।

सूर्य: नौ ग्रहों में सूर्य को राजा माना गया है। सूर्य साम्राज्य, वर्चस्व और तेज को दर्शाता है। यही कारण है जन्म कुंडली में सूर्य लग्न, चतुर्थ, नवम या दशम भाव में हो तो राजनीति में सफलता दिलाने की संभावना बनाता है।

शनि: जनता का हितैषी शनि राजनीति का प्रमुख कारक ग्रह माना गया है। शनि केन्द्र में, उच्च के, स्वराशि व मूल त्रिकोण में हो तो राजनीति में व्यक्ति लंबी पारी खेलता है और लंबे समय तक सरकार में रहता है।

राजनीति मे सफल व्यक्तियों की जन्मकुंडली मे प्राय कुछ विशेष योग देखे गए हैं जो इस प्रकार है:

  • सूर्य एवं राहु बली होना व केंद्र और दशमेश मे होना।
  • चतुर्थेश, नवमेश और दशमेश केंद्र या त्रिकोण में होना।
  • दशम भाव में उच्च का ग्रह होना।
  • शनि का दशम भाव में या दशमेश से संबध होना।

राजनीति मे हिट है कर्क लग्न
राजनीति में नेतृत्व के लिए कर्क लग्न सबसे अच्छा माना गया है। कर्क लग्र में उत्पन्न जातक अधिकांशत: नेतृत्व गुण वाले होते हैं। वैदिक ज्योतिष का सबसे बड़ा ग्रह बृहस्पति केवल कर्क लग्न में ही उच्च का होता है। कर्क लग्न के व्यक्ति को राजसत्ता मिलने की सम्भावना अधिक होती है। भारत देश में सर्वाधिक प्रधानमंत्री, मुख्यमंत्री वा कद्दावर नेता कर्क लग्न में ही जन्मे हैं जिनमें पं.जवाहरलाल नेहरू, श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधी, श्री इन्द्र कुमार गुजराल, श्रीमती सोनिया गांधी, श्री विश्वनाथ प्रताप सिंह, श्री एच.डी.देवेगौड़ा, एम करूणानिधि, मुलायम सिंह, शीला दीक्षित, मायावती आदि अनेकानेक ऐसे बड़े राजनेता हैं जो कर्क लग्न में जन्मे हैं और भारत की राजनीति में अपनी विशिष्ट पहचान बनाई है।

For Consultations Check out the Link

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Past Life By SATURN (Big Punish) | आप अपने पिछले जीवन में कौन थे | Weak or Negative SATURN | P.2


Past Life By SATURN (Big Punish) | आप अपने पिछले जीवन में कौन थे | Weak or Negative SATURN | P.2

An in-depth astrological analysis can show how planets and stars can reveal your past reincarnations to you. It can be about the position of Saturn or planetary aspects, or something different.

“Why does it matter?”, you might ask. Well, the thing is where you are and what you are now is a direct consequence of what you did in your past lives.

Karmic Astrology and Reincarnation

Vedic astrology has its own point of view and its own approach regarding the topic of transmigration of souls. According to it, the immortal soul (atman) is forced to move from one body to another, again and again, participating in the cycle of deaths and births (samsara). Each reincarnation is the period when the atman has to pay for actions committed in past lives. This is the principle of karmic law. The main purpose of the soul is to break the chain of rebirth and receive salvation (moksha).

Until the soul comes to that lucid moment, it will continue to reincarnate.


To find out the details of your reincarnation, you should pay attention to the particular houses. They will disclose you a secret about karma inherited from past lives:

  • The 4th house reveals the roots, childhood, heredity, established traditions, and customs. It indicates the influence of ancestral karma.
  • The 8th house is the house of rebirth, the transformation of a person after the events he has experienced. It indicates the karma of personal duty.
  • The 9th house indicates karmic destiny in real life.
  • The 12th house indicates the karma of all reincarnations of the soul.


The next step is to examine the planets on these houses, as well as what zodiac sign is located on this or that house. Answer to how to know your past life can be hidden right there.

Keep in mind: if there are retrograde planets in your natal chart, have a look at them too. Your karmic problems are closely connected with these very planets and can be associated with the following areas of life:

Retrograde planets point to the problems from past lives that are remained unresolved, as well as talents that were not realized.

  • Mercury: communication with relatives and/or friends; study, health, a gift of speech.
  • Venus: relationship, marriage, love, material wealth.
  • Mars: vital energy, enemies (from past lives).
  • Jupiter: spiritual development, social life.
  • Saturn: interaction with the authorities and/or the older generation.

