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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Retrograde Planets


Retrograde Planets:

The Sanskrit name for retrograde planets is known as Vakri. Vakri means twisted, crooked, winding, roundabout, indirect, evasive and ambiguous.

Any planet owning 1,5,9 houses(they shouldn’t own 6,8,12 at the same time) if retrograde will be helpful to the person.

  1. Saturn and Jupiter retrograde once a year
  2. and Mars and Venus one every two years.
  3. Mercury retrogrades at least three times a year.

Natural benefics (jupiter,venus,mercury,moon) if own 4,7,10 houses from Ascendant and are retrograde, then will cause more problems in all aspects to the houses they own and also the house they’re placed in.

Natural malefics (Sun,Mars,Saturn) if own 4,7,10 houses from Ascendant and are retrograde, then will benefic results in all aspects to the houses they own and also the house they’re placed in.


A straight thinking person can suddenly change their ways under the influence of retrograde Mercury…When your Lagna ruler retrogrades, it will have a major impact on your inner self.

  • Re-thinking,
  • Re-evaluating,
  • and
  • Re-assaying is the theme of retrograde planets.

Always be aware of Mercury retrograde.

They are stress points in the year. Mercury retrograde creates communication problems and makes life uncomfortable. Stress, arguments, delayed journeys - all can make life troublesome during the Mercury retrograde. So do problems with computers, Internet, and other technologies. Double check all appointments, travel programme and journeys- remember not to stop your life. Decisions made during Mercury retrograde can be changed after it goes direct. Stress levels can climb sky high. Arguments can result from crossed wires. Mercury retrogrades at least 3 times a year so its awareness has a huge say in the quality of your life. Gemini and Virgo need to be doubly conscious, it will make their life a lot easier.

When a planet is in retrograde motion, it appears to be moving backward in the sky. A retrograde planet looks like it's going backwards in the sky but it is not. Actually it is stationary or moving slower in the sky and it looks like it is moving back relative to the earth movement. Retrograded means reflection of things related to the planet.

Each planet has it’s own percentage of time when it must retrograde.

Two influences of retrograde planets need to be taken into account – their affect in the natal chart and by transit. The individual with retrograde planets does not always know how to control its energy. Therefore they struggle to express the planets qualities - over-emphasizing them or being in denial of their positive qualities or misusing their power.

They are:

  • 38.00% - Saturn
    32.00% - Jupiter
    20.75% - Mercury
    10.33% - Mars
    09.45% - Venus

Mars retrogrades once in two years. Retrograde Mars in natal chart can bring out power issues, how to deal with conflict and aggression and anger. As Mars has male energy, its retrogression can create problems with how you deal with maleness within. It is often seen in charts of females who have problems with their sexuality- they can be overtly aggressive or completely suppress their masculine side whereby creating imbalance in personality. Men have to watch they do not become too aggressive and angry. As Mars is about power, its retrogressions give a lot of power yet the individual does not understand their own power and how to use it properly. This can lead to its misuse. Mars rules Agni (fire) element so its retrogression can create too much fire or complete exhaustion. They have to watch their metabolism. It can get speeded up or be totally dull. The chakra is Manipura, which deal with balance, vision and energy. Retrograde Mars will block the way this chakra works and create problems on a subtle level. Mars deals with logic and here the logic can get skewered or twisted. It can also make a person whose logic is unconventional but at the same time very powerful and they can reach places where others cannot as they have the ability to see things from backward to forward.

Mercury retrograde promotes either a person talking too much or not at all. Mercury is the karaka of speech and intellect. Their thinking can also be different. They may be very bright thinkers, but not know how to express that or drive other crazy with their ideas, thinking they are the only ones who are the intelligent ones. Mercury’s combustion can create more problems. Mercury travels close to the Sun and it is most likely to be combust. Combust and retrograde can make a person very prone to burn out and also unsure of how to deal with their Mercury. Not an easy situation to be in. Mercury rules the prithvi (earth) bhuta. Prithvi deals with practical and stable. Prithvi also controls the Muladhara chakra. Mercury retrograde can make someone impractical and they are more likely to make their position unstable than those whose Mercury is direct. Retrograde Mercury would show some blocks to the Muladhara chakra.

Jupiter is the guru or the teacher. Jupiter retrograde usually never knows when to stop giving advice. They can be very knowledgeable yet they do not know how to use this knowledge in the right way. They can also mistrust their own wisdom. On a positive level they can give look at issues with a very different viewpoint. They will also give advice that is unconventional and different. As Jupiter is the karaka of children, it can show children who are different. The classics say that if Jupiter is retrograde, it will definitely give children despite what else is promised otherwise in the chart. This aspect does not always pan out but we can research it further. Jupiter as a karaka of husbands in a female chart will give a husband who is different. On an extreme negative level, they can bring twisted thinking into the relationship. Jupiter rules the Aakash element. Aakash deals with the knowledge, wisdom, our ability to purify, to repel the negative forces. Jupiter being retrograde weakens the ability to use this tattva. Vishuddhi chakra will become blocked and this make us feel unprotected and make some wrong choices. Vishuddhi also purifies the poisons; here the poisons of the mind do not always get the right filter. So we do not know how to stop them from polluting our life.

