What is the Hora (D-2) divisional chart in astrology
Almost everyone is running after money, trying to understand wealth in vedic hora chart analysis. But it remains a mirage for most. Using the numerous snapshot astrology "techniques" that we see so often don't take us anywhere near understanding the real wealth potential leave aside taking some practical steps to realize the potential. Then we have a plethora of cheap roadside remedies to increase the wealth. Such videos/articles go viral with millions of fools seriously hoping to get wealthy and earn handsome money using these tricks from digital marketers. In fact, those who habitually throng such videos/posts in social media are the proven ones not to make it. Cruel and sad but true. They actually chase a mirage not real wealth - whatever wealth means for the individual.
When it comes to horoscope reading, let's define 3 step approach to study wealth.
- The basic rashi (D1) chart structure - how supportive is it for acquisition of wealth and money. Each chart has a basic structure between ascendant, Sun and the Moon. We study some specific and clearly defined combinations to understand the natural qualities of the native to build assets.
- Hora (D2) chart - this analysis gives us clarity to identify the planets in horoscope that support income generation, wealth and asset building.
- Dhana yogas (wealth combinations) and their strength in the chart - this step gives us a definite understanding of the kind of income levels the person will actually earn and will he/she be able to convert those earnings to assets.
Divisional Charts
There are only two horas. So, all people are born in either the Hora of the Sun or Hora of the Moon. We need to identify which Hora you were born into. Sun Hora is about daytime and the moon Hora is about nighttime. Sun, Venus, and Jupiter are the planets that are strong in Hora of the Sun. Moreover, Moon, Mars, and Saturn are planets that are strong in hora of the moon, whereas Mercury is strong depending upon the time you were born. Mercury is strong during sunrise or sunset, so if you born at the time of sunrise or sunset then your Mercury will be strong for both horas, otherwise it's ususally neutral.
Rasi – D1
The Rasi Or sign which is owned by a planet called its kshetra or House.
Hora – D2
The first house of half of the odd signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) or from 0degree to 15 degrees is the Hora of the Sun while the second half from 16 degrees to 30 degrees is the hora of the Moon..
The reverse is the case in even signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces) There, the first half of the sign 0 degrees to 15 degrees is ruled by the Moon while the second half 16 degrees to 30 degrees by the sign.
There was a request to write about Hora Chart (D-2 Chart). Let’s understand it from following points –
D-2 Chart or Hora Chart – Just like all other divisional charts, D-2 chart is also created from D-1 chart. This chart is mainly seen for someone’s wealth factor or the sources from where wealth generation would be easier to achieve. As wealth brings stability or security in our life, we all can understand the importance of wealth and this chart in life. Let’s 1st understand how Hora Chart or D-2 Chart is made?
Odd Signs and Even Signs – Divide the 12 zodiac signs into 2 groups. One group is of all Odd Number Signs and another group is of all Even number signs. Like –
- Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius – Odd number signs.
- Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces – Even number signs.
Degrees – Now, divide the total 30 degrees of sign in to two groups of 15 degrees each.
Ascendant of D-2 – First of all, ascendant of D-2 chart can either be Cancer or Leo. Cancer is ruled by Moon and Leo is ruled by Sun. It means that either you can be born in Sun Hora Chart or Moon Hora Chart. Now, to know the ascendant of D-2 chart, rule is easy.
It is –
- If your ascendant in D-1 chart is an odd sign and ascendant degree is in between 0 degree to 15 degree (for example – 10 degree of Aquarius ascendant) then you are born in Sun Hora which means your ascendant in D-2 chart will be Leo.
- If your ascendant in D-1 chart is an odd sign and ascendant degree is in between 16 degree to 30 degree (for example – 20 degree of Aquarius ascendant) then you are born in Moon Hora which means your ascendant in D-2 chart will be Cancer.
- If your ascendant in D-1 chart is an even sign and ascendant degree is in between 0 degree to 15 degree (for example – 2 degree of Scorpio ascendant) then you are born in Moon Hora which means your ascendant in D-2 chart will be Cancer.
- If your ascendant in D-1 chart is an even sign and ascendant degree is in between 16 degree to 30 degree (for example – 20 degree of Cancer ascendant) then you are born in Sun Hora which means your ascendant in D-2 chart will be Leo.
Planets in D-2 – Likewise, every planet in D-1 chart would be at certain degree in either odd or even signs and we need to follow the same rules as mentioned above to decide where a particular planet is falling in D-2 chart. Important thing is that planets would also be in either Cancer sign or Leo sign in D-2 chart.
Now, once we got the ascendant of D-2 chart and planets are placed in D-2 chart in either Cancer sign or Leo sign then we can know that things or people related with which houses can become an easy source of wealth for a person and which houses can pose a challenge for wealth accumulation & would require person to put an extra effort.
Sun Hora or Leo ascendant Hora Chart – So, if someone has Leo as ascendant in D-2 Chart then houses number 2, 5, 7, 9 and 12 can become a source of wealth and person will find these houses easier to deal with in matters of gaining of wealth and resources. In matters of other houses, person needs to put an extra effort.
Moon Hora or Cancer ascendant Hora Chart – Now, if someone has Cancer as ascendant in D-2 Chart then houses number 1, 4, 8, 10 and 11 can become a source of wealth and person will find these houses easier to deal with in matters of gaining of wealth and resources. In matters of other houses, person needs to put an extra effort.
3rd house and 6th house are considered as neutral for both ascendants as these two houses are houses of efforts and facing challenges in life respectively. Message is that you can be any ascendant in any chart but you have to anyhow put some efforts and face some challenges to earn some money in life. Nothing is going to served on a platter for you.
Many people feel that a child born in a billionaire family is lucky as he already has all the wealth and luxuries of life but if you think logically that child would have competition from similarly situated children of other billionaires. Suppose if a billionaire has gone bankrupt and lost his goodwill in market then it would be equally difficult for him to face his peers and fellow billionaires in some gathering. So, everyone has his own struggle.
Now, why houses 2, 5, 7, 9, and 12 become houses of wealth for Sun hora chart? And the other houses for Moon hora chart?
It is for the following reason -
Planets which are strong for Hora of the Sun are Sun, Venus and Jupiter.
Planets which are strong for Hora of the Moon are Moon, Mars and Saturn.
As I understand, Venus and Jupiter both are teachers in mythology. They bring the light of knowledge and wisdom. Hence, they are stronger in Sun Hora.
On the other hand, Mars and Saturn are more Tamasic in nature which is representation of Dark Energy. Hence, they are stronger in Moon Hora.
Mercury remains neutral for both Hora Charts.
Now, let's look at the houses ruled by these planets in natural zodiac or as we call it Kaalpurush Kundali.
Sun rules 5th house/Leo. Venus rules 2nd house/Taurus and 7th house/Libra. Jupiter rules 9th house/Sagittarius and 12th house/Pisces.
Hence, Houses favorable for Sun Hora Chart are 2nd house, 5th house, 7th house, 9th house and 12th house.
Moon rules 4th house/Cancer. Mars rules 1st house/Aries and 8th house/Scorpio. Saturn rules 10th house/Capricorn and 11th house/Aquarius.
Hence, Houses favorable for Moon Hora Chart are 1st house, 4th house, 8th house, 10th house and 11th house.
As Mercury is neutral, its natural houses are also neutral for both charts; i.e. 3rd house/Gemini and 6th house/Virgo.
In summary, the Hora (D-2) chart is a vital tool in Vedic astrology that helps assess financial prosperity and the potential for wealth, making it an important part of a holistic astrological analysis.