The harmful Saturn points that a person was not in good relations with his subordinates and maybe stole money.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

हिंदू धर्म के अनुसार विवाह के 8 प्रकार


हिंदू धर्म के अनुसार विवाह के 8 प्रकार

#1. ब्रह्म विवाह (Brahma Vivah In Hindi)

ब्रह्म विवाह को सर्वश्रेष्ठ विवाह माना गया हैं जिसमें दो परिवारों का मिलन होता है। ब्रह्म विवाह की सबसे बड़ी विशेषता कन्यादान मानी जाती है। ब्रह्म विवाह के लिए वर व वधु दोनों का ब्रह्मचर्य आश्रम से गृहस्थ आश्रम में आना आवश्यक होता है अर्थात उनकी आयु पच्चीस वर्ष से अधिक होनी चाहिए। ब्रह्म विवाह होने के लिए दोनों का एक वर्ण का होना आवश्यक है।

इसमें सर्वप्रथम वर के परिवार वाले रिश्ता लेकर वधु के घर (Brahma Vivah Kya Hai) जाते है तथा विवाह का प्रस्ताव रखते है। जब वधु के परिवार से सहमति मिल जाती है तो रिश्ता पक्का माना जाता है। इसके पश्चात पूरे विधि-विधान से तथा वैदिक मंत्रों के साथ विवाह करवाया जाता है जिसमें वधु के पिता के द्वारा कन्यादान कर दिया जाता है। कन्यादान के पश्चात वह स्त्री अब वर पक्ष की मान ली जाती है तथा उसे अब वही रहकर अपने जीवन के कर्तव्य पूर्ण करने होते है।

#2. प्रजापत्य विवाह (Prajapatya Vivah In Hindi)

प्रजापत्य विवाह में वधु के माता-पिता विवाह के लिए उसकी सहमति नही लेते हैं तथा छोटी आयु में ही उसका विवाह संपन्न करवा देते हैं। इसमें कन्या का पिता अपनी पुत्री को वर को सौंपने की बजाये उसके पिता को सौंपता है। इसलिये विवाह के पश्चात वह अपने ससुराल चली जाती है।

चूँकि वह अभी छोटे ही होते है तो वधु को घर में कन्या के तौर पर ही रखा जाता है तथा गृहस्थ जीवन शुरू होने पर उन्हें एक साथ रहने की अनुमति मिल जाती है। यह ब्रह्म विवाह का ही एक स्वरुप होता है बस इसमें विवाह पहले करवा दिया जाता है।

#3. दैव विवाह (Dev Vivah In Hindi)

यह भी एक तरह से ब्रह्म विवाह का ही रूप है लेकिन इसमें कोई धार्मिक अनुष्ठान इत्यादि नही होता था। यह तब किया जाता था जब कोई व्यक्ति अपनी कन्या का विवाह करवाने में अक्षम होता था तथा उसके पास इतना धन नही होता था या कन्या का विवाह एक निश्चित आयु सीमा के भीतर नही हो पा रहा हो या उसके लिए कोई उचित वर न मिल पा रहा हो।

उस स्थिति में वह अपनी कन्या का विवाह किसी सिद्ध पुरुष या ज्ञानी व्यक्ति से (Dev Vivah Kya Hai) करवा देते थे अर्थात वह धार्मिक अनुष्ठान इत्यादि में अपनी कन्या का दान कर देता था। इसे ही दैव विवाह की संज्ञा दी गयी है। यद्यपि धर्मशास्त्रों में दैव विवाह को जहाँ तक हो सके ना करने को कहा गया है लेकिन स्थिति के अनुसार इसका करना उचित समझा जाता था।

#4. आर्श विवाह (Aarsh Vivah In Hindi)

यह सामान्यतया वह विवाह होता था जिसमें वर पक्ष के लोग कन्या पक्ष से विवाह के बदले में उन्हें गाय तथा बैल देते थे। इसमें किसी प्रकार के धन का आदान-प्रदान नही होता था। इसलिये इसे गोदान विवाह भी कहा जाता था। यह मुख्यतया आदिवासी या निर्धन परिवारों की सहायता करने के उद्देश्य से भी किया जाता था। इस विवाह के द्वारा वर पक्ष कन्या शुल्क के रूप में गाय का दान करते थे।

#5. गंधर्व विवाह (Gandharva Vivah In Hindi)

इसे आज के समय के अनुसार प्रेम विवाह भी कहा जा सकता है। यह वह विवाह होता था जिसमें एक पुरुष तथा स्त्री एक दूसरे को पसंद करते थे लेकिन इसमें उनके परिवारों की सहमति नही होती थी। इसलिये उनकी आज्ञा के बिना यह विवाह किया जाता था तब इसे गंधर्व विवाह की संज्ञा दी गयी है। इसमें वे किसी बड़े धार्मिक अनुष्ठान के बिना विवाह कर लेते थे। इतिहास में देखा जाये तो महाराज दुष्यंत का शकुंतला से हुआ विवाह गंधर्व विवाह की श्रेणी में ही आता है।

#6. असुर विवाह (Asura Vivah In Hindi)

