Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
Neecha Bhanga Raj yoga is said to be one of the most powerful yoga in astrology. When the person has this raj yoga in his natal chart, he owns familiarity, prosperity, powerfulness, and virtuous. The effects of the debilitated planets make the person strongly willed. This negative experience sculptures the person and his energy in a proper direction, and it helps him to achieve success. The word itself has two split words. Neecha Bhanga means cancellation of debilitation and Raj yoga means a combo of prosperity and authority.
What is Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga? – Importance of Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga in Astrology
How does Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga Form?
- If the exalted Planet of the sign in which it is debilitated is in the center from the ascendant or the moon.
- If the debilitated Planet in a sign is with the exalted Planet in the sign/influences the debilitated Planet.
- If the planet lord is debilitated and the planet lord is exalted are in the center.
- If the debilitated sign lord and the exalted sign lord are in the center from the ascendant or the moon.
- If the Sign lord influences the debilitated Planet of the same sign.
How to check Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga in Kundli?
- If the debilitated Planet is associated with the exalted Planet.
- If the debilitated Planet is exalted in Navamsa Chart.
- If the debilitated Planet is aspect by another debilitated planet.
- If the debilitated Planet occupies the lord of the sign and the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated Planet be in a quadrant from the Moon sign.
Effects and Benefits of Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
The impact of this yoga is seen during the dasa and bhukthi periods of the grahas that combine to produce this yoga. If the Lagna lord or the 10th lord is involved, then the results would be experienced throughout one’s life. In the beginning, a planet in the debilitated position will not provide good results, but during its Dasha-Antardasha period, it gives extraordinary results.
If a person has Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga in his/her kundali, his present condition and poverty do not matter. One point is damn sure that she/he will become a successful person in her/his life.
Significance of Neech Bhang Raja Yoga:
- Transformation of Weakness: The primary significance of this yoga is that it transforms the adverse effects of a debilitated planet into positive outcomes. It indicates that the challenges associated with the planet's debilitation can be overcome.
- Rise to Power: The term "Raja Yoga" implies a rise to power or status. When Neech Bhang Raja Yoga is present, it suggests that despite initial weaknesses or struggles in specific areas of life, there can be significant achievements, recognition, or success.
- Potential for Success: Individuals with this yoga may experience a rise in their career or social status, often after overcoming significant obstacles. It can indicate a potential for leadership and influence.
- Timing and Context: The effects of Neech Bhang Raja Yoga can manifest at specific times in a person's life, often when the planet involved is activated by transits or during certain dasa (planetary periods).
- Holistic Interpretation: The full impact of this yoga should be assessed in the context of the entire natal chart, including the houses involved, the aspects of other planets, and the overall strength of the chart.
Rules for Neecha Bhanga are:
- When a neecha graha occupies a Kendra.
- When a debilitated planet holds a Kendra.
- Presence of the strong lord of the neechha graham.
When is the debility canceled?
- The sign lord where the Planet gets exalted is in Kendra.
- The current house lord where the Planet debilitated and the sign lord where the Planet is exalted are located in mutual kendras.
- From the moon or lagna, the Planet becomes exalted in the current sign.
- The debilitated Planet is exalted in Navamsha chart.
- The neecha planet is free from retrograde and not in any dusthana.
One thing should be remembered the Neecha bhanga is a cancellation of debility and not exaltation.
When a planet which is qualified to indicate Raja yoga in a chart but is debilitated the Raja yoga gets diluted. However, when the debilitation gets cancelled the Raja yoga indication gains strength and in such conditions the yoga is called Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga.
A chart with such a yoga indicates that the native will experience Raja yoga although the circumstances surrounding the native may not be favourable.