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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Do happily married husbands cheat?


Do happily married husbands cheat?

The occurrence of infidelity in a marriage is a complex and individual matter, and it can happen in relationships that, on the surface, may appear happy. It's important to recognize that each person and relationship is unique, and factors contributing to infidelity can vary widely.jyotishgher Astrology-Vedic Panchang,Transit,Matching,Free Kundli

Some reasons why a seemingly happily married husband might engage in infidelity include:

  1. Individual Issues:Personal factors, such as dissatisfaction with oneself, unresolved emotional issues, or a lack of fulfillment, can sometimes contribute to infidelity.And Here as per astrology Saturn in the 7th house with mars Makes this situations often
  2. Relationship Issues:Even in seemingly happy marriages, there can be underlying relationship issues, such as communication breakdown, unmet needs, or emotional distance, that may contribute to infidelity.And Here as per astrology Saturn in the 7th house with rahu also Makes this situations often
  3. Opportunity and Circumstances:Sometimes, individuals may find themselves in situations where temptation or opportunity arises, and they make choices that they later regret.And Here as per astrology Saturn in the 7th house with venus also Makes this situations often
  4. Seeking Excitement or Validation:Some individuals may cheat as a way to seek excitement, validation, or a sense of adventure that they feel is lacking in their current relationship.
  5. Emotional Connection:Emotional infidelity, where a person forms a deep emotional connection with someone outside the marriage, can also occur in seemingly happy marriages.
  6. Dick Feitz Also Says as per him Yes, sometimes. I know a minister that had an affair lasting over two years with his secretary. He said the sex was the greats he had ever experienced. Later. When the secretary broke it up and told the wife, the wife wanted to know why this happened. She was hurt, angry, but was one to want ber husband to stay. This is what she found out later from another lady in the church, and these are the words she told the wife. “ You set yourself up for this. Do you remember the women's meeting when the subject turned to cheating husband's? The wife thought about it, yes she remembered. Do you remember what you said that night as each woman said their statements,? You said “ well, if any woman is desperate enough to want my husband she can just take him” . His secretary was with him more than you were and she got divorced and went after your man. “Remember, he may be a great man of God but given enough time and enough temptations he will eventually give in.” long story short, they worked it out, still together 50 years later.

It's crucial to note that infidelity is not justified, and it's a breach of trust in a committed relationship. If a partner is experiencing dissatisfaction or facing challenges in the marriage, open communication and seeking professional help, such as couples therapy, can be more constructive ways to address issues.

It's important to approach these matters with sensitivity and empathy, recognizing that individuals and relationships are complex. Not every happily married person engages in infidelity, and not every infidelity is a result of dissatisfaction. Open and honest communication, along with a commitment to working through challenges, is key to maintaining a healthy and strong marriage.

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