इस विवाह को उचित विवाह की श्रेणी में नही रखा जाता था। यह सामान्यता निर्धन परिवारों की कन्याओं के साथ ज्यादा होता था जिसमें एक कन्या से विवाह के लिए उसका मूल्य चुकाया जाता था। इसमें वर पक्ष के द्वारा वधु पक्ष के लोगों को उनकी आवश्यकता से अधिक धन देकर कन्या का सौदा कर लेते थे तथा विवाह संपन्न हो जाता था।

यह सामान्यता उस स्थिति में होता था जब पुरुष में या तो कोई दोष हो, नीची जाति का हो या उस कन्या के लायक न हो जैसे कि उससे आयु में बड़ा होना या कोई अन्य कारण। शास्त्रों में इस विवाह को अच्छा नही माना गया है।

#7. राक्षस विवाह (Rakshas Vivah In Hindi)

जब कोई पुरुष तथा महिला एक दूसरे को पसंद करते हो तथा वर पक्ष के परिवार वाले इससे सहमत हो लेकिन वधु पक्ष के असहमत तब कन्या की पसंद को देखते हुए उससे विवाह कर लेना राक्षस विवाह की श्रेणी में आता था।

भगवान श्रीकृष्ण का भी राक्षस विवाह (Rakshasa Vivah) हुआ था जिसमें रुकमनी को वे पसंद थे लेकिन उनके घरवाले इसके लिए तैयार नही थे। तब श्रीकृष्ण ने रुकमनी को भगाकर उनसे विवाह किया था। इसके अलावा अन्य प्रसिद्ध उदाहरणों में भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की बहन सुभद्रा का अर्जुन से विवाह तथा महाराज पृथ्वीराज चौहान का सयोंगिता से विवाह भी राक्षस विवाह ही था।

#8. पैशाच विवाह (Pishach Vivah In Hindi)

इस विवाह को सबसे अधिक अनुचित विवाह की श्रेणी में रखा गया है। यह तब किया जाता था जब कोई कन्या या तो अपने होश में नही है या गहरी निद्रा में है या जबरदस्ती उसका विवाह किसी और से करवा दिया गया हो, उस विवाह को पैशाच विवाह की श्रेणी (Paishacha Vivah) में रखा गया है।

यह विवाह अनुचित विवाह ही होता था जिसमे एक कन्या की सहमति के बिना किसी पराये पुरुष से उसका विवाह जबरदस्ती (Vivah Ke Prakaro Ki Vivechna Kijiye) करवा दिया जाता था तथा जब उसे होश आता था तब उसे अपने विवाहित होने का पता चलता था।

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Past Life By MARS (CHEATED BROTHER) | आप अपने पिछले जीवन में कौन थे | Weak or Negative MARS |


Past Life By MARS (CHEATED BROTHER) | आप अपने पिछले जीवन में कौन थे | Weak or Negative MARS | P.3

What are the ways to understand past life from a horoscope?

There are many opinions on the methods of revealing and analyzing past reincarnations but all experts agree that it has a lot to do with planetary aspects towards Saturn or lunar nodes. This is because Saturn is the planet that deals with karma and helps shape your life’s path. In your birth chart, you have to look for the exact location of Saturn at the moment of your birth to analyze your past lives.

Martin Shulman, the author of a series of books called “Karmic Astrology”, believes that it’s lunar nodes that create the connection between Western astrological knowledge and the Eastern concept of reincarnation.

The main thing you need to have to analyze and interpret your past life is a natal chart or a natal wheel how it is also called sometimes. If you do not know what it is, follow this link and familiarize yourself with this kind of personal horoscope.

Here are several approaches you can apply to find the answer to the question that excites so much: “What was I in my past life?” We would like to emphasize that for almost all options you will need your personal natal chart compiled by an experienced astrologer.

Karmic Astrology and Reincarnation

Vedic astrology has its own point of view and its own approach regarding the topic of transmigration of souls. According to it, the immortal soul (atman) is forced to move from one body to another, again and again, participating in the cycle of deaths and births (samsara). Each reincarnation is the period when the atman has to pay for actions committed in past lives. This is the principle of karmic law. The main purpose of the soul is to break the chain of rebirth and receive salvation (moksha).

Weak Mars indicates that a person did not respect brothers and friends and did not give shelter to the people who he was supposed to give. The person could be constantly angry with others.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Weak Venus indicates & PAST LIFE RELATIONSHIP

 Weak Venus indicates & PAST LIFE RELATIONSHIP

Vedic Astrology and Weak Planets

As we have already mentioned, weak planets in your birth chart can explain the reasons for your failures and problems in the current life. It is believed that all the troubles are closely connected to the way of life you led long time ago. Who were you in your past life? No planet can answer in full, but together they can provide quite a meaningful picture.


The next step is to examine the planets on these houses, as well as what zodiac sign is located on this or that house. Answer to how to know your past life can be hidden right there.