Venus is the karaka for marriage. It being retrograde does make us choose unusual alliances. We may have an unconventional view of them or when in marriage or relationship do not know how to express our love well. Venus also deals with femininity and women with Venus retrograde do not always understand how to be truly feminine. They can become overtly masculine or forget to dress feminine and be feminine. We see this often in male homosexual charts as they want something different from their relationships and their concept of the women in their life is different. Venus rules Apas, the water element. The human body is composed of over 85% water. Water deals with emotions, taste, happiness and peace. Retrograde Venus can create problems with all these. The Swadhisthana chakra is also blocked.

Saturn retrograde usually do not know when to stop working. Or they may not like work at all. As Saturn is the karaka of misery, it is important that one must not give into a negative attitude to life and embrace depression as a habit. Saturn is usually depicted as the poor man. The poor are usually hungry - for food, for material goods, for good things in life. Saturn retrogression can make individuals hungry with desire, wanting more and more even when the hunger has been appeased and they may be materially very well off. They need to watch for greed. Saturn rules Vayu ement. Vayu is air and Vayu needs to be used constructively otherwise it can become unnecessarily destructive. Retrogrades do not know how to use their energy so if they do not take care, Saturn can become destructive force for them. Anahata chakra teaches dispassion and detachment. When this chakra is blocked by retrogression then they can find it difficult to detach.

Rahu Ketu are forever retrograde and you can read about them in the Rahu Ketu article on the website or my book Lunar Nodes- Crisis and Redemption. click for rahu ketu article


Mercury Past Life:
If Mercury retrograde is in your chart it’s likely that you were once scorned for speaking out; perhaps your words incensed a riot. Mercury retrograde symbolizes that you are afraid to say the wrong thing and that you don’t feel assured of your own intelligence.
To master this life lesson, you should believe in your intelligence and the power of your communication skills. Practice public speaking and celebrate the achievement of speaking to a group.

Venus Past Life:
You have difficulty connecting with your soul mate and sustaining intimate relationships. You seek fulfillment from your partner but always come up short. In a past life, there were external forces beyond your control to keep you and your lover apart; thus, you never learned how to conduct a mature, productive relationship.
Try to focus on what you really want in a relationship and consider your choice of partners carefully. Also, look within yourself and ponder what you give back to your partner. Search for ways to improve the gifts you share.

Mars Past Life:
In your past life you may have been a soldier in the military and performed regrettable acts under someone else’s orders. The anguish and the guilt this experience caused has left you crippled when it comes to dealing properly with your anger. Oftentimes you’re not even sure where your anger comes from, but it is released hastily, harshly and inappropriately.
Relaxation and focusing techniques will help you get through this tangled web, as will some inward examination on the forces that rile your blood in this life.

Jupiter Past Life:

With Jupiter retrograde in your chart you were perhaps persecuted for your iconoclastic religious, ethical or spiritual beliefs. This experience was troubling and has left you feeling uneasy about embracing anything larger than yourself out of fear of exile once again. You are also fearful of showing anyone the light of your wisdom as you don’t want to feel responsible for jeopardizing their social standing.
In this life you may have come full circle and snub religion or hold it in disdain. Your lack of spirituality or fickle relationship with spiritual beliefs may leave you feeling flat. Coming to terms with the things that make you happy and listening to your inner voice will set you free.

Saturn Past Life:
If Saturn in retrograde appears in your birth chart you may always have had a difficult relationship with authority figures. You were once severely abused by those with power over you; perhaps you were enslaved or, conversely, you may once have been a belligerent and abusive ruler. Always looking for the easy way out, you have a long history of being immensely impatient.
The only way you will evolve to the next level is if you learn the virtues of patience, hard work and responsibility. You must also learn to respect the people you work with. Rather than continuing with a freewheeling lifestyle, focus instead on making plans and setting strategy.

Uranus Past Life:
In the lives before this one you were a rebel or a revolutionary. You’ve always been an anarchist fighting the establishment; if there’s a battle, you’re there. Though this lifestyle has its merits, it can be pushed to the extreme. Your revolutionary lifestyle has always interfered with or perhaps even destroyed many other facets of your life.
You must learn that giving an inch can sometimes gain you a mile. Keep fighting an honorable fight, but as long as Uranus is in retrograde in your chart you need to master the lesson of compromise and, occasionally, conformity. Take a moment to appreciate the useful aspects of structure. Save your battles only for the occasions when it is necessary, not simply for the sake of rebellion or for a good fight.