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Thursday, January 16, 2020

spouse's location, distance, direction

spouse's location, distance, direction
In D1 chart, 3,4,6,7,9,10 houses describe spouse's location, distance, direction details. 4,5,7,8,9,10 houses describe spouse's family details.
Location -If 7,10 houses are well connected to 1,4 houses, then spouse lives in the native’s house.
If 7th house is connected to the 4th house, then spouse lives at native's birthplace.
If 7th house is well connected to 9th house, spouse's location would be nearby their birthplace and would be a far-off place from native's living place.
If 7th house is lightly connected with 9th house and well connected with 4th, then, spouse's living place would be different from their birthplace, and spouse would come to and stay nearby native's living place.
If 7th house to 3rd house connection is there, spouse lives in a far-off place from their birthplace, but nearby native's living place.
If 7th house is connected to 3, 6, 9 houses, spouse stays in a foreign country.
Distance -7th,10th to 1,4 indicates spouse resides in native's house
7th to 1,3,4 indicates same colony and less than 2 km
7th connection to 3,4 indicates less than 10 km
7th to 4, 9 indicates < 50 km
7th to 3rd - less than 100 km
7th to 3rd, 9th - less than 100 km
7th to 9th + earthy signs - more than 100 km
7th to 9th + airy signs - more than 500 km
7th to 3,6,9 indicates more than 2000 km or another country
Direction -The 7th and 10th houses represent spouse's living place. Select a planet which is well-connected to 7th and/or 10th house and determine using the following.
Sun - East
Jupiter - Northeast
Mercury represents North
Moon - Northwest
Saturn - West
Mars - South
Venus - Southeast
Rahu/Ketu - Southwest or connected planet's direction
Family -
5th, 9th houses describe spouse's siblings. 10th house is for mother and 4th house is for father. Benefic planets connection to 5,8,9 houses indicates a big family. Malefic planets connection to 5,8,9 houses indicates a small family. If 7th,10th houses are connected to 6,9 houses, spouse lives alone.