Keep in mind: if there are retrograde planets in your natal chart, have a look at them too. Your karmic problems are closely connected with these very planets and can be associated with the following areas of life:For COnsultations Check out the lin below

Retrograde planets point to the problems from past lives that are remained unresolved, as well as talents that were not realized.

  • Mercury: communication with relatives and/or friends; study, health, a gift of speech.
  • Venus: relationship, marriage, love, material wealth.
  • Mars: vital energy, enemies (from past lives).
  • Jupiter: spiritual development, social life.
  • Saturn: interaction with the authorities and/or the older generation.

Weak Venus indicates that this person did not respect or even deceived his partner (s) (both business and personal) or even was engaged in theft.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

LAST BIRTH problems | आप अपने पिछले जीवन में कौन थे | Weak or Negative PLANETS


LAST BIRTH problems | आप अपने पिछले जीवन में कौन थे | Weak or Negative PLANETS

To find out the details of your reincarnation, you should pay attention to the particular houses. They will disclose you a secret about karma inherited from past lives:

  • The 4th house reveals the roots, childhood, heredity, established traditions, and customs. It indicates the influence of ancestral karma.
  • The 8th house is the house of rebirth, the transformation of a person after the events he has experienced. It indicates the karma of personal duty.
  • The 9th house indicates karmic destiny in real life.
  • The 12th house indicates the karma of all reincarnations of the soul.

Vedic Astrology and Weak Planets

As we have already mentioned, weak planets in your birth chart can explain the reasons for your failures and problems in the current life. It is believed that all the troubles are closely connected to the way of life you led long time ago. Who were you in your past life? No planet can answer in full, but together they can provide quite a meaningful picture.

Let’s look through all the weak planets.

  • If the Sun is weak in the horoscope, this means that in a previous life you were likely to commit sinful affairs in the daytime and not to perform your duties properly or even abuse your official position.
  • When it comes to the weak Moon, chances are that you didn’t respect the emotions of other people, polluted the water and did not give other people drink.
  • Weak Mars indicates that a person did not respect brothers and friends and did not give shelter to the people who he was supposed to give. The person could be constantly angry with others.
  • The weak Mercury can say that a person did not have great respect for his relatives and older people, did not listen to the opinions of other people, and destroyed a lot of trees.
  • If there is a weak or negative Jupiter in the horoscope, this may mean that a person had a big Ego, and did not pay enough attention to spiritual development.
  • Weak Venus indicates that this person did not respect or even deceived his partner (s) (both business and personal) or even was engaged in theft.
  • The harmful Saturn points that a person was not in good relations with his subordinates and maybe stole money.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Pregnancy Horoscope Prediction Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Pregnancy Horoscope Prediction Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Here, I’m going to dig into the pregnancy of each sign in 2023:

1. Aries mothers

What you have to do with family planning in the year to come?

My answer is EVERYTHING!

For a strong bond with your future child, then you must plan to conceive based upon sign compatibility. There are 3 best time frames for your conception:

  • June 25th – July 15th
  • October 25th – November 15th
  • February 25th – March 15th

As you are a fiery mother, it’s much better if you can raise a baby who also belongs to a fire sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius).

2. Taurus mothers

The female with a Taurus soul very cares for her soon-to-come children. Expecting only the best, she is likely to prepare a specific life in mind for them.

To avoid clashing between the mother and kids, the conception must be set up around 3 following time frames:

  • July 25th – August 15th
  • November 25th – December 15th
  • March 25th – April 15th

Since Taurus mother is the earth sign, she is pretty traditional. She is afraid of wild children, so only those also born under earth signs go along well with her – including Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

3. Gemini mothers

Gemini women are the playful, laid-back type and not easy to upset. They have the capacity of living well under stress-inducing situations.

If you are a Gemini and planning to get pregnant in the year 2023, then the horoscope prediction has these 3 time frames for you:

  • August 25th – September 15th
  • December 25th – January 15th
  • April 25th – May 15th

You will make a great mother of a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius baby.

You and your child will be likely in an open relationship as both are outgoing and love to talk. Making more conversations will help you two become closer and be best friends.

4. Cancer mothers

You are the ultimate nurturer in the zodiac. Your strong intuition will support your mother instinct and let you sense the need of your child immediately even not asking. Overall, you are a good mom with greatest protection.

For a Cancer, the conception should be planned in one of 3 time frames:

  • July 25th – August 15th
  • November 25th – December 15th
  • March 25th – April 15th

If you successfully conceive within one of these periods, then you’ll become the parent of a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn.

5. Leo mothers

The mother with the Leo zodiac sign is confident and fierce, and also a bit narcissistic at times. Of all signs, Leo mother is the one caring the most about her little one’s appearance.

As a Leo, you are surely a self-reliant woman and you take pride in your future baby as much as what you do to yourself. The best times for you to conceive a child are:

  • June 25th – July 15th
  • October 25th – November 15th
  • February 25th – March 15th

Planning conception in these windows will ease your journey as a mother – you will give birth to three most compatible signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

6. Virgo mothers

Cleanliness and order are what she values the most. A Virgo mother is the type of person that will place a broom in her child’s hands when there are guests coming to her house.

If you are born as a Virgo, then your best conception times are within:

  • September 25th – October 15th
  • January 25th – February 15th
  • May 25th – June 15th

By conceiving in one of those time frames, you will give birth to some compatible children: either Cancer, Scorpio, or Pieces.

7. Libra mothers

Libra is seen as a cool mom in the zodiac as she gives only the best to her kids. Happiness is what she always strives for yet only if it comes without pain. She usually teaches her children what really matters in life.

The time frames below are the periods a Libra should conceive:

  • September 25th – October 15th
  • January 25th – February 15th
  • May 25th – June 15th

A child of the Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces soul is emotional – the best fit for a Cancer mother.

8. Scorpio mothers

As a Scorpio, you are very independent and can be hard to handle sometimes. Being a mother, you tend to be a bit demanding and control your child more than a normal level.

According to the 2023 pregnancy horoscope prediction, Scorpio also has 3 time frames to get pregnant with the baby most compatible to her parenting style:

  • June 25th – July 15th,
  • October 25th – November 15th
  • February 25th – March 15th

If the result is successful, your baby will be either an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius – the most free-spirited individual.

9. Sagittarius mothers

The mother of Sagittarius sign is highly energetic, cheerful, and positive most of the time. Of all moms in the zodiac, she frequently encourages her kids to experience life as much as possible.

As she lives for exploration, she can’t help teaching her descendants to view life in a vast array of colors. The conception planning for a Sagittarius will be a success if done within these three frames:

  • August 25th – September 15th
  • December 25th – January 15th
  • April 25th – May 15th

Life will be fun for your parenting if the child is a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius.

10. Capricorn mothers

Due to her characteristics, Capricorn is strict and commented as a “father-like” mother. She can be very serious and put too much expectation on her children. Failure is an unacceptable thing to a Capricorn mother.

When a Capricorn tries to conceive, consider one of these 3 windows:

  • June 25th – July 15th
  • October 25th – November 15th
  • February 25th – March 15th

If the plan goes well, you’ll birth either an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius child – these 3 signs are the best options as they are most compatible to your parenting style.

11. Aquarius mothers

Those are Aquarians can make amazing mothers as they are patient in nature and great at listening. They always encourage their kids to think for themselves and accept the failure.

Building a relationship is more important than materials to an Aquarius mom.

Your best conception windows as an Aquarius are:

  • July 25th – August 15th,
  • November 25th – December 15th
  • March 25th – April 15th

Only giving birth to a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn can help you stay in a harmonious relationship with your baby. These 3 horoscope signs will create a strong connection with Aquarius.

12. Pisces mothers

If you are a Pisces, then you must be extremely passionate and have a big obsession with children. You tend to shower your baby with a lot of love and care, up to the point that they would be hardly independent when growing older.

Your imagination allows you to lead your children in an artist path.

What are the best times for a Pisces mom to conceive?

Check out these time frames:

  • September 25th – October 15th,
  • January 25th – February 15th
  • May 25th – June 15th

All these 3 windows will aid you in become pregnant the most compatible children of your zodiac sign: Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.

Monday, February 27, 2023

नवांश की चर दशा | FIND Marriage YEAR from D9 | Chara Dasha OF Navamsa 7th House | विवाह की संभावना |

 नवांश की चर दशा | FIND Marriage YEAR from D9 | Chara Dasha OF Navamsa 7th House | विवाह की संभावना |

  1. In the Navamsa or D9 chart, marriage can occur in the Chara Dasha of the 7th sign from the Darakaraka planet.

In case of marriage time prediction, we should not neglect the Navamsa or D9 chart. The Lagna Lord of Navamsa, 7th Lord of Navamsa, planets sitting in the 7th house of Navamsa plays an important role in predicting marriage.

But, before predicting the age for marriage, we have to understand whether early marriage or late marriage is indicated in your Navamsa or D9 chart. If planets like Saturn, Ketu etc occupies the 7th house of Navamsa it will create delay in your marriage.

If these malefic planets also aspect or conjunct with the 7th Lord of Navamsa, it will also give late marriage. So, after understanding whether you have late or early marriage, we have to check the appropriate Dasha and transit. If you are running through a favorable period and transit, marriage can happen.

"Chara Dasha" is a term used in Hindu astrology to refer to a specific system of timing in a person's life. In this system, the Chara Dasha is calculated based on the position of the Moon at the time of birth and the length of different periods (dashas) can be used to make predictions about events that may occur during that time. However, the idea that a Chara Dasha can predict the timing of a specific event such as marriage is not universally accepted in Hindu astrology, and the accuracy of these predictions can vary widely based on the astrologer and the individual chart.

It's important to remember that astrology should not be relied upon as the sole factor in making important life decisions or predicting future events. Many other factors, such as personal choices and external circumstances, can influence the outcome of events.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Venus Transit 2024 Date, Time, Predictions & Remedies


Venus Transit 2024 Date, Time, Predictions & Remedies

Venus transit 2023 date and time

Venus transit represents the movement of planet Venus through different houses/signs in your Kundli or birth chart. Venus is the symbol of the Goddess of beauty and stays in one zodiac for about 23 days. 


Venus enters Sagittarius on January 18, 2024, 20:56:50

Venus enters Capricorn on February 12, 2024, 4:52:43

Venus enters Aquarius on March 7, 2024, 10:46:50

Venus enters Pisces on March 31, 2024, 16:46:5

Venus enters Aries on April 24, 2024, 23:58:40

Venus enters Taurus on May 19, 2024, 8:43:1

Venus enters Gemini on June 12, 2024, 18:29:27

Venus enters Cancer on July 7, 2024, 4:31:20

Venus enters Leo on July 31, 2024, 14:33:28

Venus enters Virgo on August 25, 2024, 1:16:28

Venus enters Libra on September 18, 2024, 13:57:11

Venus enters Scorpio on October 13, 2024, 6:0:38

Venus enters Sagittarius on November 7, 2024, 3:31:40

Venus enters Capricorn on December 2, 2024, 11:57:10

The Venus transit can bring both negative and positive consequences for the native. The change, however, entirely depends upon the house into which Venus is transiting. Although Venus represents love and all such mushy feelings, its effect is not just limited to those as Venus can also affect your wealth, career growth, etc.

Venus Transit in Vedic Astrology

In astrology, the outcome or the effects of a transit depends on the house it takes place in. Depending on that, the pros and cons of the Venus transit affect everyone differently! Venus governs the aspects of our lives related to art, fame, hobbies, and relationships.

Venus Transit Effects On Each Zodiac Signs 2024

Venus, as mentioned before, is the ruling planet for Taurus and Libra. It is also an exalted planet in Pisces. Therefore, it will affect these signs the most, and many a time, in a positive way. However, every transit is different, and it will be different for each sign, too. Let’s see the impact of this transition on all the zodiac signs.

Venus Transit In Aries

What happens when Venus moves to Aries? Venus rules the earth sign Taurus and

 air sign Libra. At the same time, Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars. Venus is the

 planet of beauty, passion, love, and everything feminine. Mars represents

 aggression, activeness, and confidence.

 But hey, opposites attract! Don’t they? When these two meet, 

it can result in increased passion and intimacy in the natives.

Venus Transit In Taurus

When Venus enters its own sign, the need for luxury and riches will only increase.

 Even an earth sign like Taurus that is grounded to reality most of the time

 will breathe in a wave of fresh air by the entry of its own ruler planet, Venus.

 Under the influence of Venus transit in Taurus, the natives may actively

 try to attract a luxurious and wealthy lifestyle 

and work towards that goal.

Venus Transit In Gemini

The air sign Gemini also gets affected by the transit of Venus. Gemini is ruled

 by Mercury, the lord of communication and knowledge. The natives are likely to find

 a new interest in the matters of art and other similar mediums of expression as a result of Venus transit in Gemini. 

It can be music, dance, cinema, theatre, etc. Venus also has a great amount of

 impact on deciding the married life of the natives.

Venus Transit In Cancer

The Sign of Cancer is a water element sign, and the ruling planet of Cancer

 is the Moon.However, since Venus is a fast-moving planet, the effects of 

Venus transit in Cancer won’t be as lasting. When placed well, it can bring 

marital bliss and happiness to the natives.

Venus Transit In Leo

Leo’s element is fire, and the sign is ruled by the Sun. Just like the Moon, 

Venus also shares some not-so-great relationships with the Sun.

 However, it depends on the particular transits, as we discussed before

. When Venus transits to Leo, it will go through 

Purva Falguni and Uttara Falguni Nakshatras. 

Venus Transit In Virgo

Virgo is an earth sign, and it is ruled by Mercury. Unfortunately,

 Venus is debilitated in Virgo. This means it can sometimes cause

 problems for the natives when Venus transits in Virgo. However, 

Venus and Mercury are friends with each other, 

and that can be a saving grace when the transit happens. 

Adverse or favourable, it will bring changes related to worldly and marital pleasures.

Venus Transit In Libra

Just like Taurus, Libra is Venus’s own sign. Since the Venus transit to 

Libra will be in the planet’s own sign, the effects of this sign will be 

visible for all the signs. The element of Libra is Air. It can help the 

natives with their personal goals and stand against the enemies.

 Venus in Libra can also bring marriage on the cards 

for the single natives of the sign.

Venus Transit In Scorpio

Scorpio, just like the Aries, is also ruled by Mars. Mars is all things masculinity, 

whereas Venus represents femininity. Here, Scorpio is considered a water 

sign and exhibits the characteristics of the same. A Venus transit in 

Scorpio can bring positive as well as negative changes in natives’ lives. 

Support from your spouse, meeting a positive match for the singles,

 and other relationship-related possibilities get a boost under the Venus transit.

Venus Transit In Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter and Venus share a close 

relationship in Vedic astrology. Where Jupiter is the Guru to the Gods, 

Venus is considered the teacher of the ‘Asuras’ or the demons. Venus transit 

in Sagittarius can sometimes bring a challenging time for the natives, especially 

on the personal front in matters of love and relationships.

Venus Transit In Capricorn

Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn. Saturn and Venus share a friendly 
relationship with each other. Impact of Venus Transit in Capricorn may prove 
beneficial or advantageous for Capricorn at times. Venus can bring personal 
and professional satisfaction to Capricorn natives. It is supposed to bring happy times to your domestic life.

Venus Transit In Pisces

Pisces is a water sign ruled by Jupiter. Venus transit in Pisces can be 

favourable for the natives. As Venus manages your dynamics with the 

opposite gender, it can affect that aspect of natives’ lives positively. For

 your relationships as well, the bonds with your partners and spouses

 can get stronger under the influence of this transit.

Venus transit 2024 in 1st house

The first house in Kundli is the house of self. Venus transit 


shall bring a very auspicious time for the native. During this time,

 the native is likely to think highly of himself and attain career success. 

The transit will assure that your relationship 

grows by leaps and bounds during this period. You shall attain peace of 

mind and will likely live a comfortable life.

Moreover, the 


Venus transit can change with the conjunction of 

Venus with a friendly or enemy planet in the first house. However,

 until it's a friendly planet camping with Venus in the first house, 

the results are to be positive. In every domain, you will continue 

to move forward. With Venus transiting in the first house, it will

 be a favourable time for the person who wants to improve to find

 love. Also, focusing on the business prospects will create better chances of moving forward.

  • Donate white clothes to needy people on Friday.

Venus transit 2024 in 2nd house

The Venus transit in the second house of the birth chart in 



strengthen your desires. During this time, people will be attracted 

to many things, such as hobbies, luxuries, and other long-held desires.

 Single people will strongly find themselves 

attracted to the opposite sex. Your willingness to share your feelings 

and thoughts with others will increase.

Even the shy ones may want to get out of their shell to experience l

ove owing to the strong Venus in the second house. As the second 

house is associated with finance, hence, there is a strong possibility of 

getting a profit in business during this period.

 This is the best time for you to manifest and attract success in life. 

Hence, don't let go of any big opportunity to improve your career during this period.

  • Donate sugar and raw rice.

Venus transit 2024 in 3rd house

With the Shukra Gochar 


in the 3rd house, you shall have wealth, 

prosperity, and respect in your life. The transit shall give you the

 strength to defeat your enemies and competitors. When Venus transits

 in the third house, most certainly, everything 

will work in your favour, be it a competition or a business deal you have

 been looking forward to. In work terms, 

this period may bring many big projects and deals your way.

Those who live away from their home and family may feel the urge 

to connect with their close ones during the 2023 planetary transit. 

There will also be a possibility of you getting a chance to spend some 

quality time with friends and even someone you like. However, on the 

other hand, married life happens to suffer at times for people.

  • Donate make-up items, camphor, toffee made of sugar, or other
  •  food items like curd to a little girl.

Venus transit 2024 in 4th house

Movement of Venus in the 4th house in 


will lead to an increase 

in responsibilities, desire, and wealth. During this transit period,

 you will attain popularity in society, which will increase your prestige. 

Along with this, as more responsibilities come your way, it will bring 

you recognition, especially in the workplace. You will also feel confident 

during this time. Your relationships with your loved ones like family, partners, 

and friends will become stronger.

You will be motivated to be more active, and your health will improve. 

You will spend a good time with your loved ones, especially your partner. 

This Shukra Gochar in 


will increase the warmth and vibrancy in your 

relationship. Apart from this, you may get a chance to meet new people

 during this period, and your lifestyle may change for good.

  • Keep your surroundings clean.
  • Interact with women with respect.

Venus transit 2024 in 5th house

The Venus transit in 


in the 5th house shall lead the natives 

towards personality development. A stronger personality will make you 

more confident and thus more attracted to the opposite gender. When 

Venus transits in the fifth house, there are also chances of monetary 

gain and success. This is one of the best periods to start an investment.

 However, if you do not have much knowledge about investing, it is better 

to talk to an expert in this regard.

On a personal level, you can expect high respect from your friends and 

family during the planetary transit 


. They will understand your importance,

 which will lead to an increase in your prestige. On the downside, your focus 

may divert from your profession during this period hence you need to vary it.

  • Keep roses in the house.
  • You can also use rose perfume in the house.

Venus transit 2024 in 6th house

Venus transit in the 6th house in 


could be negative for you in many 

ways. It multiplies your opponents and instils a persistent worry about 

health problems in your thoughts. Additionally, it could lead to frustration or 

disputes with your partner. During this moment, natives might run into danger 

or experience shame. Additionally,

 some emotional discomfort endures.

Moreover, the Venus transit in this area implies that avoiding long-distance

 travel is best for the natives because the risk of an accident is high. For you, 

this can be a difficult time or two. This era finds you going through a lot 

of difficulties in your attempt. There's a potential your adversaries may 

grow, and you and your business partner might even start fighting. You 

might need to make concessions to your foes.

  • Perform a Shukra Graha Shanti Puja.

Venus transit 2024 in 7th house

This often denotes a difficult time that was primarily brought on by women.

 Avoid any women-related legal disputes, and strive to keep a positive 

relationship with your wife. Furthermore, the 


Venus transit in the 

7th house implies that she is not in good health during this era. Your

 wife might experience physical discomfort, mental 

anguish, and other gynaecological conditions.

Financially speaking, it would be best to avoid dealing with women to 

prevent financial loss. You can also realise that you have some evil pals 

who want to hurt you. During the Shukra Gochar 


, involvement with

 unneeded womenfolk may cause distress. You could even make new

 enemies as a result of a disagreement over a lady, according to probability.

Venus transit 2024 in 8th house

If the Shukra Gochar 


occurs in the 8th house of your birth chart, 

there's a chance that social connection may lead to a remarkable

 commercial opportunity. Your sexual propensity is rising. 

You can come across someone through social obligations related

 to business. Additionally, your interests in art, society, or romance may 

be somehow tied to your pursuits in business, science, or the occult.

There will be opportunities for highly enjoyable sexual interactions

 throughout this trip. Your present romantic connection will become more 

intense due to the stimulation of the sexual component. Sex is a 

tool for inner development that transcends the physical act. Venus 

transit here may imply sexual promiscuity, which might hurt you.

  • Start pouring white flowers into a river, and chanting the Venus mantra.

Venus transit 2024 in 9th house

When Venus is in the ninth house, you are drawn to people and 

cultures from other nations. Your engagement in cultural, educational, 

and/or religious events may open up social, romantic, and business 

chances because this transit has a high 

global quality. A journey to a destination you have never been to before

, where you can discover something novel, will benefit you the most.

The ideal time to travel shall be during the 


Venus transit. It's 

conceivable that something will occur that teaches you more 

about your love connection and provides you with a fresh perspective 

on it without being a bothersome experience. If Venus forms challenging 

aspects, there may be hypocrisy in how 

all of these issues are handled.

  • Feed the animals and light a camphor lamp.

Venus transit 2024 in 10th house

When Venus will be in the 10th house in 


, it will attract 

individuals and situations that will support you at work. People 

will see that your major goal is to cooperate and that you

 have an upbeat and cheerful attitude. Moreover, this planetary

 position suggests that you may be in the company of an experienced 

elder who may act as a mentor and teach you more about moving forward in life.

This energy might manifest as a romantic interest in someone who

 symbolises an authoritative figure and frequently has a significant 

impact on your job. You need to be cautious if Venus forms 

challenging aspects since there may be challenges. Some 

people could feel motivated to take advantage of their 

status and position in society to profit personally, materially, sexually, and socially.

  • Start wearing ornaments of silver and gemstones related
  •  to Venus. However, consult an astrologer to avoid any adverse effects.

Venus transit 2024 in 11th house

One of the most auspicious Venus transit in 


will be 

in the 11th house. Your interactions with people are quite 

pleasant and you can make concessions without feeling 

like you are losing something personal that you need to 

preserve. In this situation, the adage "a friend is a present 

we create for ourselves" is quite suitable.

Kindness and consideration toward and from friends, 

together with humanitarian impulses, are the main 

themes of this journey. These relationships and activities 

are frequently centred around music, art, entertainment, 

or business. Organisational activities will be interwoven 

with friendships, which will present prospects for business or love.

 If Venus forms challenging aspects, these friendships or group 

memberships can be only motivated by progress.

  • Try donating white food like rice and milk to those who are in need.

Venus transit 2024 in 12th house

With the Venus transit 


in the 12th house, your creativity,

 accompanied by a sense of beauty, and your intuitive perception

 of the harmonies of nature, are enhanced, allowing 

you to comprehend others at your most spiritual 

and compassionate level. Romantic, intimate, and hidden 

commitments are frequently a possibility. Behind the scenes,

 there could be business dealings with the arts, music, entertainment, hospitals, etc.

Even academic institutions would receive preference. 

Shy people may find it easier to overcome their social inhibitions

 under this 


Venus transit. You could have to look after 

another person in your connections, and assisting someone 

you care about will make you feel wonderful. Hidden loves

 or some other type of secret fulfilment might have an impact if

 Venus forms challenging aspects.

  • Donate white food and clothes.
  • Wear silver jewellery or gemstone recommended by an astrologer.